Guernia: description, types, care rules and errors


Guernia is a flowering succulent plant that is part of the Lastovevy family. Distribution area - arid regions of the Arabian Peninsula and Africa.

Guernia Description

This plant was first described back in 1810 by the famous botanist Robert Brown. The specific appearance of the flower awarded him several names: the devilish tongue, the voodoo lily, the snake palm.

The trunk is 22 to 30 cm long, branched shoots. The flowers are five-lobed, bright, rosettes have the shape of a bell or funnel.

There is a specific smell similar to that of rotten meat.

Types of Guernia

Indoor can grow several varieties of guernia:

BeardedShort ribbed trunks, up to 6 cm high.Tan, sometimes striped.
Large-fruitedThe stems reach 7-10 cm and are covered with sharp denticles.Small, brown and yellow stripes.
HairyShortened thick trunk with several faces. The growths are densely located, having long light hairs.Small, outwardly resemble bells. Color red with white spots.
GrungyThe shoot grows to 20 cm.Medium, have 5 fused bent petals each, in shape resemble bells. The outer side is light, the inside is maroon.
GracefulThe trunks are light green, pentahedral.Pale yellow, blooming at the same time.
KenyanA long creeping stalk with sharp teeth.Velvet, purple.
Striped (Zebrina)The shoots are green, with five faces. In length reach 8 cm.Yellow with reddish-brown stripes. The figure is similar in appearance to the color of zebras.

Guernia Care at Home

Guernia care at home depends on the season of the year:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingEastern or western windows, when placed on the south side, in the afternoon, the plant needs to be shaded. The light should be bright and diffused.Needs illumination with phytolamps.
Temperature+ 22 ... +27 ° С.+ 5 ... +10 ° С.
HumidityIt tolerates humidity of 40-50%
WateringModerate, carried out only after drying of the topsoil.Lean once a month.
Top dressingOnce every 4 weeks.Ceases.

Transplant, soil

A transplant is performed every spring if the plant has already outgrown its pot. The substrate should be as nutritious as possible and consist of the following components in equal proportions:

  • leaf and turf soil;
  • humus;
  • coarse river sand;
  • lime and charcoal.


The plant is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Most often the first method is used. For this, a young shoot is cut from guernia and placed in moist peat. After rooting, the stalk is moved to the soil for adult succulents.

Guernia Care Mistakes, Diseases and Pests

During the cultivation of a houseplant, problems may arise associated with poor-quality care or an attack of diseases and pests:

ManifestationCauseRemedial measures
Dark spots.Burn.The plant is moved to partial shade.
Decay of the root system.Waterlogging.Remove all affected areas, and transplant the flower into new soil. Correct the watering mode.
Lack of flowering.High temperatures in winter.The plant provides a comfortable wintering.
Fine white spotting, leaf wiltingMealybug.The flower is treated with Intavir and Actara solutions.

If you provide high-quality guernia care, then such problems will not arise.


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