Grandiflora Pelargonium - home flower care


Pelargonium of grandiflora is one of the representatives of the Geraniev family. This pelargonium is also called royal or royal for luxurious large flowers. Their shape resembles pansies with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm. But, as is characteristic of aristocrats, grandiflora is not only beautiful, but also capricious in comparison with other types of culture. Therefore, in order to achieve lush flowering and full development of bushes, certain rules of care must be observed.

Description of the Pelargonium of Grandiflora

Royal Pelargonium is a close relative of the zonal variety of culture. But it can not be found in natural conditions, as it is obtained by crossing other species. Therefore, the plant differs from its counterparts not only in appearance, but also in its whimsical conditions.

Grandiflora Pelargonium is distinguished by its exquisite colors

History of the Century

The first varieties of grandiflora appeared in the late 18th century and were of English origin. They were obtained as a result of improving flower size in common species that were imported from the Cape Province of South Africa.

But already in 1834, French breeders made adjustments to the process of obtaining royal pelargonium. Therefore, varieties and species with contrasting veins and two bright spots on the upper petals appeared during this period. This group of royal pelargonium was called the Diadeatum.

The decisive step in the selection of grandiflor was made by gardener James Odier, who managed to ensure that the veins on the petals turned into spots, and as a result they turned out 5 pieces in a flower.


The grandiflora geranium, as the inhabitants sometimes mistakenly call the flower, forms a bush up to 50 cm high and at the same time grows more in width than up. Her leaves are densely located on the shoots. The plates are large, rounded, rough to the touch, serrated along the edge. They can be light or dark green in color. The root system is fibrous.

Grandiflora shrubs are compact

In the royal variety, the flowers consist of 5 petals. At the same time, the upper three are much larger, and the lower two are smaller. Petals go one after another. Flowers can be simple and terry. The color of the petals is very diverse: from white, pink and orange to red and dark cherry. Petals can be corrugated and wavy, have a bright spot or stripes.

Attention! The difference between grandiflor is that flower stalks do not rise above the foliage, as in other species, but are located on the same level. During the flowering period, the bush is an unforgettable sight, for which the royal pelargonium was loved by flower growers.

Due to its high decorative qualities, plants are widely used to decorate glazed balconies, terraces, loggias and home interiors. The flowering period in grandiflora begins in April-May and lasts for 3-4 months, depending on the conditions of detention.

At the same time, the pelargonium of grandiflora is not intended for cultivation in the garden, since it does not bloom in open ground.

The plant is characterized by rapid growth - at the end of the first season you can get a compact bush 20-30 cm high, and already in the next season the royal pelargonium reaches its standard size. As they grow older, the shoots are lignified below, as in other species.

Important! The species of grandiflora does not have a characteristic smell of pelargonium, but some varieties exude a delicate aroma combining shades of rose, lime and mint during flowering.

Planting large-flowered pelargonium

Home care flower alpine violet

Large-flowered pelargonium is very demanding on care and maintenance conditions. Therefore, novice growers need to consider this. Failure to comply with the basic requirements of the culture can cause a lack of buds throughout the season.

For the plant, it is necessary to select small pots with drainage holes, the volume of which will be 2 times the root system.

For the royal variety you can not pick up large pots

Location selection and lighting

Royal Pelargonium needs good lighting. Therefore, it is recommended to place the flower pot on the lightest windowsill in the house with a slight shade from direct sunlight, so that burns do not appear on the leaves.

In winter, for the full development of the bush, it is necessary to provide daylight hours of at least 10 hours. Therefore, in the evening, phytolamps should be included.

Important! With a lack of light, the flower does not form buds, and its shoots are extended.


For the royal variety, a substrate intended for growing pelargonium should be purchased. It has good moisture and breathability and a balanced composition. In the absence of such soil in the store, you can prepare it yourself by combining the following components:

  • 1 part - turf;
  • 1 part - humus;
  • 1 part - sand;
  • 1 part - peat.

Before planting at the bottom of the pot, claydite should be laid with a layer of 1.0 cm. And then sprinkle it with a nutrient substrate. Position the flower in the center of the container without deepening the root neck and fill the voids formed with soil.

After planting, water the plant abundantly and put in the shaded place for 2-3 days.

Grandiflora large-flowered pelargonium care

Pelargonium pelargonium - home care

The royal variety of the flower also requires compliance with certain rules of care. Therefore, before you purchase this flower, you must familiarize yourself with them.

Temperature mode

During the period of active vegetation and flowering, which lasts from the beginning of spring to mid-autumn, the maintenance regime should be within + 20 ... +27 degrees. But, from mid-October to the end of January, the grandiflora is at a dormant stage, so it is important to provide it with a temperature of about + 12 ... +17 degrees.

Due to the cool content during this period, the plant is gaining strength for lush flowering in the new season.

Watering and spraying

Pelargonium of grandiflora is resistant to drought, but the roots should not be allowed to dry out. Therefore, watering is recommended when drying the topsoil in a pot. To do this, it is recommended to use rain or settled water at room temperature.

In hot periods, it is recommended to moisten the soil 2 to 3 times a week, and in the autumn-winter time 1 time in 7 days. Such a pelargonium does not need to spray foliage.

Grandiflora needs to be watered after the topsoil has dried


After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil in the pot slightly to improve air access to the roots.

Attention! This must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots of the flower.

Air humidity

Royal pelargonium is able to grow and develop both in dry and in humid air. But the maximum level of decorativeness is achieved when grown with moderate humidity in the room.

Top dressing

For the growth and flowering of the royal pelargonium, nutrients are needed. Therefore, the flower needs to be fertilized regularly.

In spring and summer, it is recommended to do this every 10 days, and in autumn and winter - once every 3 weeks. For top dressing, special fertilizers should be used for pelargonium or flowering crops, which can be purchased at any flower shop.


For the formation of a lush compact bush, the pelargonium of grandiflora must be cut off in the fall. During this period, shoots should be shortened by 1/3, and all dried and damaged areas should be removed.

Important! If there are too many shoots, then pruning should be carried out in several stages with a frequency of 1 month to minimize stress.


Grandiflora Pelargonium belongs to the category of flowers that do not really like transplants. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out only if the plant slowed down, buds and leaves became smaller.

Royal Pelargonium does not tolerate transplant

How grandiflora propagates

You can propagate royal pelargonium in different ways: seeds, cuttings and aerial layering. Each of them has certain features, so you should familiarize yourself with them.


Ampelic pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

This method is the most time-consuming and lengthy, but it allows you to get a large number of new seedlings. At the same time, you can buy planting material of one variety and mixes.

Seeds should be sown in a moistened soil mixture of turf, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 to a depth of 0.5 cm. After this, the container should be placed in a bright place with a temperature of + 22 ... +26 degrees. The first shoots appear after 2 weeks.


The vegetative method is considered the simplest. It should be used in spring and summer.

For propagation, it is necessary to cut the apical cuttings with 3-5 leaves. Then dry the lower section for 2-3 hours, and only then powder it with a root-forming agent and plant it in the soil, consisting of turf sand and peat in equal proportions.

For successful rooting, it is recommended to keep the soil constantly slightly moist and the temperature within + 22 ... +25 degrees.

Note! Cuttings root in 3-4 weeks.

Cutting grandiflora allows you to get strong seedlings


Air layering

To propagate pelargonium in this way, it is necessary to measure the length of the stem from the top of the shoot and make an oblique incision in depth 1/3 of its width. Then powder the section with any rooting agent and put a piece of the match inside to prevent tissue fusion.

Then, just below the cut, you need to make a cuff from the film and put moist sphagnum moss inside. In such an environment, roots form after 2 weeks. After this, layering should be cut 1.5 cm below the cuff and put it in the usual soil mixture.

Diseases and pests, the fight against them

In violation of the rules of care at home, the pelargonium of grandiflora is affected by diseases and pests. In this case, it is recommended to treat the plant with chemicals to prevent the death of the flower.

Common diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • leaf spot;
  • root rot.

For treatment, it is recommended to use such drugs as Horus, Skor, Topaz, Maxim, Previkur Energy.

Pelargonium of this species is susceptible to damage to aphids and whiteflies. To get rid of these pests, it is recommended to spray the bush with a working solution of "Actellika" and "Fitoverma", as well as watered with "Actara"

Pelargonium of grandiflora is a vivid representative of the Geraniev family. She is distinguished by unusually beautiful flowers. But difficulties in its cultivation are associated with increased plant demands on the conditions of detention. Therefore, only experienced growers can cope with them, who are able to comply with all recommendations.


Watch the video: Pelargonium Grandiflora (October 2024).