Lavatera perennial - white and pink flowers in the garden


Lavatera belongs to the category of perennials, which are distinguished by their unpretentiousness in care and wonderful decorative properties. The plant is widespread in Australia and North America. Below you can find out about the peculiarities of growing lavatera and the principles of flower care.

Description of Lavatera Perennial

Perennial Lavatera is considered the most spectacular variety of flowering ornamental crops. The name of the perennial was due to the Lavater brothers, who for a long time worked as doctors in Zurich. The root system of a long-term culture is quite powerful. It can grow to a depth of 15 m. This allows the flowers to preserve vitality and survive severe frosts in the open ground in the cold season. The height of the bushes reaches 50-150 cm. The stems of the plant are strong, and the leaves are large. The flowering period begins in early summer and can please the owner of the site until the end of September. Each flower Lavater reaches a diameter of 70-100 mm. Inflorescences can be colored in:

  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • white
  • lilac tones.

Perennial in landscape design

Lavater flowers consist of 4-5 petals, which differ in a conical shape.

Note! Landscape designers often plant perennials as the main plant of a flower bed.

Classification of varieties of lavatera

Daffodil flower: yellow, white, pink, tubular species

Below you can see the classification of varieties of perennial culture:

  • Three-month-old lavater is an annual plant characterized by branching. The height of the bushes does not exceed 100 cm. The lower foliage is endowed by nature with a heart-shaped or rounded shape. The extreme leaflet region is dentate. The diameter of the funnel-shaped flowers located in the axils of the foliage reaches 10 cm. The corollas of the three-month-old lavatera are five-lobed. They can be painted in pink, white or carmine colors. Flowering lasts from mid-July to the end of September. Experts recommend planting seedlings in areas well-lit by sunlight.
  • Lavatera Thuringian is widespread in Central Europe, Western Siberia and Russia. Perennial is characterized by the formation of powerful shoots. The height of the bushes reaches 200 cm. Leaf plates are painted in gray-green tones and endowed with a heart-shaped outline by nature. Single flowers are painted in a pink palette. Their diameter reaches 10 cm. You can admire the flowering from July to September.
  • Lavatera treelike - biennial, the height of which exceeds 180 cm. The stem of the lavatera (garden rose) is straight. Oval leaf plates reach 20 cm. The flowers are hibiscus, painted in red, purple tones. Tree plants for the summer period are planted in open ground. The culture can be propagated by seed.
  • Seaside Lavater is a decorative culture whose flowers are painted in several shades of lilac.
  • The Cretan Lavater is distinguished by the presence of pubescent felt stems and purple, lilac flowers.
  • The Moorish Lavater is a thermophilic plant whose stems are pubescent, and the flowers are painted in a purple palette. Landing and caring for maneuvers is simple.

Grade Lailac Lady

Varieties of lavatera popular with gardeners

Perennial cloves - planting in the garden and care

Among the most popular varieties of lavatera distinguish:

  • Lailac Lady is a variety of flowers that differ in lilac petals. A perennial plant does not need complex care.
  • Ay Catcher is a variety that is recommended to be planted on loose soil. Inflorescences are painted in a pink palette.
  • Burgundy Vine is a hybrid variety, characterized by pink flowers with purple streaks. Pink Lavater does not need complicated care.
  • Barnsley Baby is a perennial that from mid-summer to September itself pleases with snow-white or pink buds. The height of the white lavater bushes can reach 115-120 cm.
  • Bregon Springs is a decorative culture whose inflorescences are painted in pink. The height of the bushes does not exceed 130 cm. The foliage of a highly climbing plant is painted in gray-green tones.
  • Silver Cap is a culture characterized by lush bushes. Flowers are painted in salmon tones. The plant can be grown at home.
  • Mont Blanc - bushes whose height does not exceed 75 cm. Bushes are densely leafy. On numerous voluminous snow-white flowers there are no veins. Landscape designers plant Mont Blanc near fences in order to create a hedge.
  • Ruby Queen - different colors, painted in scarlet tones. The ruby ​​queen can look especially impressive when planting on lawns.
  • Beauty is a type of lavater, which is a tall, sprawling bush with the presence of large crimson, snow-white or pearly flowers.
  • Goddess of the sun - a variety consisting of a mixture of seeds. During flowering, bushes are decorated with multi-colored inflorescences.
  • Novella is a perennial species that grows up to only 20 cm in height. The plant is ideal for growing in flowerpots.
  • White Sherab is an ornamental culture characterized by chic buds of large inflorescences. Flowers are painted in white tones. The height of the bushes, as a rule, does not exceed 40 cm, which makes it possible for gardeners to grow White Sherab in containers on the windowsill. The variety is not susceptible to disease.

Sort Ay Catcher

Landing Features

What are the flowers like daisies

When growing lavatera from seeds, the question arises: when to plant planting material? It is worth laying seeds in the ground in April. It takes only 10-14 days to wait for the first shoots. Flowers can grow in almost any soil. However, before planting, it is recommended that humus and compost with mineral top dressing be added to the ground. If desired, you can use a solution of urea. Soil after fertilizing should be loosened and leveled. In the prepared boxes, a drainage layer is laid on the bottom surface. Only then can the soil mixture be filled up. Landing procedure step by step:

  1. Loose and leveled soil in bowls must be moistened with warm water.
  2. Lavatera seed is placed on the surface of the soil. On top of the seeds are sprinkled with a small layer of earth.
  3. To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, it is worth covering the place of planting with film material. Containers are transported to a warm and well-lit room. The film is removed daily for 10 minutes for the purpose of ventilation, and the earth is moistened.
  4. As soon as the seedling height reaches 5 cm, the shelter is removed, and the seedlings are thinned out.
  5. The soil must be loosened up and a little hump plot.
  6. As soon as the threat of nocturnal frost passes, they begin to transplant the seedlings into open ground. The flower growing area should be well lit by the sun.

Note! When growing perennial seedlings, picking seedlings is not required.

Soil in the seedling planting area should be moistened daily. The earth is periodically cleared of weed grass and loosened. If necessary, a support is installed near each bush, preventing the stem from breaking off during strong gusty winds. Growing flowers is easy.

Appearance of Burgundy Vine

Features of non-seedling planting in open ground

In regions with warm climatic conditions, seeds can be sown in mid-May directly in open ground. The crop area is covered with film material. Landing Algorithm:

  1. Furrows are dug in the selected area for planting, the depth of which reaches 10 mm.
  2. Perennial seeds are sown in the grooves.
  3. Planted seeds are lightly sprinkled with soil, which includes a small part of humus and garden soil.
  4. The landing site needs plenty of moisture.
  5. The plot with planted seeds is covered with film material.
  6. After the height of the shoots reaches 5 cm, remove the shelter.

Additional Information! You can plant flowers in any soil.

Seedling care features

After removing the covering material, the first loosening procedure and light hilling of the seedlings are carried out. After this, it is worth taking care of making the first dressing of the decorative culture with mineral dressings.

Plants need systematic watering. For this purpose, it is worthwhile to use defended rainwater.

Important! Tall varieties need a garter.

Features of gardening

Decorative culture needs proper care, namely:

  • Systematic watering, especially when the plant begins to bloom. It is enough to water the flower beds every 2 days. On especially hot days, it is worth spraying the leaf plates with warm water. You can only moisten the foliage, as wet buds wither and fall faster. In addition, they can curl.
  • Fertilizing, which is especially important when growing crops on poor soil. It is recommended to make nitrophos and urea (1 tbsp. Per 10 liters of liquid). You can feed the plant during budding and in spring.
  • Systematic loosening of the soil every 5-7 days.
  • Removing buds that have wilted.

It is important to adhere to the rules for caring for the bushes so that the lavater is not susceptible to diseases and pleased with long flowering. It should be borne in mind that the decorative culture needs abundant watering during the period of active growth of stems and at the time of the formation of buds. With the onset of September, the frequency of soil wetting procedures is reduced.


When does lavater bloom? The plant begins to delight the owner of the site with bright flowers in early or mid-summer. The diameter of the opened buds reaches 10 cm. The petals are painted in white, lilac, raspberry, pink. Flowers can grow in groups or individually.

After flowering is completed, at the location of the buds, green-colored capsules begin to form. It is important to wait until the seeds fully ripen. Fully dried boxes will testify to this. Before proceeding to the collection, it is worth opening the boxes and looking at the shade of seeds. It should be painted in brown. Only in this case, you can immediately begin to collect planting material. To this end, you will need to cut the boxes and scatter seeds on newsprint. Planting material is slightly dried and wrapped in a paper bag for storage.

Wintering the annual culture

When growing annual varieties at the end of October, cut bushes and burn them. The soil in the flower bed is dug up and loosened. The culture is distinguished by the possibility of propagation by self-sowing, so already next spring in the place where the bushes were planted, young shoots will appear, which will soon please with abundant flowering.

Grade Mont Blanc

Preparation for perennial wintering

At the end of October, a perennial culture is being prepared for wintering. Preparatory work is not necessary, because the lavater is frost-resistant. Florists still do not take risks and try to prevent damage to their favorite bushes by severe frosts. The remains of buds and seeds from perennial bushes are collected. Shoots neatly bend to the ground surface and are fixed in this position. The plant is covered with a layer of fallen leaves and spruce branches.

Note! The thickness of the layer of foliage for shelter should be within 10 cm.

Possible problems in growing

Perennial lavater is characterized by the presence of stable immunity from various diseases and pests. In some cases, damage to garden aphid bushes is possible. To cope with the pest, flowers are sprayed with preparations according to the type of Actellik or Actara. It is important to comply with the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

In cases of rust damage to the bushes, the green mass of the decorative culture becomes covered with brown, brown and yellow spots. The plant needs immediate treatment with a solution of Bordeaux fluid or Cuproxat. With severe damage to perennial lavatera by rust, it is recommended to dig up diseased bushes and burn them or remove them from the site.

Beauty - a spectacular decorative culture


Perennial Lavater is an amazing plant that will effectively decorate the garden during flowering. To ensure that the culture grows healthy and delights in the formation of a large number of buds, it is worth following the recommendations of specialists regarding care. When fertilizing the soil, it is important to adhere to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.


Watch the video: Lavatera x clementii 'Rosea' - Tree Mallow (October 2024).