The sweet creation of the Ionians: Attica grapes


Many varieties of foreign selection have taken root and feel great on our lands. Each of them won the prestige of winegrowers with their special qualities, competing with domestic varieties. Attica variety, which is characterized by a very early ripening period, resistance to diseases, and stable yield, is no exception. But first things first.

Beauty of the Balzac age - Attica

Sometimes you can find the second name of this variety - Attica seedless (Attika seedless), which means Attica seedless

Forty years will soon come when the dark raisin of Attica delights the winegrowers with stable and plentiful harvests. This grape appeared in one of the oldest cities in the world, the Greek capital Athens (Greek Αθήνα) at ​​the Institute of Viticulture in 1979. Its creator Michos Vassilos (Mihos Vassilos) crossed the French black grapes Alfons Lavalle with black Central Kishmish. As a result, a completely boneless Attica arose.

Grapes are named after one of the southeastern regions of Central Greece. Sometimes you can find the second name of this variety - Attika seedlis (Attika seedless), which means Attica seedless.

Why Attica is Good: Variety Description

Attica - a table full of early-ripening sultanas, very sun-loving.

The bushes have medium growth strength, develop well, and their shoots ripen well. Attica's bisexual flowers are stably pollinated regardless of the weather.

Bunches form a cylindrical shape, tapering slightly downward, sometimes with wings. Their density is moderate. In young bushes, the fruit is smaller, Attica gives more massive brushes with age.

Ripened round or somewhat oval berries become dark purple, almost completely black. There are practically no seeds in them, there can only be their rudimentary residues.

The taste of berries is harmonious, very sweet, remotely resembling cherries or chokeberries. The pulp is dense, crunchy. The skin is thick, covered with a waxy coating, has no tart aftertaste.

Productivity is consistently high. Already the first fruiting can consist of eight bunches weighing up to 1 kilogram.

The variety has good resistance to frost and fungal diseases.

Bunches taken from vines are perfectly stored and transported without losing commercial quality.

Atticia variety - video

Variety characteristics - table

Maturing to full maturity from the onset of budding110-120 days
In the middle lane, harvesting falls between the end of July and the middle of August.
Attica brush mass0.7-2 kg
Berry weight4-6 grams
Berry size25 mm x 19 mm
Brush lengthup to 30 cm
Sugar content in juice16-18%
The amount of acid in the juice5 grams per liter
Productivityup to 25-30 tons per hectare
Frost resistanceup to -21 ºС, according to some sources up to -27 ºС

To make Attica comfortable on your site: cultivation features

Attica is undemanding to soils, successfully grows and develops on almost all its species

Attica grapes can be planted on their site in spring or autumn. A place for bushes is chosen so that it:

  • was flat and was in the southern part of the site;
  • unhindered by the sun;
  • not drafted.

Attica is undemanding to soil, successfully grows and develops in almost all its species, except salt marshes and wetlands.

When planting this raisin, the following stages of planting must be observed:

  1. For a seedling, depending on its size, dig a hole with a depth of 20-50 cm and an area of ​​the size of the roots.
  2. The soil selected by their pits is mixed with organic matter and complex mineral fertilizers in a small amount.
  3. The bottom of the pit is covered with gravel (layer thickness 10-15 cm), and thin boards or twigs are placed on top of it.
  4. To organize future good watering and top dressing, a plastic tube Ø10 mm protruding above the edge of the hole is placed in one of the corners of the pit.
  5. A mound of prepared soil is formed in the center of the hole.
  6. The roots of the plant are immersed in the creamy chatterbox of their rotted mullein and clay (2: 1 ratio).
  7. The planted shoot is cut into two buds. The slice is treated with melted paraffin.
  8. The seedling ready for planting is lowered into the hole, spreading the roots on the surface of the knoll.
  9. The hole is filled with the rest of the soil, rammed it, watered with four to five buckets of warm water.
  10. The soil surface near the seedling is mulched with compost or rotted manure.

If several bushes of the Attica variety are planted, they are placed at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from one another.

To reduce the load on the branches with a high yield, vertical supports and trellises are used. This minimizes possible damage to the vine.

Ripe clusters are best left on the vine for a few more days for the full development of the taste of berries.

In areas with low winter temperatures exceeding the limit of frost resistance of Attica, the vines are additionally covered. Before organizing a winter shelter, grapes are recommended to be treated with a 5% solution of copper or iron sulfate, the grape trunks should be protected from damage by rodents.

To organize a winter shelter, young bushes of grapes, having removed from a support, are bent to the ground. Adult plants are left on a support and make protection from the cold in the form of a greenhouse. In both cases, using "breathing" materials - needles or paws of pine, burlap, hay. In no case should you use synthetic films.

The agricultural technology of Attica is similar to events held for other grape varieties: regular watering, timely top dressing and processing.

Based on the fact that Attica is perfectly pollinated regardless of the weather, it does not require treatment with gibberellin (a growth stimulant), but it is obligatory to treat it twice a season with fungicides, since the resistance of the variety to diseases caused by fungi is average.

This raisin can be propagated by grafting to any vigorous rootstocks. It is only important that they grow in a place well-lit by the sun.

Reviews of winegrowers

Report on the first fruiting of Attica at the time of ripening. Hive 2 years, a load of 4 clusters of 0.5-0.6 kg approximately. On August 19, he reached a removable maturity, but for the development of taste, I think he still needs to hang. The berry, as expected, weighs up to 5.4 grams, the bulk of the berries weighs about 4 grams: All berries weighing up to 4 grams are seedless (rudiments are not felt at all), but those that are larger turned out with such rudiments (Attica on the left , Veles on the right), the average weight of one rudiment of large berries is 25 mg. When cracked, the rudiments are slightly bitter, but chewed. Let's see, while they are green and soft, suddenly they start to turn brown?



Hello! Perhaps for “Specials” the taste is not very good, but for me it’s even very good. Now in the Krasnodar Territory, Attica is full of markets - the average price is 100 rubles. His popularity this year is like Pleven, and is more expensive than Arcadia. And what is interesting, the one that was sold before was really not very, very simple taste - and the current one that is sold in September is very tasty. And they say that Attica is better grafted. I’ll be sure to plant myself - a good dark, large raisin! Sincerely, Andrey Derkach, Krasnodar.

Zahar 1966


Attica raisins, a new variety, but we liked it almost immediately, the clusters are large, the berry is tasty, and can hang on the bush for a long time. It is well transported, even over long distances.



The Attica table grape variety has been growing in our wine growers for several years. It is easy to care for him, you should only observe methodology and adhere to the rules of care. It is grown for personal consumption in raw form, the manufacture of juices, homemade wines, raisins, as well as in large volumes - for sale.


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