Why does the radish go to tops or holes appear on the leaves: solving problems when growing vegetables


Radish can be called the most common vegetable in summer cottages. After all, its cultivation is not difficult, except that protection from the cruciferous flea is required. And the rest is simple: planted, watered, about three weeks later a harvest of juicy, vitamin fruits is ready. But lately, many gardeners have complained that they do not succeed in a good radish: it either turns yellow, sometimes bitter, sometimes it does not make fruit. Let's see why there are problems with obtaining a high-quality radish crop, how to properly care for this simple, but at the same time very mysterious crop.

What radishes need for good growth and development

Radishes can grow everywhere: at home, in the garden, in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse. There is even experience in space growing culture - it grew on the International Space Station. Judging by the prevalence and popularity of this plant, it has no special claims, but you need to know that the proper level of yield can be obtained under certain conditions.

Soil for radish

Vegetable grows well on fertile, breathable sandy loam or loamy soil. It is important to determine the level of its acidity. When planting radishes on alkaline soil, it will develop poorly, turn yellow, and if the soil is too acidified, many nutrients will go into a state in which radishes cannot absorb them. If last year, on the site where you plan to plant radishes, table beets grew, then it can be an excellent indicator of acidity:

  • if the leaves of beets had a pronounced red tint, then the acidity of the soil is increased;
  • green leaves of the culture with red veins signal a slightly acidic soil reaction;
  • the saturated green color of the leaves and red stalks indicate neutral soil.

It is easy to determine the acidity of the soil with ordinary vinegar. To do this, take a teaspoon of land and pour a small amount of acetic acid. Foaming as a result of the reaction will tell you about the acidity of the soil:

  • a lot of foam has formed - this is a reaction of alkaline soil;
  • little foam appeared - the soil has a neutral reaction;

    With neutral acidity of the soil, a reaction with vinegar is observed, but a little foam is formed

  • there was no foam at all - the soil was acidified.

    Acidic vinegar does not respond to vinegar

In case of increased acidity, lime or dolomite flour is added to the soil during digging at the rate of 300 g / sq. m To improve fertility and soil structure, peat, humus, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added to it. The application rate per 1 sq. M can be as follows:

  • 40 g of superphosphate;
  • 15 g of potassium salt;
  • 10 kg of humus.

Fresh manure to radishes is contraindicated, as it provokes the rapid growth of green mass to the detriment of the development of the fetus.

Illumination and planting density

Radishes should not be planted with daylight hours above twelve hours. The best time for sowing the crop is early spring or late summer. The rest of the time, radishes will grow, but they will not produce a crop of root crops. Land for planting vegetables should be well lit. In shaded places, there is a great chance that the radish will go to the top.

It is important to keep track of the thickened landings. The distance between plants should be at least 2 cm, otherwise a large radish will not grow - seedlings will not have enough nutrients, moisture and space.

In order not to waste precious spring time on thinning radishes, especially since during this procedure the delicate roots of the plant are damaged, it is possible to glue the seeds of the crop on strips of blotting, newsprint or toilet paper in advance, even in winter:

  1. A strip of paper at regular intervals is greased with a paste of brewed wheat flour, potato starch.
  2. Using a toothpick or a pointed match, put a radish seed on a drop of glue.

    Radish seeds are recommended to be glued at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other

  3. The strip can be rolled up into a small roll for easy storage.

In the spring, it remains only to lay a strip in the furrow and cover it with earth.

The nuances of care

Not only thinning, but also weeding, loosening of soil on a bed with radishes should be carried out carefully, being careful not to damage the roots of the plant. Otherwise, it may go into the arrow.

Thinning is recommended not by pulling out excess plants, but by pinching.

If you do not have the opportunity to regularly water the radish, then it is better not to plant it at all. With a lack of moisture, the root crop may not start, start the arrow, and if it grows, it will be fibrous, stiff or bitter. Radish is watered abundantly every two days. To avoid moisture loss, the bed can be mulched with sawdust, mowed grass.

The biggest problem for radishes is its main enemy - a cruciferous flea, which can destroy seedlings literally in a day. Therefore, immediately after planting, it is necessary to take measures to protect the plant from this pest: dust the beds with ash, cover it with moisture and breathable material and do not remove it until the leaves of the plant are coarsened and become unattractive to insects.

Cruciferous flea - a small insect parasitizing on plants of the cruciferous family

Another important nuance of obtaining a high-quality radish crop is timely harvesting. Root crops are harvested as they grow larger. If you over-harvest the crop, the radish will lose its juiciness, voids will begin to form inside the root crop, it will become coarser.

Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, it is quite easy already at the end of spring to get a harvest of tasty, juicy vegetable, which opens the summer season of plenty

The basic rules for radish care are quite simple, but it is their non-compliance that leads to problems with growing vegetables.

Video: tricks and subtleties of growing radishes

Possible problems with growing radishes and ways to solve them

We love radishes for planting and caring for them. Even a beginner gardener can easily plant and grow this vegetable, if he has the necessary knowledge about the features of growing a crop and gives it at least a minimum of attention. The main thing to remember is that any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it later.

Table: Problems That May Occur During Radish Growing

Description of the problemPossible reasonWays to solve the problem
Radish does not riseRadish seeds lost their germination
  • Monitor the shelf life of seeds, take into account that they retain germination for 3-5 years;
  • check radish seeds for germination in 3-5% sodium chloride solution
Planting soil was too wet and coldIn early spring, plant radishes in a greenhouse, where the earth has already warmed up enough, or on a bed that was previously insulated with a film and spilled with a solution of EM drugs
It grows poorly, leaves are pale, yellowish and smallLack of nitrogen in the soil
  • Feed the crops with nitrogen, dissolving 1 teaspoon of urea in 10 l of water;
  • preliminary introduction of a sufficient amount of mineral fertilizers into the soil with a ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of 1.5: 3: 2.5
The root crop does not formRadish lacks light
  • Choosing a well-lit area for growing radishes;
  • timely thinning seedlings
Seeds were buried too deep in the soil.Seeding depth should not exceed 2.5 cm on light soils and 1.5 cm on heavy soils
There is too much nitrogen in the soil. This is evidenced by the lush tops of plantsWhen preparing the site, it is not recommended to introduce organic matter into the soil. Manure can only be applied to previous crops
Radish lacks potash fertilizerPlanting of ash, which can provide the radish need for potassium
Redundancy of irrigationObserve the optimal watering regime. An increase in the rate of introduced water is allowed during the development of the first true leaf and in the period of root ovary
Hollow, fibrous fruitLack or excess of moisture;Optimization of the irrigation mode of the radish according to the above standards
Deep seed placement;Seeding at the recommended (indicated above) depth
Missed deadline for harvesting radishesPromptly remove ripened root crops from the beds. The cleaning interval should be no more than 4-5 days
Radish is bitterLack of moistureIrrigation mode adjustment: moderate in cold weather, plentiful in heat. Irrigation rate - 10-15 liters per 1 square. m. It is better to moisten the soil in the evening
CrackingThickened planting
  • Plant radish seeds with an interval of at least 2 cm, for this you can use pre-prepared strips of paper with glued seeds;
  • timely thinning seedlings
Lack of soil moisture or uneven wateringAdjustment of the irrigation regime, especially during the loading of root crops. A bed with radishes should be constantly in a loose and wet state. Do not allow the soil to dry out, and then carry out abundant moisture
Wrong variety selectionChoice of non-cracking varieties, e.g. Vera MS
Overheating in the gardenTimely harvesting of root crops, taking into account the above recommendations
Goes to top and bloomsPoor seed: small or oldSelection for planting large and fresh seeds
Landing during a day when daylight hours are 12 or more hoursEarly spring or late summer landing. Sowing radishes at other times requires sheltering ridges with opaque material to shorten daylight hours
Growing a variety that is unsuitable for a given climate zoneSelection of a variety adapted to the conditions of a particular area
Damage to Radish RootsPinch thinning, accurate weeding and loosening
Black fruits insideThe defeat of the blackening of the roots of radish. This is a disease that leads to the appearance of grayish-blue spots on the roots of the plant, as well as in the pulp of the fetus.
  • Selection of a site with sufficient but not increased humidity;
  • removal and burning of diseased plants followed by soil disinfection
Radish leaves in holesCruciferous flea attack
  • Dusting the beds with ash, tobacco dust, a mixture of peppers;
  • covering plantings with suitable transparent material

Chemical treatment of radish plantings is not recommended, since the plant is early

Wither and turn yellow leavesBlack-footed sprout diseasePlants affected by the black leg must be removed, and the bed should be shed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid or a solution of copper sulfate (5 g per 10 l of water)

Photo gallery: problems with growing radishes

If you accept the conditions of the radish, you are ready to systematically water it, not to give it too much anxiety, to provide it with the necessary supply of nutrients, that is, to show a little attention and care about the crop, then as a result you will get an early and high-quality crop of healthy, vitamin and juicy radishes.


Watch the video: Q&A What is eating holes in my green bean leaves? (September 2024).