Brunner: description, landing and care


Brunner is called a perennial from the Burachnikov family. The name of the herb was given by the Swiss botanist S. Brunner. During a trip around the Crimea, his attention was attracted by flowers, distinguished by a sky-blue hue. This makes the Brunners look like forget-me-nots.


Brunners are characterized by thick rhizomes, large wide-heart-shaped leaf blades, pubescent branched stems. Small corollas are collected in loose paniculate or corymbose inflorescences.

  • Pestle and stamens do not protrude.
  • The fruits of the non-coniferous are small dry nuts. They appear by the end of August.
  • The perennial height is from 45 to 55 cm. Asia Minor and Siberia are in the distribution area.
  • Bloomed corollas brunners adorn the garden for a month. The flowering period falls on April-May. Among the distinguishing features, a white spot inside the flower is distinguished.
  • An adult plant forms low thickets that do not require complex care.

Among the additional advantages of the Brunners are their winter hardiness and external attractiveness.

Brunner large-leaved, Siberian and other species

The site is selected, focusing on the characteristics of the variety. Brunner is unpretentious to the level of humidity. Through this plant ennoble the shady corners of the garden.

Leafy (brunnera macrophylla)Pubescent stems. The height of the plant is 50 cm. The birthplace of this culture is the Caucasus.Heart-shaped, rough side underside.The diameter is about 7 mm. Apical inflorescences. If all conditions are met, they can bloom repeatedly.
Siberian (brunnera sibírica)Large sizes, the height of the thicket is 60 cm.Located at the root, characterized by a dense structure and wrinkled surface.The diameter of the dark blue corollas is 5 mm. Paniculate inflorescences bloom for several weeks.
Eastern (brunnera orientalis)Low, weather resistant.Elliptical, length - 10 cm.Homely corollas, similar to forget-me-nots.

Varieties of large leaf brunners

A perennial plant grows rapidly in the shade. Shrubs retain their decorative appearance even after flowering. Silvery leaves are decorated with a bright border, green veins and interspersed with a lighter shade.

The horizontal rhizome consists of thickened and filiform appendages. The length of the petioles depends on the size of the leaf blades. The height of the erect stem is 60 cm.

Shoots are pubescent over the entire surface. Peduncles emerge from the sinuses located at the apical leaf blades.

The general list includes:

Millennium ZilberDecorated with silver spots.
Jack FrostWhite, along the edge of a narrow border.
LangtrizDark green, there are specks. Bluish inflorescences.
Silver wingsCarved, covered with silver spider web.
Lucing GlassOlive-silver, decorated with threadlike veins. Pale blue corollas.
Kings ransomSilvery, characterized by a dense structure. Among the distinguishing features are a wide milk border, an elegant ornate pattern.
VariegataThe middle is bright green, the flowers are pale pink, the aroma is absent.
Hadspen CreamWide, heart-shaped, length not more than 15 cm, border of a pale yellowish tint.

Brunner's landing

Wild species can be found in the forest. This is because Brunner prefers shady and humid places. In regions with a hot climate, gardeners are much more difficult to create suitable conditions for cultivation.

The plant does not need a lot of sunlight. Landing in the open is possible if there is a pond nearby. The soil is preferably clayey. The procedure must be carried out in the evening.

Usually, brunners are planted in parallel with the separation of the root system. The bush is dug up before this, the ground part is removed, and the peeled rhizome is put in a container filled with water.

In each prepared hole, in addition to the separated part of the plant, there must be a matured kidney. After the brunner is planted, it must be watered.

Landing time

Planting time depends on the variety. Siberian brunner planted in the second half of summer. In the spring, it is allowed to transplant flowers belonging to large-leaved varieties. If everything is done correctly, Brunner will open his corollas in mid-spring.

Disembarkation Rules

In order for the efforts spent on seed to justify itself, several important nuances must be taken into account.

Among them are:

  1. Amount of sunlight - for the specified plant, there will be enough area on which ultraviolet rays fall only in the morning.
  2. Siberian brunner loves heavy clay soil, large-leaved - loose soil.
  3. Fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers before planting is mandatory if the land is not fertile.
  4. To prevent bushes from germinating among themselves, before breeding and transplanting the brunners, the site must be weeded.
  5. The root system is located in the upper layers of the soil, so loosening will have to be abandoned. Otherwise, damage to the processes responsible for nutrition cannot be avoided. To avoid desiccation of the soil, you need to mulch plantings.

Garden care

Gardeners make differences in the cultivation of different species. Large-leaf brunner retains its decorative appearance even after it fades. The Siberian variety requires more complex care.

Natural rainfall is usually sufficient for this type of forget-me-nots.

If pruning occurs on time, new foliage will appear already in the current season. The main set of measures is complemented by timely watering, top dressing, and weeding. From the measures taken in the previous period, the state of the perennial in the current one depends.

Winter preparations

Brunners are characterized by high winter hardiness, so there is no urgent need for additional shelters. The preparatory measures include trimming and mulching the soil. For the latter procedure, you will need a mixture of organic compounds.

Distillation Brunners

Brunner rhizome is transferred to a container filled with a nutrient mixture. Leaving future bushes on the street, they achieve their hardening. After the onset of cold weather, the plant must be moved to a cool room.

In order for the plant to bloom in due time, the gardener must create certain conditions. To do this, it must be placed in a warm, bright room.

The fact that the Brunners develop normally is indicated by the arrows that arose by the end of the first winter month. If experiments with the temperature regime are successful, the flowers will appear by the New Year holidays.


To grow a new forget-me-not, you can use two methods. For the first, you need seed material, for the second - rhizome. The last part is divided according to a specific algorithm.

The result is several fragments, each of which is at least 6 cm long. The presence of a kidney is a prerequisite. When choosing this method, inflorescences appear next spring.

Seeds brunners recommend buying in a specialized store. The number of seedlings depends on the quality of the material. This method is less preferred.

Its disadvantages include waste of time and money, lack of maternal properties. Reproduction is carried out when the brunners bloom. In the spring they are planted only after stratification.

Pests and diseases

Plants often suffer from powdery mildew and brown spotting. To eliminate the danger, the affected foliage must be removed. Brunner rhizomes can attract mice. Fungicides such as Fitosporin-M, Bordeaux liquid, Topaz, Fundazole can be used against fungal diseases.

To combat pests, Actellik, Karbofos, Aktaru, tar water are used. To prepare the latter, you need 5 drops of the main component and 10 liters of liquid. Flowers are watered using a watering can. If there are too many parasites, insecticides are used.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: Brunner in the landscape

Forget-me-nots are flowers that have earned the appreciation of summer residents and urban residents. Using brunners create a clearing of blue, bluish and white corollas. The main thing is to predict the flowering period.

Plants grow rapidly. Placing them in the background, enhance the impression of fern, juniper, wild garlic, bitterness. A composition of perennials is made, focusing on the proposed landscape design, agricultural features and sizes. In any case, a circuit is required.

These flowers are one of the first to wake up after a cold. Due to the shade of plants, they are planted in rockeries, mixborders and alpine slides. Brunners can be found in gardens made in Chinese and Japanese styles. Bushes are used to decorate the coast.

Large-leaved variety is used in landscaping more often than Siberian. This is due to its decorative appearance and unpretentiousness. These thickets are suitable for decorating shady areas of the garden.

Among the suitable neighbors are Colchis bumpkin, hellebore, primrose, euphorbiaceae, bear onions, hyacinths, muscari, tulips, daffodils.

The list can be supplemented with garden plants such as a medunica, host, Rogersia, astilbe, irises, ornamental onions, and swimsuits. Delicate inflorescences, coupled with carved colorful leaves, can decorate any flower bed and path.


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