Forcing onions to feather


Onions are considered to be herbaceous plants. The genus includes edible and decorative varieties. This vegetable is a source of many vitamins, so it is often used in cooking and traditional medicine. They eat both onion greens and plant heads.

The latter in appearance resemble a turnip. Long leaves have a narrow flat shape. To get a plentiful harvest, you need to follow a fairly simple algorithm. Due to the low cost of growing onions on a feather will become a profitable family business.

Selection of onion varieties that are most suitable for landing on a feather

The first step is the acquisition of suitable varieties.

Among the extensive assortment, preference should be given to multi-grape varieties. Each bud forms 3-5 leaves in them.

Arzamas2-3 primordial mid-season. Frost resistant. Affected by onion flies, peronosporosis.
Bessonovsky2-3 primordial early ripe. It is disease resistant, but susceptible to downy mildew.
Pogarsky Superior
Rostov improved3-4 primordial, precocious. Cold resistant, disease resistant.
Spasky improvedPerhaps 10 primordia, medium ripening. Frost resistant. Affected by onion flies and common onion diseases.
StrigunovskyMid-season, about 3 primordia. Affected by pests and diseases.

Especially popular is the onion-batun. It is often called winter, Tatar, duduk or sand. Annuals and perennials give even greens. The main difference between them is the possible number of cuts. Productivity from 9 m² is from 20 to 35 kg.

Choosing onions for distillation of herbs, varietal features should not be ignored. For example, the list of the most popular necessarily include such varieties of batun as:

  • April - early, large leaves. do not be rude for a long time. Cold resistant, disease resistant;
  • Maisky - medium late onion, which is grown for sale and personal needs;
  • Ural family - mid-season, frost-resistant and productive. Leaves have a delicate structure and semi-sharp taste;
  • Serezha - early, winter-hardy. Gray-green feathers reach a length of more than 50 cm.

Chives are valued for fragrant feathers. Its characteristics include impressive length, delicate surface and narrow shape.

When growing pearl onions (leeks) get a wide-line greens with a delicate taste. From one site, subject to all the rules, you can take at least 20 kg.

Shallot is the leader in the number of green feathers. Experienced summer residents note the high productivity and unpretentiousness of this variety.

The slime has a slight garlic odor, delicate texture and wide flat feathers. The variety is resistant to low temperatures and early maturity. It can be grown indoors. Canadian and Egyptian varieties of multi-tiered onions are also characterized by high frost resistance. It does not freeze even with sharp temperature changes.

To determine the number of primordia, you need to cut the head in the transverse direction. Focusing on this symptom, gardeners emit onion hybrids.

Dates of planting onions on a feather

They are determined, taking into account the destination, climate, the place intended for planting, and varietal features. At home, greens are grown throughout the year. The main thing is to provide sufficient sunlight and regular hydration. Vegetables are planted in the greenhouse during the period from October to April.

Preparing planting material

This stage is of particular importance for any culture. First, the summer resident should purchase onion heads. In this case, you should ask how long the resting stage lasts. The duration of the vegetative period depends on this. Onion processing before planting

The next step is to discard the onion and soak it in a disinfecting solution. To speed up the appearance of greens, you need to trim the onion by one quarter. The processed material must be soaked for 5-6 hours in warm water.

Methods for distilling onions to a feather

There are a lot of ways to grow a crop. Onions can be planted in open soil, at home, on sawdust. Due to its unpretentiousness, the gardener usually does not have problems during processing and planting.

In the open ground

Grassy plants are planted in early spring or autumn. The seed that has been trained can be planted with a tape or bridge method.

In the latter case, the summer resident places the bulbs in tight rows. To plant 1 m², you will need about 10 kg of vegetables. The next step is the sprinkling of crops with soil.

The tape method is also not difficult. Vegetables are planted in grooves, between which they leave at least 10-15 cm. During the autumn planting, onions after moving into the ground are covered with a layer of organic fertilizers.

Onions on a feather can be grown using seeds. This method is used quite rarely, since the savings in the purchase of seed does not justify the loss of time. The first crop will be obtained only six months after planting the seeds.

The list of obligatory care measures includes preparation of the soil cover, mulching, top dressing, regular watering. Damaged specimens remaining after culling, experienced gardeners often planted in a separate garden bed. Thus, they minimize unjustified expenses.

In the greenhouse

The facility in which the onions are grown per feather must meet the following requirements:

  • a sufficient number of shelving. These devices help to save space, increase productivity. Separate sections warm up faster than undivided space;
  • correct location. The greenhouse is located on a site that is well lit. To make up for the lack of light, phytolamps are installed in the greenhouse;
    drip irrigation. Regular hydration is a prerequisite for a plentiful harvest;
  • the presence of an air temperature control system. It should not fall below +18 ℃. The general condition of cultivated crops depends on this.


They are often used as soil. You can buy a substitute at a pet store. Before pouring into a prepared box, the filler is disinfected. Do this by means of boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Growing onions on sawdust

The bottom of the container is covered with oilcloth, the husks are removed from the heads themselves. After the sawdust is moistened and the processed heads are laid on them. Onions should be regularly watered with a composition prepared from hydrogen peroxide and water. 10 ml of the main component are taken per 1 liter of liquid. Ignore

Sawdust retains moisture for a long period. A container with landed bulbs can be placed in the garage or on the balcony. It should be noted that the next landing will require a new batch of sawdust.

At home

At home, onions are distilled in the following ways:

  • in the soil. Fertile soil can be purchased at a flower shop or typed at a summer cottage. Soil is poured into the container only after treatment. For one bed you will need 7-8 medium-sized heads. The greenery obtained as a result is quite enough for a family of three;
  • in water. Choose a container into which afterwards a solution consisting of warm water and mineral fertilizers will be poured. Bulbs should be arranged so that only the bases are in the liquid. To prevent decay, it is recommended to add 2-3 tablets of activated carbon to the container. Feathers will appear in a week. You can start cutting linear leaflets after 10-14 days.

Regardless of the method chosen, several important rules should be remembered. This vegetable belongs to photophilous plants, so lighting should be given special attention. Near containers with onions will have to put additional phytolamps.

It is strictly forbidden to place containers with water and soil near the heating system.

In the room where the onion is grown, the air temperature should not be less than +22 ℃.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: growing green onions in hydroponics

Hydroponics is a method in which a nutrient solution and artificial medium are used to grow a herbaceous culture. Using this technology, it is possible to control the diet, temperature regime, carbon dioxide concentration, and the supply of nutrient solution without any special difficulties. When developing a hydroponic system, all the needs of vegetable crops were taken into account. The roots of plants are in an air environment saturated with moisture. The substrate is made from chemically neutral materials. Hydroponic feather bow

This method is popular among those who plan to get greens throughout the year. Its main advantage is a short growing season.

For distillation use special varieties. Among them are Arzamassky, Spassky, Union, Bessonovsky.

To ensure that the harvest is plentiful, it is recommended to take the heads of the autumn harvest for sowing.

An added bonus is the lack of weed problems. Thanks to the super method, the process of growing onions does not take much time and does not require impressive material costs. The latter is especially true when doing business. The profit received as a result will justify all expenses.


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