Acidantera: description, types, landing and care


Acidanthera (gladiolus Muriel, fennel Muriel) is a grassy perennial from the Iris family. A plant comes from tropical Africa.

It translates from Greek as a sharp flower because of the shape of the petals. Another name is fragrant gladiolus, it received, thanks to its delicate aroma.

Description of Acidanters

Corm plant. It grows no more than 1 m. The xiphoid leaves are about 60 cm.
The flowers are six petal, pointedly triangular in shape, snow-white with a dark core. The aroma is sweetish, attracting insects. The plant is cultivated, both garden and home.

Types of Acidanters

There are about 40 varieties of acidanthera.


Height (m)

BicolorThe most popular.


A pair of pointed dark green, going from the root itself.White with a black and red star in the middle (12 cm).
TropicalTall, heat-loving.


Ribbed, reminiscent of thick grass.Pale pink with red or raspberry strokes.
WhiteStraight stalk.

Up to 1.

Saturated green.Snow-white, more rounded and with a strong smell.
LeafySmall ones.


Thin compared to other species.Smaller ones. Petals are light with purple stripes.

Species that are not widespread: short tubular.

Acidanthera growing conditions

Indoor and garden acindanthera grows successfully under the conditions of detention.

Location selection

Since the flower is of African descent, then placement requires solar. In the garden in a quiet, not windy place, with good lighting. The houses are southern windows, but without direct rays, with obligatory lighting in winter, the temperature is at least +20 ° C. In the summer it is good to take out to fresh air.

Soil selection

The soil is chosen slightly acidic or neutral. Well loosened soil with peat content. Mandatory drainage or planting in a high place, since the plant does not like stagnation of water.
At home, they use soil for flowers, and also use a composition of the following components: turf, sand and humus leaf (2: 1: 1).

Landing acidants

Planting a flower is made according to a certain pattern.

In capacity

When growing acidicans in crates. A distance of about 20 cm is made between the flowers. For single growth, the pot is taken no more than 15 cm, since excess space has a bad effect on the plant. It is recommended to plant 3-5 bulbs.

In open ground

Landing acidants in open ground is to prepare:

  • soil;
  • bulbs.

Soil for planting flowers is prepared in the fall:

  • Laying compost;
  • Mulch the selected place with straw, peat, humus;
  • If necessary, make sand and drainage.

In the early spring, mineral fertilizers are added by digging. In May, planted, after the threat of freezing frost.

2–3 days before planting, corms are prepared by acidants. The procedure includes:

  • Visual inspection, cleansing of dried crust.
  • Soaking in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, for disinfection.

Landing pattern:

  • depth - 10-12 cm;
  • between plants - 15-20 cm.

Caring for Acidanthera in the Garden

Flower care is:

  • Regular watering, which should vary from rainfall. Drying of the soil and its overmoistening will equally negatively affect the acidifier. During flowering, watering is reduced.
  • Weekly fertilizing the soil with mineral fertilizers. When planting - compost, when growing - containing nitrogen, during flowering - potassium-phosphorus mixtures.
  • Weeding weeds, with mandatory loosening.
  • Mulching.
  • Pruning faded buds.
  • Verification and protection against diseases and pests.
  • Proper preparation for the rest period.


For the passage of acidants during the dormant period, after the cessation of the formation of buds, the aboveground part must be cut off without touching the lower sheets. Leave the plant in the soil before cooling (October-November).

Direct wintering can take place in the ground in the southern regions. It is necessary to mulch (peat, needles, foliage, cardboard).

In places with a cold, long winter, bulbs are dug up with a large lump, trying not to damage. After being freed from the ground, treated with fungicide (prevention of mold and rot) and allowed to dry in room conditions with good ventilation, about a month.

Then they are placed in paper or boxes of sand. Storage location - dry ventilated place with a temperature of +15 ° C.

Indoor plants also need peace. They are left in the soil, but transferred to a dark room at +12 ° C and watering is stopped.

Reproduction Acidanthera

Acidanthera is propagated by seeds or daughters. The first method is very complicated and does not always bring success. The second most popular.

Children are separated from the mother flower in the fall when digging. Planted in early spring in a pot at a distance not exceeding two of its sizes. In summer, planted in the ground. Such a young plant can bloom in the year of planting.

Diseases and pests

Both in the garden and at home, trouble is waiting for the acidant.

Disease / pestSymptoms


Prevention and elimination measures
RotRusty, dark spots.

Not observing the watering regime.

Treatment with fungicides (Fotosporin-M), 1% Bordeaux liquid.
SnailsThe presence of insects.Ammonia, mustard powder.
In case of infection: removal of insects and affected foliage, treatment with insecticides (Fufanon).

Mr. Summer resident recommends: Acidanthera in a landscape

Acidanterau is used in group, mixed plantings, in rockeries, on alpine hills, next to artificial reservoirs.

As a tall plant it is used as a fence. Often grown in beautiful containers in the garden. Near planting: begonia, lily of the valley, alissum, hosta, brunner, heicher, aconite, sage, aster.
