Pelargonium Angel - how to plant and care


Pelargonium Angel is a beautiful decorative culture that has many virtues. This plant is characterized by lush flowering and is characterized by unpretentiousness in care.

Pelargonium angel - what kind of flower

The genus Pelargonium belongs to the Geranium family. This culture originally appeared in the tropical and subtropical climate of Africa.

This family, in addition to the royal geranium Angel, also includes other popular varieties - for example, Type top duet. Representatives of the Pak variety variety are especially popular today. These include varieties Bicolor, Viola.

Pelargonium is characterized by abundant and lush flowering.

Brief description, history of origin or selection

If a flower lover grows Pelargonium Angels, the varieties can be very different. All of them appeared by combining the royal and curly types. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century. The culture owes its appearance to the English breeder Arthur Langley-Smith.

The angelic culture is a plant 30-60 cm high. The bush is characterized by woody, not very wide stems with a large number of leaves. Some species are covered in small hairs with a fresh scent.

Important! The buds are elongated with sharp ends. They resemble violets or pansies.

A distinctive feature of the culture is the difference between the color of the upper and lower petals. There are different color combinations - with pink, scarlet, burgundy. White, lilac, purple tones are also possible. Often they are painted in 2 colors.

Varieties of indoor plants with names that look like

Pelargonium pelargonium - how to care for geraniums

Today there are many varieties of this pelargonium. Each of them is characterized by distinctive features.

Today, many color variations of pelargonium are known.

Angel viola

This culture is a compact plant, which is characterized by long and lush flowering. All summer bushes can be decorated with pink flowers. A characteristic feature is a contrasting raspberry stain on the petals.

Angel Orange (Angeleyes Orange)

This plant has saturated orange petals. The appearance of the bush is also improved by small leaves, which have an openwork structure.

For reference! Pelargonium Orange is perfect for hanging structures.


This variety is characterized by small bushes and flowers with many petals. They have a cherry center and a white border.

Pelargonium care angel at home

The variety is considered very unpretentious. At the same time, care must be taken in compliance with certain rules.

Illumination and temperature

Pelargonium Denise - A Popular Variety

Culture needs good lighting. The temperature in the house in any case should not fall below +8 degrees. In spring and summer, the flower can be taken outside during the day. Of particular importance is the temperature at the peak of flowering.

Important! For the winter, the flower pot should be taken out to a cool room. This will improve the formation of buds in the coming season.

Watering rules and humidity

Home care for pelargonium Angel includes timely soil moisture.

For watering, it is recommended to use exceptionally warm and soft water. In this case, the earth should not be constantly wet. In summer, bushes need to be watered more abundantly, while in winter, watering can be reduced.

Top dressing and soil quality

For culture, special soil is required. If necessary, the mixture can be made independently. To do this, mix turf, peat and some sand.

Fertilizer should be applied at intervals of 2 weeks. This is done from spring to late autumn. In this case, you need to use any combination formulations without excess nitrogen.

The flower needs to be fed on time with special compounds

Flower Tank Size

For a plant, an average capacity is suitable. Culture is growing fast. But if you plant it in a large pot, there is a risk of the rapid development of branches and leaves. In this case, the bush will not be able to fully bloom.

Pruning and transplanting

The crop should be cut 2 times a year. This is done in spring and autumn. Thanks to this procedure, you can get a beautiful flower. Equally important is the removal of excess and dry shoots.

Important! Culture should be transplanted quite rarely. The size of the pot must be chosen taking into account the root system.

Features of flowering plants

Pelargonium South Shukar, Aksinya, Ireland and other varieties

The culture is characterized by lush and plentiful flowering. Therefore, it is so popular with flower growers.

  • Period of activity and rest

Flowering begins in the summer and continues until the fall. In winter, the flower has a dormant period. In the spring, the bush forms new leaves.

During dormancy, do not feed the flower, water it too much.

  • Types and shape of flowers

The culture is characterized by small flowers. In shape, they resemble a viola. Inflorescences can have different shades. There are also multi-color options.

Ways to propagate a flower when it's best done

A plant can be bred in many ways. Most often, propagation is carried out by cuttings or seeds. Which way to choose is decided by the grower.

Propagation by cuttings

For cuttings, you need to cut the shoots 10 cm in size. There should be 1-2 sheets on them. Branches should be marked in moist soil. It should consist of sand and peat.

After 2-4 weeks, the seedlings form the roots. They need to be watered as the soil dries.

The plant can be propagated by cuttings

Attention! Putting plants in water is not recommended. This method of rooting will rot the root system.

Seed propagation

Seeds are recommended to be planted from December to April. For this, a composition based on sand and peat is used. Planting material should be deepened by 5 cm. Top of the container must be covered with glass or film.

The temperature regime should be + 22 ... +24 degrees. After the appearance of 4 leaves, the bushes can be replanted.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

The culture is considered very unpretentious. But sometimes she suffers from diseases and pests. Excess moisture leads to the development of gray rot. Pelargonium can also be affected by whiteflies.

How to deal with them

To cope with diseases, fungicides are used. Insecticides are used to prevent insect attacks. Equally important is compliance with the rules of plant care.

Pelargonium (geranium) Angel is a popular culture that serves to decorate rooms. In order for the plant to develop perfectly, it requires complete and high-quality care. It should include timely watering, fertilizing, pruning. If everything is done correctly, angel flowers will please with colorful flowering.


Watch the video: How to make geraniums flower in winter (October 2024).