Tomato Pink Honey: How to Grow a Sweet Variety


Gardeners who grow tomatoes, perhaps, consider the taste of fruits to be the main quality of this crop. Therefore, pink honey tomatoes are a favorite in the garden. But the variety has certain characteristics - it is good for fresh consumption. Juicy and sweet pulp is ideal for vitamin salads. Among the advantages are large fruits and the possibility of growing in any region of Russia.

Description of tomato variety Rose Honey

According to many gourmets, the most delicious are pink tomatoes. And among the pink varieties, pink honey stands out for its taste. The variety was created in Novosibirsk. In 2006 he was included in the State Register. Admitted to breeding in all regions of Russia.

Pink honey is intended for cultivation in the open ground and under film shelters. Recommended for use in personal subsidiary plots.

The Rosy honey variety, created by Novosibirsk scientists, is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.


Variety Pink honey is a determinant, that is, low plant. The usual height of the bush in open ground is 70 cm. If a tomato is grown in a greenhouse, then it is much higher - up to 1 m 50 cm. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green in color. The inflorescence is simple. One flower brush can carry from 3 to 10 fruits.

The fruit has a rounded or truncated-heart-shaped shape, with a slightly ribbed surface. A distinctive feature of the variety is the presence of a dark spot near the stalk, disappearing when ripe. In the stage of technical ripeness, the tomato is painted in the pink color corresponding to the name. The skin is thin.

The pulp is fragrant, tender, juicy and fleshy. Taste is rated as excellent. The taste is sweet, characteristic of red sourness tomatoes is absent. The variety has a multi-chamber fruit - the number of nests is 4 or more. Seeds are small.

Tomato pulp. Pink honey is very juicy and fleshy.


  1. Variety Pink honey belongs to mid-season. From the time of germination to the start of harvesting, 110 days pass.
  2. Productivity in the open field is 3.8 kg / m². The average weight of a tomato is 160 - 200 g. The originators of a variety indicate its large-fruited - from 600 to 1500 g. Moreover, the first fruits, as a rule, have such a large mass, and later ripening ones are smaller. Commodity yield of fruits - 96%.
  3. The fruits are used in fresh salads, they make a delicious juice or ketchup. For conservation and salting, pink honey is not suitable.
  4. Variety tomatoes are not stored for long - removed from the bush they retain their presentation for only 10 days. Yes, and they are unlikely to withstand transportation because of the thin skin. But thin skin is not only a minus. She chews well, so Pink Honey is so suitable for use in raw form.
  5. If you do not withstand the watering regime, the fruits crack.
  6. Variety Pink honey is not resistant enough to disease.

Tomatoes of the variety Pink Honey are rightly called large-fruited

Advantages and disadvantages - table

Great lookShort storage period
Great tasteInability to transport
long distances
Large fruitsInsufficient resistance to
solanaceous diseases
Drought tolerance
The ability to collect seeds
for further cultivation

Variety Pink honey is not a hybrid. And this means that the seeds retain all the hereditary traits. Thus, once you buy seed, you can later harvest it yourself.

Tomato Pink Honey - video

Comparison of tomato Honey pink with other pink varieties - table

Average weight
Ripening periodGrade stability
to diseases
For what type
soil suitable
Pink honey160 - 200 g3.8 kg / m²Suitable for cooking
salads and juices
110 daysNot enoughFor open and
closed ground
Pink giant300 g3-4 kg per bushSuitable for cooking
salads and juices
120 - 125 daysSteadyFits good
for open
wild Rose300 g6 - 7 kg / m²Use fresh,
used for cooking
hot dishes, juices and sauces
110 - 115 daysGood resists
tobacco mosaic
For closed
De barao
70 g4 kg from the bushSuitable for salads, salting
and making juices
117 daysHigh stability
to late blight
Open ground
and closed
150 - 300 g10 kg / m²For salads and cooking
juices and sauces
110 - 115 daysHighOpen ground
and closed

Features of planting and cultivating the variety Pink Honey

Tomato Pink honey is good because it can be grown in any climate, because the variety is suitable for both open beds and greenhouses. Different climatic conditions require a different approach to the method of cultivation. In warm regions, tomato can be sown directly into the ground. In cool - grown through seedlings.

Seed growing method

This method will save the gardener from the hassle of seedlings. In addition, open tomatoes are more resistant to diseases and temperature extremes. Sow seeds in the soil warmed up to 15 ° C. Such conditions in the southern regions develop in mid-April or early May. But before sowing the seeds need to be prepared, especially if you collected them from self-grown fruits.

Prepare a plot for tomatoes. Pink honey in the fall. You should choose the beds where the following crops grew:

  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • legumes;
  • pumpkin;
  • cucumbers
  • bow;
  • parsley;
  • dill.

You can not plant after potatoes, peppers, eggplant. In the soil after these crops pathogens accumulate that will threaten the variety Pink Honey.

Solanaceous crops are not the best predecessor for tomatoes

Originators claim that the variety Pink Honey is able to grow even on saline soils. But no matter what type of soil your site has, it must be enriched with nutrients. Digging up the bed, add a bucket of rotted humus or compost to 1 m², ash - a couple of handfuls, superphosphate and potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l

So that the bushes of tomato Pink Honey do not interfere with each other's growth, and get enough light, 3 plants are planted per 1 m².

Seedling method

This method is good in that the fruits of the Pink Honey variety ripen earlier and the yield will be slightly higher. Seeds are prepared in the same way as for sowing in open ground. Sown for seedlings in the first half of March. If you are a resident of the southern region, but prefer to grow tomatoes by seedlings, then you need to sow even earlier - in the middle or end of February. The main condition is that the seedlings do not outgrow. Before landing on the beds should be no more than 60 - 65 days.

For growing seedlings, you need loose nutritious soil and a rectangular planting container. As soil, you can use the land from the garden, but not from solanaceous. To give the soil friability, add coarse sand, and do not forget to disinfect. You can calcine the soil in the oven or spill with a solution of manganese.


When the seedlings appear 2 - 3 real leaves, they will pick. This procedure involves transplanting a plant into a separate container. This can be a special pot for seedlings, a disposable cup or cut juice packaging.

After picking, seedlings of the variety Pink Honey will build up a powerful root system, which will help the plant quickly take root in a new place and provide itself with moisture and nutrients.

For 1.5 - 2 weeks before planting in open ground, you can start hardening seedlings. Start by lowering the night temperatures, then briefly take the young plants outside. Increase the time spent in the fresh air every day by 30 to 40 minutes. From the bright sun for the first time, seedlings need to be slightly shaded.

During hardening, try to pritenit seedlings at first

Tomato care Pink honey outdoors

Tomatoes Pink honey in the open ground begin to set flowers and bear fruit only at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C. Favorable temperature indicators range from 15 to 30 ° C. If the weather is cool, you need to build a film shelter over the bed, which is easy to remove when warming. When the thermometer column exceeds the value of 35 ° C, pollination ceases, which means that the crop can not wait.


Pink honey is a drought-tolerant crop, for which excessive watering can turn into diseases and spoiled crops. Therefore, moisten the bushes every 10 to 14 days. But the frequency of watering can be slightly increased during the period of mass formation of fruits and in the heat. In dry periods, it is recommended to moisten the bush up to 2 times a week. But the soil should serve as a guide - watering only after the top layer of the earth has dried out.

Pour water under the root. Do not allow moisture on the leaves and stalk, this will cause a burn. The best time to water is in the early morning. Even if droplets of water fell on the leaves, before the onset of heat, it will have time to dry. The drip method is ideal for watering tomatoes.

When watering tomatoes, make sure that water does not fall on the leaves

Top dressing

In pre-fertilized soil before planting tomatoes, rose honey bushes develop very quickly. But when the time comes for fruiting, nutrition becomes insufficient. During this period, you need to feed the bush at least twice. The quality of the fetus and the ripening rate are affected by phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

If the planted seedlings are strongly stunted due to lack of nutrition, be sure to feed it with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. By the way, a large amount of nutrients, including nitrogen, is found in organic matter - manure or chicken droppings. But when using these substances, you must adhere to a strict norm:

  • 1 part of dry or fresh chicken droppings is diluted in 1 liter of water and insisted in a warm place from 2 to 5 days. After fermentation, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • 500 ml of mullein are combined with 1 bucket of water and a tablespoon of nitrophoska is added. The bushes are fertilized with the resulting solution, pouring under each 500 ml of fertilizing.

In order not to mix the individual components to create a suitable top dressing, you can use ready-made universal fertilizers for vegetables, in which the balance of nutrients is maintained.

Variety Pink Honey is very responsive to organic nutrition

Shaping and Garter

Variety Pink honey forms the first inflorescence under 5 - 7 leaf. Each new flower brush appears after 2 sheets. After laying a certain number of brushes, their formation stops. Therefore, in order to increase tomato productivity, it is necessary to form a bush of 2 to 3 stems. In addition, the tomato must be tied to a support. This must be done before the ripening of large fruits, so that the shoots do not break under their weight.

Another procedure that must be carried out when growing this variety is pinching. Stepsons are called shoots growing in each leaf sinus. Leaves form and flower buds are laid on it. It may seem that this is good, more fruit will be planted. Yes, there will be more fruits, but they will be, as they say, the size of peas. Therefore, to adjust the load on the bush and carry out this procedure. Stepsons are cleaned by hand, gently plucking the leaf from the sinuses.

Stepsons should not be allowed to grow more than 5 cm

Features of growing tomato Pink honey in a greenhouse

The variety is suitable for indoor use. Moreover, you can sow seeds or plant seedlings. But the greenhouse requires a special approach to the conditions for growing tomato.

  • about the temperature conditions for setting and ripening fruits have already been mentioned above. In greenhouses, you can create and maintain exactly that golden temperature medium, in which tomatoes will only increase productivity;
  • humidity is another important factor. As a rule, in closed ground conditions this indicator of the water content in the environment can significantly exceed the permissible norms. And this is fraught with the development of fungal diseases, for example phytophthora, from which the variety Pink Honey does not have good immunity. In order to control humidity and maintain it within the limits of no higher than 60 - 70%, it is necessary to carry out ventilation.

Before planting, the soil in the greenhouse is prepared in the same way as in the open ground. Sowing seeds and planting seedlings is carried out in the same way. But in a protected ground, these works can be done a little earlier.

For regions with a cold climate, the greenhouse is the only place where you can get wonderful tomato harvests

Diseases and Pests

Tomatoes Pink honey do not have such immunity as hybrid varieties. Therefore, their health is often affected by non-compliance with agricultural technology or unstable weather conditions.

Thickened plantings, high humidity, low air temperature - these indicators are an excellent environment for the development of fungal infections and pests. Especially often problems arise in greenhouses. Preventive measures are one of the most important conditions for a good harvest. A careful inspection of the landings and timely processing in case of suspicion of a problem, will avoid big troubles.

How to deal with diseases and pests - table

Diseases and
Drugs used
in the fight against the problem
Folk remedies
Late blight
  • Agate 24;
  • Gates;
  • Quadris;
  • Ridoyl Gold;
  • Ditan.
  • Grind in a meat grinder 100 g of garlic (together with leaves and

arrows). Pour the mass with a glass of water and leave at room
temperature for 24 hours. Before use, strain and
dilute in 10 liters of water. Spray bushes in dry weather, every
2 weeks.

  • In 1 liter of serum add 9 liters of warm water and 20 drops of iodine.

To stir thoroughly. Spray in the evening.

Brown spotting
  • Copper Chloride
  • Bravo;
  • Ditan Neo Tech 75.
Water the bushes weekly with the following solutions, alternating them:
  • 1st - 2nd% manganese solution.
  • A decoction of ash from the stove. 300 g of ash are boiled in a small amount

water and dilute 10 liters of clean liquid.
You can also use the above solutions of serum and

Gray rot
  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • copper sulfate;
  • Home;
  • Oxychom;
  • Abiga Peak.
Dissolve 80 g of soda in 10 l of water.
Vertex rot
  • Fitosporin;
  • HOM;
  • Brexil Ca.
  • Sprinkle the soil under the bush with 2 handfuls of wood ash.
  • Spray the plant with soda solution - in 10 liters of water 20 g of soda.
  • Decis Expert;
  • Inta Vir;
  • Karate Zeon;
  • Lepidocide.
  • Pour a quarter of chopped medium-sized onion 1 liter

water and insist 10 - 12 hours.

  • 2 cloves of garlic, chop and pour 1 liter of warm water. Insist

3 to 4 days. Before spraying, dilute 1 part of the infusion in 5 parts of water.

Conduct bushes in dry and calm weather

Reviews about the tomato variety Pink honey

Garter is required because the stems are thin and flimsy. In general, the view was the most stifled of all tomatoes. I was very nervous when only 3-5 of many flowers began to brush. I thought that the conditions for fruit setting were not observed, maybe the greenhouse was overheated. As it turned out later, the plant itself normalized the fruit itself. She left four brushes, grown fist-sized tomatoes: the first with the fist of a big peasant, the last with my, female fist. One and a half kg was definitely not there. All ripened. I also tied my brushes, because otherwise I would have broken off. Of the minuses, too - FF appeared very early on them, but it sprayed with phytosporin and smeared especially affected areas on the leaves with a concentrated solution. I cut the lower diseased leaves, but they still need to be cut. Not a single fruit was thrown away, all matured healthy and were eaten. They didn’t crack at all.Taste is just a miracle! Fragrant, sweet, sugary, fleshy. The ripening term is most likely medium-early, but I have confusion with the timing, I wrote above. About the yield. The forum wrote that the productivity of the Republic of Moldova is not very large. In my conditions, it turned out to be smaller than that of Mikado and the Black Elephant, but quite decent, especially since during the flowering and weight gain of the fruits, my husband unintentionally caused a drought (I left for a month, and he made it clear that the filter was clogged with drip irrigation, and the water just didn’t enter the greenhouse). Saved, apparently, by the fact that they were mulched.

Marina X


My pink honey grew in open ground. Somewhere until mid-June, she was under cover by Lutrasil. The bush was slightly leafy, about 1m high. The summer was very rainy. It tasted not very sweet, fresh. I’ll try again this year.


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the year before last, pink honey was about a kilogram in weight — 900 with something gram. But what I don't like about him is that he often has unripe shoulders. Probably, it is necessary to feed him intensely with potassium. Grew in exhaust gas, was a little more than a meter tall.

Galina P.


About Pink Honey I agree, not enough fruit, but tasty. But I had a meter with a cap in the greenhouse, now it’s going to live in the garden.



Tomatoes Pink honey quickly became a popular variety. After all, it is not difficult to grow a variety, but it grows and bears fruit both in the open ground and in the closed. Proper care will help to avoid problems with diseases and increase productivity. And ripe fruits will not only allow you to enjoy the taste, but also strengthen your health. Indeed, in tomatoes, Pink Honey has many useful substances for the body.


Watch the video: Pink Oxheart Tomato Profile & Hamburger (September 2024).