Parsley planting: lunar calendar dates, rules


Parsley is a grassy biennial from the Umbrella family, which is quite popular among gardeners. Under natural conditions, the plant grows in Europe, America and Canada. Its value is due to the spicy aroma and rich composition.

It contains trace elements, essential oils and vitamins. Among the distinctive features of the vegetable culture, moisture lovingness, unpretentiousness and winter resistance are distinguished. The disadvantages include long germination. To get a plentiful harvest, all agricultural activities should be carried out in a timely manner. Parsley needs loose soil.

Features of growing varieties of parsley

This culture has two varieties:

  • root
  • sheet.

Sheet differs in the following features:

  • rod-type root system;
  • impressive size of the outlet;
  • corrugated and smooth leaf blades.

Root parsley gives a cylindrical root crop.

When growing root, in addition to greens, a root crop is obtained, which is allowed to be eaten.

It should be noted that leaf parsley is more popular. It can be grown using both seeds and seedlings. The latter option is not acceptable for the root variety. At the same time, it is not recommended to cut the greens until the underground part is formed. Otherwise, root crops will be ground.

When to plant parsley: in autumn or spring

Each option has its pros and cons. Experts recommend planting greens in the spring. This is due to the low germination of seed.

Seeds that were placed in open soil in the fall often freeze when cold weather sets in. This landing method is suitable for regions with a warm climate.

In any case, it will be quite difficult to predict what the crop will be.

The plant is planted in soil with a temperature of at least +3 ° C. Seedlings should be expected when the air warms up to +2 ° C. Seeds can withstand a sharp cold snap. Planting dates are determined based on climatic features. It should be noted that greens are sown in heated greenhouses 2 weeks earlier than in open ground. Parsley seeds. Photo from Mr. Summer resident.

Parsley can be sown until mid-summer.

Root varieties are recommended to be planted in late spring.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn and spring planting

Through autumn planting, you can get a plentiful harvest. Seeds that survived the frost give strong seedlings. They appear after the sunny weather has set. Due to the rapid ripening of parsley, the garden on which it grew can be used several times. This will positively affect the quantity and quality of green mass.

The advantages of planting in the winter include:

  • reduction of the vegetative period;
  • fast screening of sick and weak seeds;
  • sufficient moisture of the seed, there will be no problems with timely watering;
  • the availability of free time.

Among the minuses are low germination. If the frosts come too soon, the sprouts are likely to die. Another negative consequence is the development of flower arrows.

The advantages of spring planting include high seed germination, the absence of lighting problems.

After the snow melts, the weather quickly stabilizes. Thanks to this, greens will quickly break through the soil layer.

Parsley planting dates

In spring, parsley is planted after the air temperature reaches +2 ° C. The earth at this time warms up 2-3 cm deep.

  • In warm regions - the first days of March;
  • The middle lane and the Far East - the end of March, the beginning of April:
  • Ural, Siberia - the end of April.

By choosing this option, leafy greens can be cut in June. I plant parsley. Photo from Mr. Summer resident.

During the autumn planting, seeds must be brought into the ground until the first frost. The exact date depends on the region:

  • In the southern regions, an agrotechnical event is held in November;
  • In the Urals and Siberia - in the second decade of September. The weather at this time is unpredictable.

After planting parsley in the winter, the first greens can be obtained in May.

Weather conditions may vary. If autumn is too warm and spring is cold, planting dates will have to be postponed. When scheduling agricultural activities, the current forecast should not be ignored.

Lunar calendar parsley planting in 2019

Species help identify parsley. They must be taken into account when determining the landing date. Many vegetable growers are often guided by the lunar calendar. Auspicious days in each month.

are absent.

After what crops can parsley be planted

Site selection is one of the most important points. The soil should be fertile and loose. Experienced summer residents recommend planting parsley after zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers and early cabbage.

If spicy herbs used to grow at the indicated place, you will have to refuse from planting greens. The same can be said for carrots.

The list of "neighbors" includes onions and garlic. Due to its characteristic aroma, greens will not suffer from pests. Tomatoes, coriander, celery, dill, cilantro, peas and radishes are often planted next to parsley. This herbaceous culture can be seen on the "mixed" beds. Thus, the appearance of slugs is prevented.

Soil before landing must be fed. Fertilizers are selected, focusing on the initial state of the soil. If the vegetable grower decided to plant parsley in the spring, in the autumn organic matter is brought into the ground, for example, plant composts, manure and humus.

Light soils are fertilized with peat, heavy soils are fertilized with sand.

To prevent the negative impact of soil parasites, the site will have to be treated with dolomite flour and special preparations. The latter include insecticides.

Preparation of parsley seeds for sowing

To achieve a more accelerated germination, it is necessary to carry out pre-sowing preparation. First carry out calibration. As a result of this procedure, seeds with defects are removed from the total mass of seed. They can be determined by saline. For its preparation, 300 ml of warm water and 10 g of salt will suffice.

Seed is placed in the finished solution. Seeds that have surfaced are drained, the remaining ones must be washed. The next step is soaking. It is necessary, since with dry sowing sprouts appear only after 2-3 weeks. At this stage, you will need:

  • warm water - with its help eliminate the oil film. Processing usually takes 24 hours;
  • biological growth stimulants - these include drugs such as Heteroauxin, Epin and Zircon;
  • potassium permanganate solution, vodka - they have a disinfecting effect;
    milk - prevents contact with alkaline substances.

Many conduct vernalization, in which the seeds are placed in a bag of tissue and buried in moist soil.

Sparging is called processing carried out by means of a special apparatus. In its functions, the saturation of the solution with air. The duration of the procedure varies from 18 to 20 hours.

Mr. Dachnik explains: methods of planting parsley

Parsley can be planted in containers, a greenhouse and open ground. Choosing the first option, you need to follow fairly simple rules. The depth of the grooves should not exceed 1 cm. Between them leave about 3 cm. Together with the seed, the heated soil is poured into the grooves.

If the climate is harsh, the soil must be mulched. The resulting layer will prevent damage to the green shoots. Containers are covered with foil. This is to prevent evaporation of moisture.

The grown seedlings are moved to open soil in early May.

For growing in a greenhouse, special equipment may be required. Parsley is most often planted in shelves. The distance between the rows is calculated based on the characteristic features of the varieties. Landing technology remains the same.

The nuances of planting and caring for parsley in the open ground

Grassy plants are planted in areas that are well lit. If parsley is planted in partial shade, it is unlikely to get a plentiful harvest. Thinning is carried out after the first pair of leaves is formed. As a fertilizer, complexes containing both organic and mineral ingredients are used. Among the latter emit potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Regular watering, timely removal of weed grass and loosening are considered to be obligatory agricultural measures. Spicy grass is used in medicine and cosmetology. Fresh and dried herbs are often added to various dishes. Thanks to parsley, pickles and salads acquire an original taste.


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