Celosia: types, varieties, planting and care


Celosia is a plant from the Amaranth family. Buds are often compared with fire, hence the name comes from. Latin Celosia means flaming. In nature, these flowers are found on the American and African continents. There are classifications, annuals and perennials. However, in the Middle lane, any species is grown as annual crops, due to inappropriate harsh climatic conditions for them.

Description and features of celosia

In nature, grows up to 50 cm, cultivated do not exceed 25 cm. A florid flower, similar to a curved velvet ridge, is located on a fairly thick stem. Color shades are bright, from pink, yellow, to burgundy tones.

Flowering from July to October, before the cold snap. The whole stem is studded with thin needle-like leaves in some species and sinewy lobed in others. The buds are also found different - round, elongated.

Types and varieties of celosia

In total, there are approximately 60 different species. Used in culture are divided into 3 in the shape of a flower:

  • comb;
  • panicled;
  • spikelet.

The most popular annual silver variety.


The height is small, only 45 cm. But this is not the lowest indicator among other varieties.

The inflorescences formed are very similar in appearance to the crest of a rooster, both in shape and in color. Flowering occurs in mid-summer, ends in mid-autumn.

ImpressShrub of small height, maximum 25 cm. Leaves of dark, red color. The inflorescences themselves are more faded, red.
AtropurpureaThe plant is not more than 20 cm. The shoots are pink. The flowers themselves are purple.
ImperialisStem, flowers, purple leaves.
KoktsineaLeaf plates are green, flowers are bright red.

Cirrus (panicled)

The shoots are straight, rather large inflorescences are located on their tops, their color has a wide range of shades. Starting from red to yellow. Leaves have a standard green color.

This species includes such varieties as:

Gold chairLow growth bush, golden buds.
Thomsony Magnifica80 cm, stem height can reach 80 cm. The color of the buds is burgundy, the leaves are green.
TorchshineTall bush, inflorescences of bright red color.
New bowOf medium height, 40 cm high, inflorescences have a sunny color.

Spikelet (Hatton)

Less popular than the previous ones, but this does not mean that it is less beautiful. It can not be attributed to one class of tall or short, since its growth varies from 20 cm to 1 m 20 cm.

It directly depends on climatic conditions, soil, the addition of fertilizing. Inflorescences are often yellow, but red, orange and white are also found.

Propagation of celosia

The most popular and effective method of propagation is seed. They are collected from dried inflorescences, the procedure does not require special skills. The dried flowers simply shake slightly over the paper, some surface, and the seeds themselves spill out.

Before planting, they must be processed. This is done by placing the seeds in a solution of Epin and Zircon. Substances are added to water in the ratio of 1 drop of a substance to a glass of water. Planting seeds is best in March. In this case, you must maintain the required distance, depending on the type of plant. It is not necessary to sprinkle the seeds with earth, they just need to be slightly pressed into the soil, then sprayed with water.

Further, the list of actions is standard, the container with seedlings is covered with glass or film, placed in a place with good lighting. Upon the appearance of the first shoots, the shelter is removed, the seedlings are transferred to a cooler place, while it is no less lit.

Planting and caring for celosia

Landing occurs only during the period when the possibility of the appearance of frosts passes. When choosing a cultivation place, it is worth giving preference to a place that is well lit by the sun. Also, it should not be blown by the wind, since this affects badly the delicate inflorescences of the plant.

The earth should not be too acidic, even if it is, it can be easily corrected with lime.

Unlike other plants, planting, transplanting is not a difficult task, but you still need to be careful with the root system, especially in young species. If seedlings were in peat pots or tablets, you need to plant them in open ground with them. This completely eliminates the possibility of damage to the roots of the plant, in addition, it will be like a small fertilizer for the soil.

For undersized species, the gap must be maintained at least 15 cm. For tall species, about 30 cm.

In terms of care, cellosia is unpretentious. The only thing that needs to be closely monitored is that in spring the plant does not die from the cold. This is especially true for young shoots.

Watering is recommended only when the ground is dry. The plant really does not like constantly moist soil, in addition, this can be the cause of diseases such as gray rot.

Top dressing is important in care, but it must be done no more than 1 time per month.

Around the plant, the soil must be constantly loosened, weeds removed.

Even if the plant is grown at home, it also needs a large amount of light; in the matter of its placement, the window sill in the sunny side of the apartment, at home, is perfect. Once every 2 weeks, it is necessary to fertilize containing mineral fertilizers.

However, you should avoid fertilizers containing nitrogen, this will destroy the plant.

Celosia after flowering

When celosia fades, you need to prepare it for wintering.

Seed collection

The process of obtaining seeds is probably the easiest, in comparison with other plants. To do this, you need to pick a few already faded inflorescences that are already beginning to die. Then they need to be placed in a vessel, a vase, in a dark place for a day, where they finally fade. After removing from the vessel, and gently shake over any surface or coating. The seeds will begin to spill out on their own. They must be purged, then put into a box for further storage. It is also possible to simplify this process, for this it is necessary to hang inflorescences so that they look down, and under them lay a newspaper sheet. As soon as they fade, the seeds themselves will gradually begin to crumble, they will only have to collect.

Celosia in winter

Due to weather conditions not very suitable for this plant, all its species are grown as annuals. In the fall, the remaining copies are usually disposed of, destroyed. But they can not only just be thrown away, you can make beautiful dry bouquets of them. To do this, only tall varieties are suitable.

Faded specimens are cut off, all leaves are removed from them, then they are brought into the room. There, the inflorescences will finally fade, after which they can be placed in an empty vase, without water.

Diseases and pests of celosia

Naturally, those plants in the cultivation of which the rules were violated, the nuances of care are most susceptible to diseases and pests. An excess of moisture in the soil is extremely unacceptable, as this is the direct cause of rot. To protect at least 50% of the flower, it is necessary to treat the soil with insecticides before planting. During growth it is necessary to conduct a regular thorough inspection, approximately 3 times a week.

ProblemDescriptionPreventionRemedial measures
BlacklegRefers to fungal diseases, affects the stems and parts of the bush near the root. It is expressed in blackening, drying of the stem. In addition, it is very contagious, if one plant gets sick, it is necessary to take measures immediately, since it quickly spreads to healthy ones.They recommend moderate watering, soil drainage is mandatory. It is also necessary to treat seeds and soil with a weak solution of manganese, regularly loosen the soil, and clean it of weeds.The affected should be removed immediately as soon as signs of the disease have been detected. The soil must be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will keep the infection, prevent it from spreading to other, healthy shoots.
AphidThe pest is very often accompanied by ant attacks. This is due to the sweet aroma of celosia, which attracts many insects. It manifests itself in the form of larvae, which are located on a leaf on its inner part.It is necessary to remove all nearby anthills on the site, the soil in which the plants are located must be treated with a special solution. The same thing needs to be done with bushes. This solution can be bought in special garden stores.If larvae are found, it is necessary to wash them off the plant with a soap solution, then treat them with insecticides.
Spider miteThe most dangerous pest. It sticks to the nutrient medium of celosia, depriving it of the ability to fully grow and bloom. It is expressed by a white web, rather dense in the leaf sinuses, also near the base of the flower. If the inflorescence is bright, you can simply not notice it. In this case, small yellow spots appear on the sheet plate.It is recommended not to neglect watering, despite the preferences of the plant. Conduct it in a timely manner, but do not overmoisten the soil. The air humidity also plays an important role, it is possible to normalize the percentage of moisture with the help of a spray gun, spraying bushes with water.It is necessary to wash off the affected areas of the plant with a soap solution, a sponge is perfect for these purposes. Then the plant must be sprayed with a special insecticide against ticks.

If you neglect watering, or vice versa to overdo it, the appearance of such unpleasant guests as snails, caterpillars and slugs is possible.

Mr. summer resident recommends: the use of celosia

Cellosia is used for medical purposes, by traditional healers and specialists. She is treated for gastrointestinal upsets. Used for the treatment and prevention of the oral and throat cavities.

Among the medicinal properties, the presence of an anti-inflammatory effect is also noted. To do this, the seeds are ground in a coffee grinder, then poured with vegetable oil. The result is coelosium oil, it is used for redness of the skin, microcracks. Especially popular with women, it gives velvety skin.


Watch the video: Celosia plant - grow, care & eat Cock's comb (October 2024).