Garden Blackberry Black Satin: Record Harvest Easy and Easy


If you translate the name of Black Satin blackberry variety into Russian, it will turn out to be “black silk”. This fruit bush gives its owner rich dark fruits with an enchanting silk sheen. Like luxurious matter, the plant is somewhat capricious and has its own special character. Description of the rules of care will help to grow a black beauty in your garden.

"Black Raspberry": amazing near

The fruits of blackberry are not only not inferior to raspberries, which are so similar, but in many ways superior to their relative. In addition to a spectacular appearance, the berries of this plant are also very useful.

Blackberry boasts:

  • high in acid;
  • a variety of vitamins and minerals (carotene, alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamins P, PP, K, B);
  • the content of basic macronutrients (nickel, iron, chromium, barium, titanium, vanadium, copper, molybdenum).

Blackberry is no less useful than its famous relative

All this gives the berry a number of healing properties. In medicine and cosmetology, blackberries have been used since ancient times. Today, it is a recognized tool in the fight against the development of cancer cells. And the fruits are capable of:

  • eliminate insomnia and nervousness;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • have anti-inflammatory effect;
  • treat bleeding gums;
  • heal wounds and help in the fight against all kinds of dermatitis.

Description Black Satin Garden Blackberry

The main differences between Black Satin:

  • shoots of the plant are creeping and powerful, 5-7 m long, dark brown in color, without thorns;
  • propagated by the tops and almost does not produce shoots;
  • hard ternate leaves have a bright green saturated color;
  • inflorescences are pink, soon burn out and acquire a white color;
  • begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting and is very plentiful (an average of 5-8 kg of berries per season from the bush). Berries are large (up to 8 g), black, with a low tide;
  • the taste of fruits is sweet and sour;
  • rich aroma;
  • the crop ripens from August to October;
  • purpose - universal;
  • berries are stored for a short time and in a ripe state do not tolerate transportation.

High yields and large berries are the undeniable advantages of the variety

Table: advantages and disadvantages

  1. The bush is growing, but it is controlled.
  2. Lack of spikes.
  3. High yield.
  4. High palatability and versatility of destination.
  1. The variety does not tolerate frosts, so in the northern regions the crop simply does not have time to ripen.
  2. Poor storage and unsuitability for transportation.
  3. Unstable to gray rot.

Variety deficiencies are easy to correct. If you do not allow the berry to ripen, then it will not be affected by gray rot. Stretched fruiting - minus ambiguous, you can collect a small crop every three days. Gardeners note that over the years, the shelf life of berries increases, and the fruits can transfer a small move.

Landing Features

In order to ensure that the productivity of the blackberry bush is at a high level, and your worries do not increase over time, you need to prepare for the appearance of a beautiful blackberry in the garden.

Choosing the right place

The fruit bush of this variety is also able to live in shaded areas, but to get an abundant harvest it is worth choosing the most lighted places. In addition, your landing should be protected from strong winds. The soil is suitable chernozem, but do not allow excessive moisture, this will lead to rotting of the root system.

If there is a problem of increased humidity in the area, drainage will come to the rescue.

A lighted spot will allow you to get a bountiful crop of blackberries

When to start landing

It is better to plant black satin blackberry in the spring before kidney swelling. If the climate in your area is moody, then you can play it safe and land in the fall, for example, in the second half of September. But then the young bush will need to be sheltered for the winter.

It is better to transplant blackberries before flowering (and Black Satin blooms in the second half of May - June) or after harvesting.

Secrets of landing

Approach the selection of seedlings responsibly, damaged will not take root or will produce a small crop. The root system must be well developed. Pay attention to the bark: wrinkles are unacceptable on it. They are a sign that the seedling was dug up a long time ago and was not suitable for planting. You can also tear off a small piece of bark, the bottom layer should be green, not brown.

A seedling is lowered into a hole with a lump of earth

The landing algorithm looks like this:

  • dig holes with a depth of about 0.5 m, the distance between the holes should not be less than 1 m;
  • pits are watered very abundantly;
  • a sapling with a lump of earth is lowered into a hole and sprinkled with earth;
  • the soil is mulched (before the winter period, the layer of mulch should be increased to 15 cm);
  • cut the branches so that three buds are left, so the seedling is 30-40 cm tall.

Important to remember! In the first year after planting, you do not need to fertilize the blackberry. Otherwise, it will begin to actively grow and bear fruit, which will greatly weaken the seedling before the first winter, and it may die.

Video: rules for planting and caring for a blackberry

Proper care is the key to success

Blackberry Black Satin is very fond of water. As the soil dries up, at least 2 buckets of water should be poured under each bush. But it is worth remembering that excessive humidity carries the danger of decay of the root system.

Diseases and pests: necessary prevention

Black satin is resistant to most diseases, but gray rot is a big danger. The fungus affects the plant in the flowering phase. The affected berry looks a bit rotten, with a white fluff.

Simple preventative measures:

  1. The lower branches must be lifted from the ground.
  2. Do not allow excessive thickening of the bush, the branches need ventilation.
  3. Harvest on time.
  4. Remove and burn affected shoots immediately.
  5. In the spring, before flowering, spray the bush with Bordeaux liquid.

Timely prevention will help to avoid gray rot on a blackberry.

Also, for a blackberry of this variety, a blackberry tick is dangerous, this pest is able to reduce the yield of the bush by half. It settles right in the buds, and in spring it moves to inflorescences. Tick-affected berries do not ripen. In the fight against a blackberry tick, spraying with Tiovit Jet will help, which must be done before the buds open.

Do not plant blackberries next to raspberries. The pests and diseases affecting them are similar, which can cause a whole epidemic.

Mite-affected blackberry berry stays red

Bush formation

Black Satin bush is growing rapidly. This allows you to get a high yield, but also creates a number of difficulties. Strong branches bend heavily. Therefore, the formation of the bush must be approached responsibly and not miss the right moment. Upright shoots when they reach a height of 30-40 cm must be bent to the ground and fixed. And when the vine reaches 1 m, it can be "released" and placed on a trellis. Such an escape is easy to lay for the winter.

Video: Blackberry Trellis

A compact bush is formed according to the following rules:

  • in mid-summer, pinch the tops of a one-year-old plant at a height of 110 cm, which stimulates well the growth of side shoots;
  • in spring, before buds open, they turn to the side shoots: those located below 45 cm are removed, and the rest are cut to 40 cm;
  • in the autumn, branches that have already yielded crops are cut out.

In the fall, cut off the fruiting branches of the blackberry bush

Top dressing

Fertilize blackberry Black satin from the third year of life twice a year:

  1. In the spring: 5 kg of humus and 10 g of urea per 1 m2.
  2. Autumn: 100 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potash fertilizers per 1 m2.

Believe the experience: gardeners reviews

Black satin began to sing from the end of August. I did not have time to give only five percent of the harvest. Also big, tasty. It will definitely continue to grow with me.



Today Black Satin remains my favorite variety. Despite the heat, drought and the invasion of hawthorn butterflies, this wonderful variety, as always, is magnificent!

Marina Ufa


A small seedling was planted last spring and this year already pleased with the first harvest. Blackberries, unlike raspberries, at first develop very poorly, the root system does not have such a powerful fibrous structure and therefore in the first years it only grows the rhizome, but in subsequent years the yield can reach up to 20-25 kg from the bush. At first I was skeptical of such indicators, but now I was convinced that this is possible, however, for this the bush should be at least 4-5 years old.




Black satin Black Satin is one of the most sought-after among gardeners. It combines beauty and excellent taste. Perhaps this particular shrub is missing from your garden. Harvest will not take long, and timely care will be rewarded according to his deserts.


Watch the video: Picking Wild Blackberries As A Family On Our Homestead (October 2024).