Diblo Kalinolistny Diablo: photo, description, landscape use


Diablo Kalinolistrochny Diablo belongs to plants that are distinguished by beauty and decorative properties, but at the same time it is extremely unpretentious in care. The birthplace of the plant is East Asia and North America.

In Russia, it began to be actively used only in the 21st century, but thanks to its attractive appearance it has already won many fans among amateur gardeners, designers and is widely used by them in the design of landscape solutions. If you follow the recommendations for growing, the vesicle will delight the eye for a long time in the arrangement of a personal plot or cottage.

Description of Diablo Bladderwort

The height of the bush of the bubble of Diablo reaches 3 meters. It has large foliage of a dark purple hue when growing in the sun, in the shade its color becomes more green with a reddish tint. In the autumn period, the color of the leaves does not change, remaining the same. Due to the fairly close location of the branches, the crown is formed compact and dense.

The flowering period of the bush begins in June. Snow-white inflorescences have a spherical shape. The flowers have quite long pink stamens that add fluffiness. It lasts about 14 days. Then berries appear that resemble bubbles. At first they are green, but then, as they mature, they turn red with a purple tint. It was the fruits that gave the name to this plant.

Another variety of gallbladder is Diablo Dora, slightly less than the variety described above. Such a bush grows to a maximum height of up to 1.5 meters. The leaves are painted in a copper shade, as they grow, they gradually darken to purple, but slightly lighter than Diablo. His flowers are also white with pink long stamens.

Both subspecies, even with minimal care, have a beautiful decorative crown, which is widely used in landscape design.

Bubble planting

Before planting a plant, it is important to choose the right place and prepare it. It must be remembered that in the shaded areas the leaves near the bush will become more green, and in the sunny - bright with a purple tint.

It is worth considering the location of groundwater. So when they are tall, the shrub will grow poorly or even die.

And the composition of the soil has no particular preferences for the plant. Also, both varieties of Diablo feel great in gassed and dusty air, which makes them indispensable when planting along the road and around the perimeter of the garden.

Plant it in the simplest way. First, you need to prepare a hole taking into account the size of the roots of the bush (its diameter should be larger). Depth is chosen from the calculation so that it is flush with the neck of the barrel. Drainage and fertile soil plus a mixture of rotted manure with complex mineral fertilizer must be laid to the bottom.

Before planting a plant brought from the nursery, it is soaked in water for 2-3 hours. Then, in the prepared place, the roots of the seedling are carefully laid out and the earth is poured. It is worth a little trample the soil around the trunk and water well. Since watering the young bush needs abundant and frequent, it is better to carry it out once in 2-4 days, depending on the drying of the top soil layer.

It is important to mulch (cover) the trunk circle with sawdust or dry grass. This action improves the air exchange of the roots and protects against rapid drying, which will subsequently affect the health of Diablo.

When using the vesicle as a decorative hedge, the bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern at intervals of at least 50 cm from each other.

Various seedlings of the vesicle and features of their planting

There are 2 types of seedlings, the method of planting and the degree of survival also depends on this. Allocate:

  • With closed roots. In this case, the plant is grown in a special container and transplanted by transshipment during the entire vegetative period. This is the most optimal option, as it guarantees almost 100% survival.
  • With an open root system. The bush is grown in the ground and then dug up and sold. At the same time, minimum soil remains on the roots. Such plants can only be planted in early spring or autumn. Their survival rate is much worse than that of the first option.

Proper care of the gallbladder, rules and nuances

This type of ornamental shrubs is extremely unpretentious in care.

But in acidic loamy soil, with good drainage, it takes root more quickly and grows better.

A matured and rooted plant is watered as necessary, depending on weather conditions. For example, if the summer turned out to be rainy and cool, he will have enough moisture received from the soil.

As top dressing, you can use humus, poured around the trunk. It is enough to carry out such a procedure 1 time in the growing season.

In the spring, it is worth watering the plant with a solution of nitrate or urea, prepared in the calculation: 20 g of dry matter, diluted in 1 bucket of water.

Nitrogen fertilizers enhance the growth of Diablo, and the bush will become more voluminous with a dense crown.

In autumn, mineral fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus should be preferred. For example, nitroammophoske, diluted in the same proportion as spring top dressing. This top dressing is important for the healing of the bush.

Proper pruning

It is important to regularly trim the shrub, this will form a regular and beautiful crown. They begin to prune branches from 1 year of growth in a permanent place. This procedure is carried out quite simply: the outer parts of the branches are removed with a garden knife or a special secateurs, which leads to stimulation of lateral growth.

In the spring period before the start of the growing season with the same equipment, you need to clean the bush from dried and damaged shoots. This will rejuvenate the bush and provide an incentive for the growth of young branches.

You can form a crown using several of the most popular methods:

  • The shoots are cut at a distance of 50 cm from the trunk. With this method, a voluminous and magnificent appearance of the bush is achieved.
  • Selected several (5-8) most powerful branches are cut at a height of 1.5 meters. The crown is formed in this case fountain-shaped, which gives additional unusualness to the plant.
  • Sometimes, even when growing on a site with a lot of sun, shoots with completely green leaves begin to appear on Diablo. They must be removed as close to the trunk as possible. Otherwise, the bush will lose its unusualness and attractiveness.

How to propagate Diablo vesicle

Any variety of red-leaved vesicle can be grown in several ways. They include.

Seed cultivation

The least popular breeding method. This is due to the fact that seedlings often do not take the best external properties from the mother plant and, as a result, a bush can grow that is very different from what is expected. It is important to stratify them before landing. That is, you need to organize for their germination, an environment that will be very similar to the natural.


It is better to root the cuttings in late summer. To do this, take the cut branches having 2-3 or more anastomoses. The most favorable time for planting is earlier morning or evening, when there is no intense heat. The lower part of the shoot is cut at an angle of 45 °, and the upper - horizontally. At the same time, all the leaves are torn off. Pre-soak prepared scraps in a special solution for rooting.

Then planted in sand containers and covered with plastic wrap. When young leaves appear, the insulation is removed, and the seedlings are moved into the soil to a selected place on the site.
Before the onset of cold weather, it is worth insulating the plantings. To do this, use spruce branches or sawdust, which will prevent young bushes from freezing.


This is the easiest way to propagate the vesicle. Carry it out as follows: in the spring, several shoots are selected, directed outwards from the main trunk. All leaves are removed from them, then they are laid in the prepared groove, and they are covered with soil. For reinforcement, they are attached with wooden or metal staples to the ground.

Well for this, ordinary studs are suitable. Pay great attention to watering. At the same time, it is important that it is sufficient, but not too abundant, otherwise the decay of the formed root system will begin and the layers will die. By the beginning of autumn, you can carefully separate the new plant from the mother and transplant to another place in compliance with all the rules.

Bush division

The selected plant is dug up, a sharp knife or a shovel is divided into several parts, each of which is then planted in another place.

This manipulation is carried out in the spring before the dissolution of the leaves. After separation, rinse each individual bush in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is also important to cut all branches on the plant by ½, so that all forces go to the formation of the root system, and not shoots with foliage. It is also watered as the top soil layer dries.

Mr. Dachnik informs: Diablo's vesicle - use in landscape design

Due to the beautiful decorative appearance and rather rapid growth, the bubble plant has won a deserved place among the plants used by landscape designers and amateur gardeners in the design of plots.

If you plant it in the center of the lawn and give the crown a beautiful shape - this will be the highlight in the garden. Also, due to the combination of several varieties of vesicles in a hedge, you can give it an unusual look.

His place in the gardens and flower beds, he got another of its features - it is almost not affected by pests and fungal diseases, which affect most other plants.

With proper care, he will long delight his owners with an unusual and attractive appearance.


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