Pelargonium PAC Salmon Komtess (PAK Salmon Komtess)


Pelargonium Pac Salmon Komtess is a whole group of varieties. These include rosaceous, zonal, ivy cultures. They have distinctive features and require compliance with a number of care recommendations.

Pelargonium PAC Salmon Komtess: General Information

Pelargonium Salmon (PAC Salmon) belongs to the Geranium family. It is characterized by certain features.

The plant comes from South Africa. Pelargonium variety Salmon Comtess is a hybrid obtained in the German nursery PAC Elsner. The culture is characterized by attractive appearance and resistance to various factors.

Pelargonium has excellent decorative properties.

The plant description includes such features:

  • bushes height 25-35 cm;
  • harmonious structure of culture - the plant looks sophisticated and does not stretch;
  • dark green foliage;
  • umbrella inflorescences on vertical peduncles covered with fluff;
  • large double flowers of pale pink color.

In the summer, the culture develops well in open ground. She is able to tolerate a temperature drop of -7 degrees.

For reference! In addition to Comtess, this category includes a variety of varieties of pelargonium - Orange (PAC Salmon Orange), Princess (PAC Salmon Princess), Knight (PAC Salmon Night). In addition, a very similar Priory Salmon pelargonium was bred in the nursery.

For a plant, such advantages are characteristic:

  • excellent decorative properties;
  • simplicity in leaving;
  • long and lush flowering.

The only disadvantage of the culture is the rather high cost of cuttings. A rooted plant will cost about 500 rubles.

The plant has beautiful terry inflorescences.

Medicinal properties

Pelargonium Salmon Komtess is not only characterized by excellent decorative properties. This plant benefits health. A key feature of the culture is its ability to restore the normal microclimate in the room.

Phytoncides are present in this representative of geraniums. These components help cope with germs in the air. Thanks to this, it becomes cleaner and more useful. The key action of the plant is to fight viruses and bacteria.

Pelargonium cultivation PAK Salmon Komtess

For the cultivation of pelargonium species Pac Salmon was successful, she needs to provide quality care.

Illumination and temperature

Peony Etched Salmon (Paeonia Etched Salmon)

The plant negatively reacts to direct rays of the sun. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it in open areas. An ideal option would be a shaded area that is well ventilated. When planting a crop in open ground, it must be placed under a bush or tree.

Important!You should not place the plant near other crops, especially geraniums. This can cause the development of various diseases.

Pelargonium Comtess is suitable for moderate temperature conditions. In summer, the culture develops normally at a temperature of + 17 ... +23 degrees. In winter, the plant needs cooler conditions. In this case, the temperature should be + 13 ... +15 degrees.

If the culture grows on the street, for the winter it needs to be brought into the room. Planting a flower in open ground is permissible only after the risk of night frost has passed. Too low a temperature negatively affects the flowering of the crop, so it should not be in the cold.

Watering rules and humidity

The plant needs moderate watering. Excessive fluid adversely affects the condition of the bushes.

Moisturize the soil should be 1-2 times a week. For this purpose, only soft and settled water is suitable. It should not fall on leaves and petals. Otherwise, they are likely to burn.

Top dressing and soil quality

Fertilizing is recommended every 2-3 weeks. This must be done exclusively after watering. It is best to use combined minerals for this. They should include potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.

Important! Fertilizing is recommended before flowering and after completion. Fresh manure is better not to use, as the risk of parasites increases.

The plant needs to be fertilized on time

Flower Tank Size

Pelargonium PAC Salmon Komtess needs a medium-sized pot. Too much capacity will not work. It will lead to the active development of the bush and more meager flowering.

Pruning and transplanting

This variety of pelargonium is developing rapidly. Therefore, it is very important to form bushes. If the plant is not cut in time, the inflorescences will become smaller and the bush will not be so decorative.

Old shoots need to be systematically removed. Pinch young branches to speed lateral branching.

Move the culture to a more spacious pot should be as it grows.

Features of flowering plants

The plant is characterized by lush flowering and excellent decorative properties. To make it more plentiful, quality care is required.

Pelargonium South Shukar, Aksinya, Ireland and other varieties

Flowering culture lasts from spring to autumn. In winter, the plant begins a dormant period. During this period, it is necessary to water less and exclude the use of fertilizers.

If Salmon Komtess does not rest during the cold season, then next season it is unlikely to please the owner with the beauty of lush flowers.

Attention! With proper care, pelargonium will strike with terry inflorescences, which form lush clusters. They look very impressive in combination with dark green leaves.

With proper care, the culture blooms lushly

Ways to propagate a flower when it's best done

The plant is recommended to propagate by cuttings. This is the easiest and most affordable option, which allows you to save varietal characteristics of the culture. With the seed propagation method, the desired results cannot be achieved.

Pelargonium Angel - how to plant and care

To carry out the cuttings, do the following:

  1. Cut off the apical shoot from the mother bush. Its length should be 7 cm.
  2. Within 8-10 hours, the shoot needs to be dried - for this it should be wrapped in paper.
  3. Then place the handle in a glass with soil.
  4. After 10-20 days, the shoot forms roots.

You can grow the root system in water. However, this method does not accelerate the rooting of shoots. In addition, the liquid can lead to rotting of the stem, so this method is usually not used.

Important!In order for the plant to take root faster, it should be placed on the illuminated windowsill. Of no small importance is the systematic watering.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Pelargonium can suffer from the development of pathologies or insect attacks. Of the diseases, the most dangerous are stem, root, gray rot. These fungal infections are caused by poor quality care. Waterlogging of the soil or air, excessive planting density, and heat and light deficiency lead to them.

Of parasites, the culture is more affected by attacks of spider mites, whiteflies, aphids. At the first appearance of pests, gently rinse the leaves and stems with soap and water.

With the development of diseases, the bushes turn yellow


How to deal with them

It is impossible to cope with root rot. Other pathologies can be eliminated with the help of chemicals (fungicides), which are sold in any horticultural store.

To avoid damage to the bushes by parasites, it is necessary to systematically inspect the culture for the presence of eggs or larvae. In case of serious damage to the bushes by pests, systemic insecticides should be used.

Pelargonium Pak Salmon Komtess has excellent decorative properties. This plant serves as decoration of each room. In order for it to flourish lushly and abundantly, it is important to properly care for the culture.


Watch the video: PAC Salmon Komtess пеларгония (October 2024).