Cucumbers Siberian garland - a promising variety for different regions


A wide variety of cucumber varieties can make the gardener a difficult choice. After all, I want the plant to combine only the best qualities - high productivity, easy care and resistance to disease. Of course, there are such varieties - these are hybrids. But among them one can distinguish favorites. Meet the Siberian garland variety.

Description and characteristics of cucumbers Siberian garland

Domestic breeders continue to amaze and delight gardeners in Russia. More recently, Chelyabinsk scientists have created a truly unique variety of cucumbers, whose name is the Siberian garland, reflects the main characteristics of this plant - an incredibly high yield and ability to tolerate temperature changes.

When purchasing seeds of the Siberian garland variety, many pay attention to the mark F1. This means that the variety belongs to hybrids. A feature of such cucumbers is the absence or severe underdevelopment of seeds. Therefore, to grow hybrids, seed material will have to be bought every time.

The Siberian garland is a hybrid, which means that the variety took only the best characteristics from the parental forms


Siberian garland - a powerful plant with a strong stem, well-developed root system, large leafy plates. The stalk reaches a height of 2 meters or more.

Cucumbers Siberian garland - an incredibly productive variety

A characteristic feature and at the same time a bush decoration is a bouquet, or bunch type fruiting. This means that from 4 to 5 fruit ovaries can form in each leaf sinus. This feature indicates a high potential yield - each plant in a season can form up to 400 greens. Zelentsy varieties Siberian garland belong to the gherkin type. Their length does not exceed 8 - 10 cm. The dark green thin skin closer to the base slightly brightens. The surface is pimpled to the touch and covered with small spikes. However, the white spikes are very thin and soft, they easily fall off when touched.

The greens pulp is juicy, crispy, with a sweetish flavor, aromatic. There are no voids inside the fetus. The variety is famous for the fact that the pulp is never bitter, and the fruits themselves are not prone to overgrowth.

The fruits of the Siberian garland have an attractive appearance

Grade characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

The Chelyabinsk hybrid has a unique set of characteristics that make it popular among gardeners:

  1. The fruits are universal in use. They go well with tomatoes and herbs in vitamin salads, and are great for harvesting - pickled and pickled cucumbers turn out to be crispy, which is especially appreciated by gourmets.
  2. The taste and quality of cucumbers can be assessed as early as 45 days after the appearance of the first shoots, which indicates the early ripeness of the variety. In greenhouses, greenbacks mature several days earlier. The fruiting period is smooth and long. In regions with a warm and temperate climate, you can harvest before the first frost.
  3. Productivity anticipates the most daring forecasts. One bush brings up to 20 kg of cucumbers. And from 1 m² you can collect up to 40 kg of fruits, but subject to proper agricultural technology.
  4. Abundant fruiting can be a problem for someone, because it is advisable to collect fruits every day, even despite the fact that the variety is not prone to overgrowth.
  5. The wonderful appearance, taste and productivity of the Siberian garland cultivar make it promising for commercial use.
  6. Siberian garland belongs to parthenocarpics. The ability of the plant to set fruit without pollination makes the variety in demand when grown in greenhouses.
  7. The variety is plastic. It perfectly adapts to various climatic conditions - the plant is not afraid of lowering and increasing average temperature indicators. Therefore, to grow a hybrid with equal success can be in the open ground and indoors.
  8. Excellent immunity is another plus in the characteristic. The variety is resistant to cucumber mosaic, brown spotting, powdery mildew. Moderately resistant to peronosporosis.
  9. With regard to lighting, undemanding. It grows well in partial shade, which allows you to grow a variety at home.

Siberian garland is a universal variety, it can be grown not only in the garden and in the greenhouse, but also on the balcony

Table: Variety Advantages and Disadvantages

Great yields and wonderful
the appearance of the fruit
Collect fruit every day.
Early ripeningIt will not work to collect the seeds on my own,
and the cost of planting material is high
The ability to tie crops without
Resistance to changes in temperature
High immunity
Universal use of fruits
Ability to grow a variety in the open
garden bed, in the greenhouse, on the balcony

Small cucumbers of the Siberian garland variety do not lose a crunch even after salting

Growing regions

Excellent characteristics allow you to grow a variety of Siberian garland in any region. Even in areas of risky farming, this variety can be grown in any kind of greenhouse.

Landing Features

Starting to grow a hybrid, you do not need to reinvent the wheel. Siberian garland is planted in two traditional ways:

  • seed;
  • seedlings.

Sowing seeds in the ground is often practiced in the southern regions, where the soil warms up quite early. It is best to sow in advance prepared hatching seeds at the end of May. Soil temperature should be about 14 - 15 ° С. If the weather is unstable - it is hot during the day and cool at night, you need to build a light shelter from the film above the bed.

Seedling is respected in any region. After all, high-quality seedlings will allow you to get a crop much earlier. Seedlings are sown in late April - early May, depending on the regional climate.

In order to grow strong seedlings from the seeds of the Siberian garland, the seed material must be prepared for planting

When growing a variety in seedlings, try to do without picking, as the variety is poorly restored after the procedure. To do this, sow the seeds in separate cups.

If in the south the Siberian garland grows well on a regular bed, then in central Russia it is more reliable to plant a variety on warm beds, in which a reheating plant mass will reliably protect the roots from possible cold snap.

Although the Siberian garland is not afraid of temperature changes, it will still be more comfortable for it in a warm bed, especially in a cool climate

Choosing a place and neighbors in the garden

As already noted, the Siberian garland grows beautifully in a diffused shadow. In a slightly shaded place, it will be even easier for a cucumber to survive in a hot climate - the leaves will suffer less from the sun.

Regarding soils, the variety is unpretentious. But a cleaned and fertilized plot from the fall will positively affect the future harvest. Perhaps, only heavy soils with high acidity are categorically not suitable for growing cucumbers of this variety.

The neighborhood of vegetables on one bed is of great importance for the crop. This is especially important in small areas. Siberian garland in the garden and greenhouse can be grown next to such crops:

  • green pea;
  • black Eyed Peas;
  • parsley dill;
  • onion garlic;
  • eggplant;
  • pepper.

Corn will be a great neighbor in an open garden. It will not only protect the leaves of the Siberian garland from the scorching sun, but also act as a support.

Neighborhood of corn and cucumber benefits both plants


In principle, caring for the Siberian garland cannot be called difficult, although cucumbers themselves are still capricious.

Stem Shaping and Garter

Siberian garland, like many hybrids, is formed into one stalk. A feature of the hybrid is the formation of most ovaries on the main stem. By removing the 4 lower flower bouquets, you allow the rest of the ovaries to receive enough nutrients and light. And then, without pinching the central stem, they tie the plant on the trellis. When the height of the stem reaches 2 m, you can truncate the apex.

For the Siberian garland, the formation of a plant in one stem is suitable

Landing pattern

Given the tall hybrid variety, there should be enough room for growth and development of the plant. Therefore, when planting the Siberian garland, you should adhere to the recommended scheme for the variety - no more than 2 plants per 1 m².

How to water and how to feed

Since cucumber is almost 95% water, this plant loves watering. Siberian garland is no exception. Moisten the variety often and plentifully. Before mass flowering begins, the frequency of moisturizing is 1 time in 3 to 4 days. As soon as the first ovaries appear, the interval between watering is reduced to 2 days. And of course, if the street is very hot - you have to water daily.

If cucumbers grow in an open garden, then the number of moisturizing procedures is influenced by many factors - temperature, rainfall and even wind.

Drop watering is the best way to moisten cucumbers both in the open garden and in the greenhouse.

Abundant fruit setting takes a lot of energy from the plant, therefore, top dressing is the main condition for a good harvest of the Siberian garland. The amount of fertilizer application per season is generally small - only 4 times.

Table: Fertilizing

When to depositWhat to deposit
2 weeks after transplanting
or when the plant appears 5
real sheet
You can choose one of the following types of dressing,
depending on your preference.
  • a solution of cow manure (1/8) or chicken droppings (1/16);
  • 25 g of urea and 50 g of superphosphate per 10 l of water.
2 weeks after the first, when
flowering begins
  • 25 g of ammonium sulfate, 45 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulfate dissolved in 10 l of water;
  • 50 g of wood ash and chalk per 1 m² can be scattered on the bed;
  • as foliar top dressing use a solution of superphosphate - 50 g per 10 l of water.
7 days after the appearance
first greens
  • Use complex fertilizers for cucumbers. The solution is prepared according to the instructions;
  • green fertilizer - 1/6 solution.
1.5 to 2 weeks after
third feeding
Use organic - cow dung or bird droppings in the above

Do not forget that in addition to root dressings, there are also foliar, which will quickly eliminate the lack of nutrients

Features of growing in a greenhouse

Greenhouse conditions make it possible to obtain the first fruits of Siberian garland cucumbers much earlier than ground, and the fruiting duration will increase. But to get great results, you must follow the rules.

  • in the greenhouse, be sure to tie the plant to the trellis, because in comfortable conditions the Chelyabinsk hybrid will show record growth;
  • water only with warm water (about 23 ° C), but not lower than the temperature in the greenhouse;
  • do not thicken the landing, stick to the above scheme;
  • Watch out for humidity and avoid drafts.

Greenhouse conditions favorably influence the growth of the Siberian garland

What drugs are used against diseases and pests

Hybrid immunity Siberian garland is resistant to many diseases and pests, but violation of the rules of cultivation can turn into problems. Observing agricultural technology, you will avoid possible troubles. In addition, preventive treatment of plants in both open and closed ground will help prevent the spread of the disease or harmful insects at the initial stage. Among the most popular tools, the following can be distinguished.

  1. To fight diseases:
    • HOM;
    • Fitosporin;
    • Topaz;
    • Ridomil Gold;
    • Bordeaux liquid;
    • copper sulfate.
  2. Against pests:
    • Actellik;
    • Fitoverm.

Do not forget about personal safety during preventative treatment indoors.

Reviews about the variety Siberian garland

In 2014, the last cucumbers were plucked to frost in a greenhouse. 100% fit the description. Spiky gherkins, tasty, sweet. I just didn’t see so many cucumbers. In 2015, a lot of hollow, half of the ovaries withered, but these are my mistakes. I’ll plant them again this year, and from the same series are still others.



Last year I liked the Siberian garland, minus was a poor seed germination. Cucumbers in the Siberian garland grew from each sinus of leaves, without gaps. The bushes were lowered down the rope, and they bore fruit before the digging of the greenhouse. The only cucumber variety that pleased last year



Planted. I will no longer Dear, and germination is poor and productivity is not so hot. Capricious. You need to fertilize a lot. Twice a week I had to feed mullein with infusion, otherwise they would not be tied. Watered every day or every other day (as it turned out). Other varieties did not require such a feed. Granddaughter eats from the bush, so I try not to feed a lot of cucumbers.



My Siberian garland was bundled, cucumbers grew one by one, it was immediately up to 3 in my bosom, then one grows up, plucks, the others grow.



Put in a boy. Out of 5, 4 ascended, although all sprouted. The greenhouse was opened as soon as the weather settled. They did nothing more, didn’t form anything, didn’t feed anything, they simply watered with warm water and that’s all. 4 bushes fed us all summer - 6 people. The peel is thin, the cucumbers themselves do not outgrow, they simply taste excellent. Finished shooting somewhere in late September. I really liked it, with pleasure I will plant it again if I find the seeds.



Excellent characteristics and the ability of the variety to grow in any conditions make the Siberian garland a favorite in the cucumber bed. Unpretentiousness, productivity and a long fruiting period - is this not a gardener's dream. But you should not give in to euphoria about the declared qualities of the Siberian garland. After all, if you do not create optimal conditions for the variety, then the return will be minimal.


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