Dreamiopsis: home care and planting


Dreamiopsis or ledeburgia is an evergreen deciduous flower from the Hyacinth family. The habitat is southern Africa. It has 22 species, a characteristic feature of which is the presence of dark green spots on the leaves.


The bulb of Drimiopsis is oblong, covered with brown scales, most of which protrude above the soil.

The foliage is dense, thick and glossy, can be plain or have spotting (most often). The shape is heart-shaped and oval, the end is pointed. The length of the leaves is up to 20 centimeters, petioles - 10 cm. Height up to half a meter.

The flowers are small, gray-pink or pale green, connected to an ear. One inflorescence contains up to thirty flowers, a diameter of five millimeters. They produce a scent reminiscent of lilies of the valley.

Types for Home Growing

In indoor conditions, you can grow two types of dreamiopsis:

PickaxeThe bulb is white and rounded. The foliage is lanceolate, stiff. The color is bright green, there is a dark green spotting. Petioles are small, may be completely absent. The flowers are small, gathered in a spikelet, white. Flowering - from early March to September.
Drimiopsis spottedThe bulb is elongated, dark green. The leaves are heart-shaped and oval, green, with corrugated edges. Petiole is long, in length it can reach 15 cm. The flowers are small, gray, beige, yellow and white. Inflorescence in the form of a brush. Flowering - from April to July.

Home Care

Drimiopsis home care may vary depending on the season of the year:

Spring SummerIt does not play a special role for drymsiopsis, it easily tolerates dry air, especially if other types of indoor plants are located nearby. Spraying with water, washing and rubbing the leaves is carried out only in extreme heat.It is recommended to place in partial shade. When exposed to direct sunlight, burns appear.Optimal conditions + 20- + 25 degrees. It tolerates temperatures above +30 degrees.
Autumn winterBright diffused light is needed, artificial lamps are used to prolong daylight hours.The temperature drops to + 12- + 16 degrees, the minimum values ​​are + 6- + 8.

Transplant: pot selection, soil composition, watering

A young flower is transplanted annually; an adult plant changes the pot every three years.

The tank for growing dreamiopsis must be deep and wide, this is necessary to create a large space for the bulbs.

The soil for planting should contain nutrients, be light and loose. You can use such formulations:

  • mix fertile sod and leaf soil, rotted branches, coarse sand - all components are taken in equal proportions;
  • universal soil for tropical flowers (2 parts) and fine sand, vermiculite, perlite (1 part each) are combined.

Next, you can start transplanting the plant:

  1. At the bottom of the new tank for the plant, a mixture of expanded clay, small particles of charcoal, crumbs of brick and coarse sand is poured. This is a drainage layer, the thickness of which is about three centimeters. Freshly prepared substrate pours out from above (occupies more than half of the pot). Next, the earth needs to be watered.
  2. Dreamiopsis carefully gets out of the old tank, excess land is removed from the bulbs. The offspring are being separated, this must be done carefully to minimize damage.
  3. All decayed roots and scales are cleared. Slices are treated with crushed activated carbon.
  4. A deepening is made in the ground; more than half the bulb is placed in it.
  5. The soil is compacted and moistened.

From March to September, the flower should be regularly watered, the water is used settled and soft. In the fall, watering is suspended, and in the winter it resumes again, but in minimal quantities (once every couple of weeks).

Top dressing

Feeding is recommended only during the growing season. At this point, drymiopsis needs to be watered every two weeks, a complex liquid type fertilizer is used, created specifically for bulb flowers. Suitable means by which succulents or cacti are fed. The process is carried out strictly according to the rules indicated on the package.


Dreamiopsis propagates in three ways:

  • baby bulbs;
  • seeds;
  • Cherenkovanie (used only in the case of Kirk Drimiopsis).

Mistakes in care and their correction

When caring for dreamiopsis at home, a number of errors occur that need immediate correction:

Leaf fallLack of nutritional components, the need for transplantation.During the growing season, the plant needs to be fed regularly. Adult dreamiopsis needs a transplant every 2-3 years.
Reducing the size of leaves, thinning and stretching the stems upPoor lighting.The plant needs to be placed closer to the window. If only artificial lighting is used, then you need to start combining it with natural.
Blackening of the base of foliage and cuttingsExcessive watering, temperature conditions uncomfortable for the plant.It is necessary to change the watering mode and adjust the temperature in the room.
White coatingMoisture stagnates in the pot due to insufficient layer of drainage or substrate, poorly transmitting water and air.It is necessary to transplant the plant into another pot, where these errors will be corrected.
Yellowness of leavesBurns.The plant must be protected from direct sunlight.
Withering foliageInadequate watering, low air humidity.Increase air humidity and adjust watering mode.

Diseases, pests

Even with the highest quality care for dreamiopsis, it is possible that it will be damaged by diseases and insects:

Diseases and PestsSignsDeliverance
Root rotPetioles are blackened and covered with mucus, the smell of rot is present.The plant is transplanted, all damaged roots are removed. During transplantation, any fungicides are added to the soil.
StagonosporosisThe bulb is covered with small cracks of red or raspberry color.The frequency of watering is reduced, the plant is required to be kept in a relatively dry state for a month. All affected elements are removed from the bulb, the slice is covered with crushed activated carbon.
ShieldRound-blooming yellow-red outgrowths appear.Foam from laundry soap is applied to the foliage, after an hour it is washed off with a warm shower. The flower and the earth are sprayed with Fufanon and Metaphos.
Spider miteA barely noticeable thread appears on the petioles, black dots on the underside of the leaves.A soap-alcohol solution is applied to the leaves, which is washed off in the shower after 25-40 minutes.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: The beneficial effects of dreamiopsis

Virtually nothing is known about the signs and superstitions associated with dreamiopsis.

The only thing that can be argued is that this plant perfectly suits the representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces, the flower has a beneficial effect on them, calming and increasing stress resistance.


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