Why the Decembrist does not bloom - reasons


Other names for the Decembrist are Schlumbergera, Christmas, zygocatus. Such a flower can be found among lovers of indoor plants on the windowsill. Bright, juicy coloring of the leaves looks very impressive, but flower growers value the culture more for the appearance of flowers in the cold winter. However, it is not always possible to rejoice at the appearance of buds, sometimes they simply do not exist. You should understand the reason for the lack of flowers.

The process of flowering Decembrist: possible violations

There are several stages in the life cycle of a Christmas tree during which a culture grows and develops. This is exactly what the preparation of the plant for the time of flowering looks like. Buds appear once a year, most often from late November to early December.

Blooming decembrist

Important! If summer came late enough, then the Decembrist will bloom in January or even February.

Improper care and diseases are the reasons why the Decembrist does not bloom.


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Fungal diseases do not bypass the Decembrist side. Frequent flower ailments:

  • pitium;
  • late blight;
  • Fusarium

The fungus attacks weakened specimens, exacerbating them so their health is not very good. Ignoring alarming symptoms often leads to the death of the plant.

Fusarium on Decembrist


What to do if the Decembrist does not bloom? It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of parasitic insects.

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Pests that use plant sap for their food very often attack Decembrists. A mealybug, spider mite, or scabbard can deprive a culture of vitality. As a result, the flower's immunity drops and the buds cease to appear. Due to the activity of the spider mite, the zygocatus often gets rid of foliage, and along with the buds.

Important! Malicious insects can enter the apartment along with soil that has not been disinfected.

Mealybug on a flower


Why cyclamen does not bloom: the main causes and methods of resuscitation

Exotic plants, namely the Decembrist, are very sensitive to environmental conditions, including humidity. If it is lowered in the room, then the plant will not lay flower buds. Due to the excessive dryness of the air, even if the crop is about to bloom, it will simply drop the buds. In this case, it will be possible to admire the bright flowers only after 12 months.

It is interesting! The first plant to enter Europe had scarlet flowers. Now, thanks to the efforts of breeders, you can admire the white, pink, purple and orange flowers of the Decembrists.

Air temperature

At too high temperature indicators, the plant overheats, which will certainly affect flowering. Keeping the Christmas tree in the wrong conditions is one of the most common mistakes made by indoor plant lovers

In the natural habitat, the Decembrist grows in cool places between the tree branches, and here the temperature is held around +21 ° C during the day, which is the best indicator for the development of this culture. At night, the temperature drops by 3-5 degrees.

Decembrist in nature

The flower has a dormant period, but with an excess temperature indicator it does not occur. Such conditions do not allow the Schlumberger to bloom. Optimal air temperature for the development of Decembrist:

  • growing season - + 18 ... +20 ° С;
  • bud formation - + 12 ... +14 ° С;
  • flowering phase - + 15 ... +18 ° С.

Root problems

The root system can tell a lot to the experienced grower about the health status of the plant. If the earth is oversaturated with moisture, the roots begin to rot, cease to nourish the plant, which leads to the death of the entire Decembrist. The main symptoms are:

  • stunting;
  • withering of the bush;
  • discoloration of the color of the sheet plates;
  • falling of segments and buds.

The formation of mold and blackening at the base of the plant stem indicates that the problem with the root system is in a very advanced stage.

Incorrect transplant

What to do if the Decembrist does not grow? In order for the plant to grow and bloom, it must be periodically transplanted.

Decembrist transplant

Before transplanting, you must properly prepare the flower:

  • Choose a new container for landing. It should not be very cramped or too large.
  • Buy a special primer for Decembrist.
  • Wait for a favorable time for a transplant. During flowering, you should not disturb the culture.

Note! If the transplant affected the Christmas tree negatively and it ceased to bloom, then the cause may be damage to the roots. Because of this, the whole culture suffers.

Other possible problems

Having figured out the main reasons why the Decembrist flower does not bloom at home, and the care is good, it is worth analyzing some more factors.

No rest period

Without a period of rest, the Decembrist will not have flowering, but it falls on October-November. In order for everything to go smoothly, it is necessary to prepare special conditions. The pot is placed in a cool dark place and do not disturb once again. Watering is minimal - no more than 1 time in 14-21 days.

The flower is planted in an oversized container

Some home plant lovers mistakenly believe that the larger the pot capacity, the better for the plant. An impressive amount will require an appropriate amount of soil and abundant watering. At the Christmas tree, the root system is poorly developed, so it is not able to cope with a lot of moisture in the ground. As a result, the flower begins to suffer from various types of rot, drops buds, refuses to bloom.

To avoid such a problem, just put the Decembrist in a small container.

On a note! In large pots, the culture will spend all its strength on the roots to grow and develop. This will continue until the entire volume of land is mastered. Flowering will not occur.

Suitable pots


Folk methods of struggle

You can stimulate the appearance of buds or make the culture bloom with top dressings prepared according to folk recipes. The plant responds very well to them.

Recipe 1:

  1. Add 1 tbsp. l sugar, 2 t. yeast in 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Insist 2 hours.
  3. Add the infusion to water 1: 5 and use for watering.

Recipe 2:

  1. Peel any citrus crop into small pieces.
  2. 3 tbsp. pour boiling water 1 tbsp. crusts.
  3. Insist day, strain.
  4. Add 1: 1 water before watering.

Recipe 3:

  1. 1 tbsp. l dissolve sugar in ½ liter of warm water.
  2. Use the nutrient mixture for watering.

Citrus Peel Mortar


If the plant is defeated by harmful insects, they also have folk remedies.

Scalp recipe:

  1. Peel a large onion from the skin and finely chop
  2. Add 0.3 L of water.
  3. The mixture is insisted 4-5 hours.
  4. Dampen a cotton or rag in the solution and wipe the leaves of the plant.

Mealyworm Recipe:

  • Peel a few garlic cloves, chop.
  • Pour them ½ liter of boiling water.
  • Allow the product to stand for 7 hours.
  • Treat the affected plant with a brush.

In the absence of flowering and growth in the Decembrist, first of all, you need to check the conditions in which the culture is contained. If you properly care for the flower and take timely measures to eliminate the causes that adversely affect the formation of buds, then you can annually admire the beautiful flowers in the winter.


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