Dutch selection tomatoes: a catalog of 36 varieties and photos and descriptions


Dutch varieties are a selection of the Netherlands, which is characterized by high resistance to weather, they do not require copious amounts of sunlight for ripening.

These varieties were bred for cultivation in those regions of the country where conditions for the growth of vegetables are not very favorable. The resulting varieties easily ripen in such places, providing a large crop. All names come with the designation F1, as these are hybrids.

The best Dutch tomatoes for outdoor use

Varieties, the most unpretentious and well transportable, but at the same time lose a little taste. When the weather gives a lot of sunlight, they are filled with sugar content and aroma.


Early ripe variety, has excellent yield ability. It takes very little time to mature, less than 3 months. It is possible to grow in any conditions, both in open soil and under a film canopy.

In a mature state, tomatoes become red. The weight of one instance reaches 220 g. From one bush, the maximum yield will be 9 kg, which is quite a lot, given the climate.

Half fast

Sex is low, fast is fast. Short and ripe variety. Ripe fruits are very juicy, dense.

The weight of a single tomato reaches 150 g. The total yield is up to 6 kg.

The sultan

It is considered one of the most fruitful varieties, easily tolerates bad weather. The ripening process takes a little more than 3 months (about 95 days). When cultivating a garter is not required, as the bush is quite low.

Ripe tomatoes have a bright red hue, weighing up to 200 g. Subject to all the nuances of cultivation, you can easily achieve up to 15 kg of crop per square meter.

Super Red

The name speaks for itself, ripe tomatoes have a rich, beautiful red color. Very early variety, ripening takes from 2 to 2.5 months.

Garter is required, the bush is very powerful. It is mainly grown in hot regions.


A very compact bush, the required time for ripening is about 108-110 days. Resistant to high temperatures, heat.

The total yield is small, in comparison with other varieties, only 3 kg per sq / m. However, it has some unique qualities. Contains a large amount of sugar, does not require molding.


Like one of the "brothers" can easily be grown in any conditions, whether it be open ground or a greenhouse. It tolerates heat well, the crop is small but large.

It has a pink tint, the weight of the ripened fruit is 150-180 g. The maximum yield is 6 kg.

Greenhouse varieties of Dutch tomatoes

Dutch selection tomatoes are also good for greenhouses. They grow quickly, do not suffer from a lack of light, and are not exposed to diseases such as the black leg.


Mid-season, it is recommended to grow indoors. The root system is quite powerful. A small drawback is the need to tie the bush to the support.

The fruits are red, weight 170-180 g. Perfect for any purpose of use.


Ripening time is average, 110 days. Suitable for open soil and greenhouses.

Large, dense fruits, pleasant sweet taste. The weight of tomatoes varies around 300 g. The total yield is up to 9 kg.


Excellent variety, medium size (40-80 cv), does not require special conditions of existence. Not susceptible to most common diseases affecting vegetables.

Tomatoes are large, fleshy. The weight of a ripe tomato is 250 g. Productivity with a square meter of 5 kg, subject to simple nuances. Most often used for making pasta, due to the presence of acidity in the taste.


This is a carpal hybrid. The increased resistance to weather changes and various ailments is pronounced. There is increased growth. The bush is tall, the foliage is quite dense. Tomatoes are hard, grow medium in size.

Despite the direct purpose of growing in closed ground, it is possible to grow on open ground, which will significantly affect the amount of yield. In the greenhouse there will be 13 kg, with the open method - only 8 kg. The weight of one copy is 150 g.

Pink Paradise

Mid-season variety (up to 3 months). Recommended to grow in closed conditions. Requires a garter. The color of ripe tomatoes is pink, have an average density, weighing up to 200 g.

Very sweet taste, popular in the preparation of sauces. Harvest from one bush 5 kg.

The president

Early ripe, productive grade. He earned a place in the top five tomatoes that are best suited for growth in middle latitudes.

Appropriate care is needed that directly affects the yield. Ripe fruits are dense, red. Weight 200 g. The bush is able to bring 8 kg. subject to all the rules. Watering is very important.


An early variety is also suitable for both methods of cultivation. The density of ripe tomato is slightly above average, the fruit is red. Weight of 1 tomato 200 g.

Great taste (naturally for a hybrid). It is quite resistant to various ailments, pests and infections, climatic conditions.

Early ripe varieties

Netherlands breeders bred varieties with different ripening dates. Some are already pleased with the fruits after 2 months, others only by fall.

Rapidly ripening tomatoes (60-100 days) are most in demand by gardeners. Their difference is that they, as a rule, are not suitable for preservation, but they are excellent qualities for the preparation of salads, juices, sauces and fresh consumption.

Big Beef

Very popular in our country. Ripening period is just over 3 months (100 days). The variety is characterized by a rather large size of ripe fruits weighing more than 220 g. There are frequent cases of growing “giants”, the mass of which is up to 1000 g.

The skin is thin, the variety is prone to cracking the skin. Easily tolerates temperature changes, most diseases.

Mid-season varieties

Tomatoes of medium terms (110-120 days) are recommended for canning. They have good sugar content and firm skin.


It survives well in closed gardens, however, and in the open field gives a good harvest. The color is pinkish, a shade of raspberry.

The maximum yield with a sq / m of 9 kg. The average weight of a tomato is 120-130 g. However, subject to all the nuances of care, you can achieve a weight of 300-350 g. The variety is resistant to cracking due to the dense skin.


The variety is endowed with the ability of unlimited growth, which allows both the bush and the tomatoes to reach impressive sizes, which are limited only by the size of the greenhouse and the capabilities of the gardener.

The color is classic, red. Weight 200 g. Transport and storage are excellent.

Small fruited species

Original and delicious Dutch selection tomatoes with small fruits. They look great in banks, in salads and are very popular with children because of their similarity to sweets.


Designed for cultivation for the purpose of adding to salads.

It requires greenhouse conditions, up to 12 beautiful tomatoes are located on one brush. The mass of one is 30 g.


Most suitable for landing in central Russia. Designed for greenhouse climate. The fruits are small, weighing up to 30 g.

The color is classic, red. The taste is pleasant.


It is mainly grown in the central part of the country. The color of ripe fruits is very beautiful, bright orange, sometimes yellowish.

There are 25 kg of crop per 1 sq / m, the weight of one tomato is 25 g.


Tall variety, high yielding. It has an orange color in ripe tomatoes, in the form of an oval. The weight of one tomato is small, 50 g, but the total yield can reach 18-20 kg.

Resistant to temperature changes, vegetable ailments.


Very beautiful, noble name. Requires cultivation in sheltered soil, very resistant to climate change.

The peel is dense, protects the fetus from cracking during ripening. The total yield is about 7-8 kg. The mass of a single fetus is only 15 g. It has a bright red tint.


A medium-sized bush, on one brush can simultaneously ripen 8 fruits. Each individual tomato weighs around 40 g.

The pulp is dense, very juicy. The taste is saturated, sweet and sour.


Most suitable for regions where cool, damp weather in the summer prevails. Yields are slightly above average. The weight of the instance reaches 26 g.

Branches look very beautiful when ripe. Due to the small size and aesthetic appearance, it is possible to use as a decor.


The bush is low, it requires garter. The ripened fruits are large, endowed with a pink tint. The weight of one is up to 200 g. The total yield reaches 5-6 kg.

Tomatoes are juicy, have a lot of juice. Used for making sauces.


Original, very beautiful bush brushes, where up to 13 ripe fruits can be located on one. Their weight is 30 g.

The taste is sweetish, resistant to transportation, does not spoil for a long time.

Medium fruit tomatoes

Tomatoes with a fruit size of 100-130 g are usually very productive and versatile, which has earned popularity.


Especially popular in central Russia. It is grown mainly under the film, the option with open ground is not excluded.

It gained popularity due to its ability to produce high yields. Tomatoes are ovoid, juicy pulp, weight 130 g.


In fact, not susceptible to disease, the only problem may be pests, from which no variety has immunity.

Designed for growing in greenhouse conditions. Crop with 1 sq / m large, 40 kg. Tomatoes are round in shape, red. The weight of one is 140 g.

Large-fruited tomatoes

Breeders from the Netherlands managed to develop varieties that under difficult conditions produce large juicy fruits, reaching a size of 500 g.


Tall bush, reaches 2 m in height. It tolerates low temperatures.

Lack of sunlight is not a hindrance to ripening, it grows well. The required time for harvesting is 3 months, the weight of one tomato is 350-370 g.


Salad variety. A beautiful, pink color, the fruits reach a weight of 190-200 g.

Round, aesthetic shape. There are 27-29 kg of crop per 1 sq / m.


Unpretentious hybrid, with fruits up to 200 g.



The average ripening period is up to 3 months. Designed for canning, however, this does not interfere with the use of this variety for other purposes.

It has excellent resistance to infections, viral diseases to which plants are susceptible. They have an oblong shape, light red in color. The mass of one is 200 g.


High growth leads to a larger number of large tomatoes, which naturally pleases the gardener.

Such varieties are appreciated for their excellent taste and versatility.

To achieve a large, juicy crop, proper care is required, subject to all the nuances. They are also highly valued for their presentation, impeccable appearance.


Tall hybrid, for cultivation in the open ground and under film protection. Maturing term of 90-95 days, high-yielding.

Fruits about 180 g, bright red, sweet with sourness.


High hybrid (up to 2 m). Early (100-110).

Fruits are red 250 g. Good keeping quality.


Unpretentious varieties, tolerate drought, sudden changes in temperature, bad weather conditions.

They are especially appreciated in places where there is a very small area for gardening, since they have a compact root system and do not grow much in height (up to 50 cm). These species include Dutch varieties: Sunrise, Bobcat, Tarpan and others.


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