Spring garlic: agricultural technology and varieties


Unlike winter garlic, spring garlic must be planted from the beginning of spring. It is represented by smaller samples, also inferior in juiciness, but it is able to keep freshness much longer.

What is the difference between spring garlic and winter

Winter garlic is planted in the second half of the autumn period and stored in the ground throughout the winter months. Only in March does noticeable growth begin, provided that the soil warms up to a temperature above zero. Full ripening falls in the middle of summer.

Spring garlic is harvested no later than the beginning of autumn, from this calculation it follows that planting is already in April. Types of garlic are also different in external characteristics, the main one is the location of the cloves. In winter - in a row, and in spring spiral arrangement. It also has the following features:

  1. Dense arrangement of teeth;
  2. Does not shoot;
  3. The central shaft is missing;
  4. As you move away from the center of the head increases in size;
  5. Reproduction by teeth.

Varieties of spring garlic

Varietal diversity of the plant is not great, and since each is tied to its climate, it may not take root or not fully reveal in a new place.

Varieties of spring garlic for Siberia:

  • Novosibirsk 1.
  • Siberian.

Semi-sharp varieties of garlic:

  • Victorio
  • Degtyarsky,
  • Demidovsky,
  • Elenovsky,
  • Ershovsky,
  • Countrywoman
  • Permyak
  • The riverine
  • Nugget,
  • Uralets,
  • Shunut.

Spicy varieties of spring garlic:

  • Abrek,
  • Gulliver
  • Tip.

Planting spring garlic

Productivity depends on the place of planting, the weight of the planted tooth and its uterine bulb.

  1. It is worth giving preference to the teeth most distant from the center, since their germination is one third higher than that of the heads located in the middle;
  2. Small uterine bulbs should not be used for planting; samples of 30 g or more are perfect. At the same time, the recommended weight of the teeth is 3 g;
  3. It is necessary to provide conditions for the simultaneous ripening of the crop, so the size of the planting material should not vary greatly, otherwise there may be large losses during harvesting.

Preparing planting material

Spring garlic needs preliminary germination, so this procedure should be carried out in the first half of spring.

Otherwise, ripening is much delayed and will fall already in mid-autumn. In order to carry out the procedure correctly should:

  1. Prepare a growth-promoting solution;
  2. Soak in the evening and leave until morning;
  3. Store in the refrigerator, previously wrapped with gauze and polyethylene (to prevent drying).

Such measures stimulate the growth of the root system, which will reach 1 cm by the time of planting. The root is often injured in the sprouted material, in order to avoid this, carefully immerse the teeth, and it is important to exclude any effort.

Dates of planting spring garlic

An early landing is the most advantageous, so it should be done no later than mid-May, when the soil has already thawed. At the first stage of growth, high temperatures are detrimental to the tooth. With late planting, rooting is much worse due to dry soil, while leaf growth does not slow down, since they expend the potential of the uterine tooth. In such circumstances, you do not have to rely on a rich harvest.

The best predecessors

It is worth refraining from planting garlic in places where they previously grew:

  1. Potatoes;
  2. Carrot;
  3. Bow;
  4. Garlic.

Moreover, in the case of the last two - the break should be at least 3-4 years.

The best precursors are pumpkin and cereal crops, as well as legumes. Suitable cabbage, cucumbers and zucchini. Among the other benefits of garlic, there is another, which lies in the ability to deter some pests. Therefore, in the same garden with it, you can arrange roses, tulips, tomatoes and cucumbers. Neighborhood with beans or peas is undesirable, since it will end with the oppression of the latter.

Planting of spring garlic

The most common tape and broadband method. An increased frequency of cloves will increase yield, but reduce the mass of a single sample - a similar method is suitable for cultivation for consumption, and for seed - it is necessary to observe a distance between the cloves of at least 6 cm.

It is important to focus on the mechanical structure of the soil when planting garlic - the lighter the soil, the deeper (standard about 5-6 cm). Excessively deep sealing will provoke later ripening, however, planting material may be deformed.

Spring Garlic Care

The main threat to garlic is weeds, since they deprive the soil of nutrients, lead to various diseases and increase the likelihood of pests, so the soil must be regularly loosened and weeded.


To increase the mass of greens, it is necessary to provide abundant hydration of garlic in the first half of the growing season. Symptoms of a lack of fluid are displayed on the tips of the feathers:

  1. Yellowness;
  2. Drying out.

Then it is necessary to reduce the frequency and abundance of watering, otherwise the garlic will become sick. After rains it is necessary to loosen the soil.

Top dressing

The presence of mineral and organic fertilizers in the soil will contribute to greater productivity, because the modest root system of garlic does not absorb nutrients well. The need for nutrition exists throughout the entire growth cycle. Directly after planting, nitrogen fertilizers will be most suitable. When the pen reaches 10 cm of growth, the following dressings are suitable:

  • 15 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 l;
  • 1 tbsp. l urea per 10 l;
  • Low concentration of bird droppings;
  • Divorced Mullein.

It is not recommended to use fresh manure as fertilizer.

From the beginning of summer to the middle of it, you can feed it with herbal infusion; you can also add 150 g of wood ash 3-4 times diluted in 10 liters of liquid 3-4 times. It is important to observe the measure when feeding, otherwise the plant may crack.

Mr. Summer resident advises: cleaning and storage of spring garlic

A signal for harvesting spring garlic can be:

  • Withering of the lower deciduous layer;
  • Lodging of the stem;
  • Yellowness of the upper leaves.

At the time of harvesting, garlic belongs to a particular variety, climatic factors and soil composition. At the end of summer, symptoms are most likely to manifest, indicating the need to harvest. Delaying with this procedure is not recommended, since overexposed teeth become much worse in quality.

Watering must be interrupted a few days before the harvest, which should be carried out on a dry day. After extracting from the soil, the garlic should be dried for 5 days on the street, in the event of precipitation, the garlic should be moved to a dry, well-ventilated place.

Before you leave the garlic in storage it must be processed:

  • Shorten the roots and stems;
  • Trim foliage;
  • Distribute by size.

Typically, spring garlic is stored in a suspended grid, wooden box or wicker basket.


Watch the video: The importance of selecting the garlic crop land (October 2024).