Pumpkin butternut: description, care and cultivation


Pumpkin butternut is a hybrid variety that was bred in the United States after crossing nutmeg and African pumpkin in the middle of the 20th century. The variety is very popular in Mexico, where it is grown commercially, and is also common in Europe. The name literally translates as "butter nut" or "peanut butter."

Characteristics and description of pumpkin

Butternut is appreciated for its special palatability. As the culinary description says, the flesh of the raft has a nutty flavor, dense texture, sweetish aroma. Pumpkin is stored for a long time, therefore it is everywhere grown as an agrotechnical crop. "Oil nut" refers to early ripening varieties, the standard life cycle to achieve technical maturity is 3-4 months.

Culinary experts appreciate the vegetable because of the special arrangement of seeds, which are concentrated only in the lower part of the oblong fruit, similar to a pear. The rest of the pulp does not require additional cleaning.

There are nut pumpkin of two varieties: shrubby and weaving. The length of the shoots of the first is 1.5 m, the second - 2.5 m. The width of the leaves of an adult plant is 30 cm. Flowering of the crop begins in June, the inflorescences are yellow and large. Productivity is up to 15 ovaries. Ripe fruits reach a weight of 1.5-2.5 kg.

The variety is not resistant to frost, can die even at temperatures below +10 ° C. On the other hand, the plant is almost not susceptible to disease, if the growing conditions are observed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The culture is popular due to the following advantages:

  • Thin skin. The fruit is easy to cut, no extra effort is required.
  • Seeds are concentrated at the bottom of the pumpkin and are easy to remove. About 60% of the pulp is completely seedless.
  • Pleasant muscat aroma and original taste. There is no specific pumpkin smell. The pulp is well suited for both salty and sweet dishes. The most popular recipes include baking in the oven with cinnamon, adding to porridge with honey.
  • Small fruits. Pumpkins reach no more than 2.5 kg, making them convenient to store and eat. One piece is completely consumed per dish.
  • Long shelf life at room temperature. Butternate can retain freshness for 6-7 months, until spring.

Unfortunately, the variety has several disadvantages that complicate the cultivation:

  • Demanding for temperature conditions. The plant will not develop in the northern lane in open ground, because it does not tolerate even slight nighttime cooling. The only way out of the situation is an early landing under cover so that the pumpkin can bear fruit before the onset of the September coolness characteristic of the northern regions of Russia.
  • The need for constant care.
  • Demanding on the composition of the soil.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings should be sown in late April or early May. A month before, the seeds are recommended to be placed in a warm place to increase the number of female inflorescences. A few days before planting, they must be washed in warm water, dried, and then left in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Next, the seeds are sown in separate peat pots. Until the first sprouts appear, the containers need to be covered with polyethylene to create a mini-greenhouse.

It is possible to transplant seedlings in open ground after the formation of at least three leaves.

Bed preparation

The garden should be fertilized. The optimal soil mix for growing crops is a combination of garden, turf land and coconut briquette in the proportions of 2: 1: 2. Before disembarking, you need to make sure that the earth is warm enough. If the soil is still cold, you can add manure to it. A more convenient option is the use of a transparent film. Covering the ground for 2-3 days, you can achieve the required temperature.

Planting seedlings in the ground

The best place for planting is sunny, not blown, without weeds. Sprouts can be planted when they reach a height of 15 cm. The weather should be warm on the street, it is best to start transplanting in early June. A hole with a layer of sand of 10 cm (drainage) is prepared for each plant. The minimum distance between the holes is 50 cm, between the rows is 50-60 cm.

Landing should be done in the evening. The first 3-4 days, water the plant daily, without touching the stem and foliage.

Butternat Grade Care

For the proper development of the ovaries, it is necessary to maintain the temperature not lower than +15 ° C. In cold regions, shelter from a transparent film will be needed at night. Pumpkin requires regular watering, the soil should not dry out and crack. It is recommended to add potassium humate to the aqueous solution every 7-10 days. During the fruiting period 2 times, at the beginning and end, Fertik fertilizer is used. The climbing variety must be tied to trellises.

Diseases and Pests

To protect against pests and diseases, every 2 weeks you should spray the bush with Aktara and Fundazol. In case of infection, specific actions must be taken, depending on the trouble that has arisen.

Disease / Pest / Leaf DamageSymptomsRemedial measures
BacteriosisBrown spots on fruits or plants.Remove the affected areas, best of all - and the plant itself.
Powdery mildewThe appearance of white spots, then curl leaves.Spray copper sulfate 1% until the symptoms disappear.
Root rotYellowing, wilting.Sprinkle the bottom shoots for rooting.
White rotWhiteness on the stem and foliage, turning into black.Cut the affected areas, sprinkle with ash.
AphidBlack or green pests on the stem.Spray with garlic solution.
Spider miteSpider webs on the shoots.Use a solution of garlic for spraying.

Gathering and storing walnut pumpkin

Technical ripe fruits can be harvested in early September. If the rainy season begins early, you will have to prematurely remove the pumpkins and leave them to ripen in a dark and dry place. Pumpkin should be a soft orange hue.

Storage should be carried out at room temperature. Moisture on the peel should be avoided. If the room has high humidity, it is impossible to leave a bathhouse in it.

Mr. Summer resident advises: the benefits and harms of nut pumpkin

Fruits are low in calories, so they can be included in the diet when losing weight, if not cooked on fire, but baked. The rich content of trace elements allows you to strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system. Beneficial substances stimulate the elimination of toxins, toxins, excess fluid from the body. A number of elements reduce cholesterol.

From the "oil nut" is not only good, but also harm. The product adversely affects the condition of patients with gastritis, ulcers or other gastrointestinal disorders. The pulp increases the acidity of the stomach, leading to an increase in the percentage of sugar in the blood.


Watch the video: Butternut Squash Growing Tips (October 2024).