Powdery mildew on phlox - effective methods of control


Powdery mildew, also known as ashtray or linen, is a fungal disease caused by ectoparasitic fungi from the order of erisif. Many plants are exposed to this disease, and all have the same symptoms, however, different causes of occurrence.

Features of powdery mildew on phlox

The source of the disease is the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum. The defeat is observed in the spring during the vigorous flowering of the plant at the moment when the overwintered fungal spores break out from the spore-forming organ and are transferred to the flowers with the help of the wind.

The first symptoms will be clearly visible only in July. Initially, small spots of white color are shown on the lower plates, which immediately grow, turning into a powdery coating. Subsequently, it becomes denser and acquires a brown hue. Then the leaf dries. Gradually spreads to the upper branches, inflorescences.

Newly formed leaflets that have not yet had time to acquire a protective layer are most easily and easily infected.

Favorable conditions for the appearance and development of the disease are temperature + 18 ... +20 ° C and high humidity. Also, this is facilitated by the excessive presence of nitrogen in the earth, improper watering, and fluctuations in temperature conditions.

Powdery Mildew Prevention

In order to avoid infection, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • add fertilizers where flowers grow several times during growth and flowering;
  • sprinkle every 14 days with a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid;
  • thin out (densely planted contributes to the development of mushrooms);
  • promptly remove falling leaves and weeds;
  • treat with a tool that includes trace elements;
  • sprinkle earth near the flower with wood ash;
  • dig the soil, and also add nutrients in the autumn;
  • apply nitrogen-containing elements moderately;
  • cover with humus or peat after the 15th of April.

Methods of treating phlox from powdery mildew

If the plant is infected, then first of all it needs to be examined, then the affected parts should be cut off or torn off and thrown away, but in general it is best to burn it. To begin with, you can treat phlox with folk remedies, but if relapse occurs after 14 days, then reuse specialized ones.

Powdery mildew

In the battle with the ashtray, these special tools are indispensable, since they contribute to the early cessation of the disastrous process. Dosing, as well as the principle of use of the drug by the instructions. Their frequency of spraying is combined - at least 4 times with an interval of a week.

The following are considered the most effective: Fundazol, Topaz, Chistotsvet, Topsin and others. When applying them, you should adhere to the instructions written in the leaflet, and carefully follow in order to avoid harm.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: folk remedies for powdery mildew on phlox

The table shows the most common and effective techniques that will help get rid of parasites.

Milk serum100 g of serum are dissolved in 1 l of water.Sprayed at least 3 times every 72 hours.
Ash tincture150 g of wood ash is mixed with 1 liter of boiling water and set for 48 hours. Subsequently, 4 g of laundry soap, previously ground, is added to this mass, and unnecessary filtering is taken.Spray 3 times daily, and can be every other day.
Soapy copper solution200 g of soap, 25 g of copper sulfate are mixed with 10 l of water.Processing is done 1 time every week.
Soda-soap solution25 g of soda ash and 25 g of laundry soap are dissolved in 5 l of hot water. In this case, the soap should be grated.Not only the plant itself is sprayed, but also the ground in which it grows, 2 times every 7 days.


Watch the video: How To Cure Powdery Mildew (September 2024).