Epiphyllum: description, types and varieties, home care, signs


Epiphyllum is a succulent perennial flower from the cactus family, genus Epiphytes. In nature, two dozen species. Translated from the Greek language as "flower on the leaves." Places of distribution - South and Central America, subtropics of Africa, Mexico. It grows there on tree trunks and branches. Unlike plants that receive energy from the tissues of the "host", it feeds on its own. It is used as a room flower, decoration of a garden, balcony, loggia.

Epiphyllum Description

Thick long and flexible stems of the epiphyllum are flat, with a noticeable vein in the center, on the side with notches, there are trihedral, or wavy. Shoots branch and form a dense bush. The base becomes stiff over the years, covered with brown bark. Areas with short spikes in the form of bristles are located at the edges of the stems.

The number of aerial roots increases with high humidity. The buds are tubular, the length of some varieties is up to 40 cm. They open at night and close in the morning. The flowers of vanilla white, pink, red shades exude a pleasant aroma. They appear in spring and summer, some species - in the fall. The fruits are large, edible, houses grow only under the condition of cross pollination. They resemble plums in shape and size, and strawberries with pineapple to taste.

Types and varieties of epiphyllum

Varieties are characterized by size, number of buds, color. There are almost two hundred species.

Yellow heart-shaped marniera (selenicereus)It stands out by sprawling shoots, large and long flowers up to 25 cm.
OxypetalumIt is found on rocks, tree crowns. The fleshy narrow stalks are wavy in shape up to 6 cm long and 12 cm wide, up to 3 m high. He was nicknamed the “Queen of the Night” because of the white, large undulating flowers that open at night. They have a pleasant smell, diameter up to 17 cm.
GuatemalanVarieties are distinguished by the appearance of the stem. The first resembles a chain of oak leaves, the length of each link is up to 5 cm. The second, Monstrose, has darker shoots, not divided into parts and growing wriggling arbitrarily, changing shape. Pink flowers with different shades.
AckermanThin jagged stems with bright red flowers. Often grown in hanging flower pots. Growing slowly.
White or hollyThe stems are oval, pointed, up to 30 cm, 12 cm wide. Snow-white and cream petals open at night with a pleasant, stable smell.
Angouliereg or angularMeter length, strongly branched in the form of a zigzag. Fragrant petals, yellow, white, pink.
PhilanthusIn the natural environment lives on the crowns of trees. Saturated green color with pale pink flowers, in the center of a yellow tint up to 30 cm. Corolla diameter up to 18 cm.
HookerHis homeland is Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba. It grows to large sizes, arched stems are stiff, drooping due to their own weight. Petals are white, long, fluffy in the middle.
JaggedSmall bushes, blue-green hue. Long erect stems up to a meter with narrow leafy plates, without thorns. It opens in yellow, a whisk with a diameter of 15 cm.
LauGrows rapidly 3 m long, 7 cm wide with yellow-brown needles. Cream buds open in the evening, lasting two days.
Just pruThe variety is bred in the nursery, especially in quick adaptability to the environment, like a temperature of +18 ° C. Flowering comes with spring. Color pink in the middle to dark pink at the edges. Corolla diameter up to 16 cm.
DreamlandPetals pink, orange, white, red, appear in the summer. It has healing properties.
ThomasIn nature it reaches up to 4 meters, and at home it grows only up to 70 cm. It blooms in white, areoles are downy.
ToothedThe stems are gray-green, flat. At the base of a cylindrical shape, wavy on the sides, areoles with bristles are located on them. There are shades of cream, green with a pleasant aroma. It is revealed during the day, which is unusual for epiphyllum.
Paul de LonpreIt differs in long shoots, leaning to the ground, and large flowers with a diameter of 14 cm. The color is cream, red along the edge. Hybrid view from round toothed and selencerius.

Epiphyllum care at home

It is difficult to grow a forest cactus, proper care is achieved at home by observing all the parameters for the seasons.

Location, lightingBright, diffused light, the western, eastern side.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° С+ 22 ... +25 ° С+ 15 ... +20 ° С+ 10 ... +13 ° С
Watering, humidityAbundant immediately after drying, plus spraying. Defend or filter water.Moderate, 2 times per month.Minimum.
Top dressingMineral fertilizers for forest cacti containing potassium, calcium, phosphorus, without nitrogen.Complex fertilizers with nitrogen.If necessary.Not required.

If a flower grows poorly, then it has insufficient lighting, a lot of or little watering, the wrong substrate.


Epiphyllum will delight with its appearance, if you create a bright, diffused light. When located in the northern part, it will bloom weakly, in the southern it is necessary to protect the plant from direct sunlight. In summer, gardeners put a flower on the street in a place protected from the sun.


The flower tolerates differences in the summer in the fresh air. When there is a period of rest, the forest cactus does not need high temperature.


In spring and summer, epifillum is watered abundantly. In winter, with decreasing air temperature is not required.


In dry air, the plant should be sprayed with standing, not cold water in the morning and evening.

Soil, top dressing

The soil for the plant is selected without lime, fertile. The composition of the mixture is part of agroperlite and garden soil, bone meal, three parts of coconut fiber. You can buy a ready-made substrate for cacti with peat content. During the formation of the buds, they are watered with a solution of mullein with water 1: 4, once every two weeks, or with nitrogen fertilizer. After flowering, top dressing is reduced to 2 times per month.


Every spring, young cacti are transplanted before the start of the growing season. Dishes need a wide, shallow, cramped, this stimulates flowering. The tank must have drainage properties and keep warm at night.

Clay pots are best suited.

Adult plants require transplantation if roots from drainage holes have already appeared. At the bottom of the dishes, drainage, soil are laid, a flower is placed, then put in the shade, slightly moistening the substrate.


To rejuvenate and form a bush, the flower should be trimmed. Once in three years after flowering, thin, damaged, old, overgrown shoots at the base are removed.

Flowering features

Epiphyllum blooms once a year, individual species - 2 times. At this time, you can’t move or rearrange the flower, otherwise the buds will fall off. Blooming flowers last from one day to seven. With a lack of light, temperature above normal and excessive watering during the dormant period, the plant will not bloom.


Epiphyllum is propagated in different ways:

  • cuttings;
  • by seeds;
  • layering.


They make it in the spring, cut a healthy stem in a wide part by 10 cm. The cut is left with the cut down. After 2 days, they are planted to a depth of 1 cm in a moistened mixture of sand and peat. Leave in a dark place for a day, after rooting watered.


The seed purchased in the store is placed in moist soil, covered with a film, and aired every day for an hour. With the first sprouts open. Shoots appear with thorns, which then fall. A plant grown from seed will begin to bloom in five years.

Propagation by layering

When the air roots appear at the epiphyllum, they bend the shoot to the soil and fix it. After rooting is separated from the mother plant, planted separately.

Pests and diseases

With improper care, the flower is attacked by pests:

  • Spider mite - a spider web appears. To process with colloidal sulfur, Green soap, karbofos.
  • Aphids - wipe with infusion of tobacco, soda solution. Spray with preparations: Spark, Fitoverma, Neoron, Decis.
  • Mealybug - wipe the flower with alcohol or treat with infusion of garlic.
  • Scale - treat with soapy water, use Fitoverm, Aktaru, Actellik.

Epiphyllum is prone to fungal and viral diseases due to heavy watering, nutrient deficiency, low temperature:

  • Rust - yellow-brown spots are visible. This comes from waterlogging at low temperatures or from sunburn. Treat with a solution of Topaz, Alirin.
  • Black rot - black stains on stems. Get rid of the affected areas and treat with Fundazole, disinfect the cut-off sites with activated charcoal.
  • Anthractosis - light brown spots. Trim infected stems, treat with Phiotosporin, Trichodermin.
  • Fusarium - stems turn red due to rotting roots. Change the soil, remove the infected roots, treat with Gamair.
  • Viral mosaic - small light spots on a plant, dry ends, buds fall off. It cannot be treated, the infected flower is thrown away.

The flower will wilt when watering is too strong, and bright light provokes the buds fall.

Signs and superstitions about epiphyllum

According to signs, the epiphyllum protects the home from harm, blooming promises an addition to the family, and for lonely people - an acquaintance with the future second half. But they don’t advise giving flowers to loved ones - this is to separation. In the house of unmarried ladies, it means not to find a groom.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: epiphyllum - a home healer

Forest cactus juice has healing properties - a diuretic effect, cleanses the body, boosts immunity, restores the liver and kidneys. It is used in the treatment of psoriasis, cardiovascular system, rheumatism, headaches, colds. The flower is able to block the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, helps from a hangover, stops bleeding, heals wounds.


Watch the video: Orchid Cactus Growing Care And Propagation Part 1 (October 2024).