Fragrant geranium: photo, healing properties, care


Of the many varieties of home pelargonium, only fragrant geranium has healing properties. It perfectly cleans the air of germs, repels blood-sucking insects, is used in traditional medicine, in pharmacology to produce essential oil.

Although it does not form lush flower hats, it looks decorative due to the carved leaves of pale green color. Bell-shaped buds of the dangers of greenery are not too noticeable. The small villi that are covered with the stems exude a surprisingly delicate aroma. Leaves are also odorous when rubbed, they have many natural volatile flavors. Pelargonium is a decoration of a home and a home doctor at the same time.

Varieties of fragrant geraniums

Pelargonium forms a bush with long shoots directed in different directions. They grow to 1.5 meters. Bred five types of fragrant geranium.

Pungent peppermintThe color of the leaves is gray-green, the buds are large, light pink in color, the branching of the bush is increased, formation is required.Mint.
Mabel graySpreading, leaves are rough, flowers are small, lilac with pink transitions.Lemon pronounced.
CharitiThe bush is magnificent, shoots are long, leaves with a golden fringing.Sour with a pronounced shade of rose oil.
Lady plymouthModerate branching, white-framed leaves.Pretty rich pink.
Apple ciderStandard sizes, ordinary leaves, large buds, lilac.Apple-colored with a touch of sweet aromatic fruit.

Pelargonium Home Care Rules

Basic principles of agrotechnology of fragrant geranium.

Home Care FactorsDescription
  • The plant feels great on the windowsill, stand, located far from the window at the source of artificial lighting;
  • in the warm season, it is carried out on loggias, balconies.
  • Photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, begins to dry, slows down development;
  • the sun is especially dangerous when watering - the drops act like lenses, the rays burn through the leaves.
Temperature modeOptimal conditions:
  • in the summer season: + 25 ... +30 ° C;
  • for the winter period, fragrant geraniums are put in a cool place, where not higher than +18 ° C, not lower than +10 ° C;
  • when the plant cools, root rot develops, it is eliminated during transplantation, and it is sprinkled with earth lump with charcoal.
  • The plant does not need additional moisture in the summer, spring, autumn;
  • during the heating meson, when the air is too dry, put the bush under a shower or spray;
  • yellowing tips of leaves serve as a signal for lack of water;
  • recommend washing the leaves from dust every month.
  • For moisturizing use settled for three days tap water;
  • in the spring, to stimulate growth, the ground is laid with snow, watered with melt water;
  • in winter, watering is reduced to 1-2 times every two weeks, lump is slightly moistened, not completely filled, during flowering, watering volume is increased.
  • For planting and transplanting, plants use prepared soil with a neutral pH level or make the soil mixture independently from humus, drainage earth, sand, and overripe peat, combining the components 1: 1;
  • geranium feels great in the finished ground for cucumbers or gourds.
Top dressingIt is best to use universal complexes for indoor plants, they are bred according to the instructions, fertilized in the spring before flowering and after, during the budding period.


Shrubs need to be formed in the process of growth, with the branching of the main stem. In March, a planned pruning is carried out annually, as necessary, pinch new shoots so that the plant does not turn into a vine. After pruning, the bush blooms more abundantly - it produces many buds.

Transplantation and methods of reproduction

Potted fragrant geraniums are unpretentious, but loves fertile, soft soil. Like other indoor plants, pelargonium must be transplanted once every three years. For transplantation, use the mixture indicated in the previous section. Drainage is necessarily laid at the bottom of a new pot: small shards or expanded clay. The plant does not like stagnant water, the roots begin to rot. The size of the pot should be commensurate with the root system.

A small plant in a large volume will feel uncomfortable. The transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment, the earthen lump is not broken, but only dark damaged roots are removed from it, then they are placed in the center of the new habitat of pelargonium. The voids are filled up on all sides with prepared soil, then watered abundantly. By the way, flowering plants are transplanted only in extreme cases.

Reproduction of pelargonium is carried out by three methods:

  • by dividing the bush during transplantation, each stem leaves a part of the earthen coma;
  • cuttings, cut off the upper shoots, put them in the settled or melt water;
  • after the appearance of white roots, the stalk is dug in a permanent pot;
  • seeds, the most unproductive method of propagation, requires a lot of time, the result is unpredictable: the plant can become pollinated during flowering with other types of geraniums; young shoots are planted after the appearance of the third full leaf.

When planting a new plant, he is allowed to acclimatize, creating tropical conditions: high humidity and temperature. You can cover the young shoot with a large glass jar.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: medicinal properties and contraindications

Odorous geranium - a storehouse of essential oils, trace elements. Its medicinal properties have been known for a long time. In folk medicine, decoctions, hot and cold infusions, extracts are made from it. Use fresh leaves.

The plant is useful for many diseases, it heals:

  • gastrointestinal diseases, infusion is drunk for chronic diseases in remission with gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the mucosa;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands that cause hypertension - geranium normalizes the production of hormones that increase blood pressure;
  • infusions are useful for hyperthermia, fever, colds, they can significantly relieve headache;
  • lotions help with gout, salts are removed from the joints, metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue are normalized; a similar healing effect is provided by the plant to people suffering from arthrosis, radiculitis;
  • infusions help with hemorrhoids, overgrowth of the prostate;
  • a headache relieves the inhalation of the aroma of pelargonium;
  • ear swelling removes cuttings of leaves, they are inserted shallow into the ear canal, with otitis media the pain weakens after a while;
  • There is a known method of normalizing the heartbeat, upper pressure: a crumpled leaf of a plant is tied to the pulse so that the juice gets on the skin;
  • an aqueous solution of plant juice (it is diluted with water 1: 2) instill a nose with nasal congestion.

The beneficial substances contained in fragrant geraniums stimulate mental activity, increase physical activity, and improve memory. The tool is used to treat nervous disorders, normalize sleep. It is useful for chronic fatigue, stress, mental and physical stress.

Pelargonium can be treated only after consulting a doctor. Like any medicine, it has a number of contraindications. It can cause allergic reactions, it can not be taken hypotensive.

Due to the high content of aromatic substances, it is not recommended to be taken orally during the period of bearing and feeding the child. For the treatment of babies, people with heart, liver pathologies, fragrant geranium is used with caution. It is important to comply with the measure and not self-medicate.

Fragrant pelargonium fills the home with a pleasant aroma, relieves of ailments, delights with figured greenery, tender buds. This unique plant is unpretentious care, for the summer it can be transplanted to flower beds. It remains in the open ground until frost.


Watch the video: Geranium Essential Oil for Hair Care (October 2024).