Chlorophytum curly - home care


Chlorophytum refers to herbal plants. An interesting feature is the color of the foliage and the fact that they eventually begin to curl. On a long green leaf runs a white strip along the entire plate. Thick roots of the flower allow you to accumulate the optimal amount of nutrients.

What does curly chlorophytum look like? What family does it belong to?

In indoor cultivation, the most popular varieties of chlorophytum are:

  • Curly - a compact type of bush with curled leaves that begin to curl with good care.
  • Crested - has long narrow leafy plates painted in bright green.
  • Orange - the leaves are wider than the previous ones, have an oval shape and a dark green color.

Curly Bonophytum Bonnie

Important! Despite the diversity of species and varieties of chlorophytum, care for these plants is identical.

Healing properties

The plant has a number of properties that benefit:

  • cleans air from dust and germs;
  • absorbs any chemical compounds in the air;
  • releases moisture if he receives it enough;
  • emits a lot of oxygen.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

As early as 1974, the first species of this plant were described. Found them in South Africa. In the second half of the 19th century, the bush was brought to Europe, after which breeding work began.

Features of care for chlorophytum curly at home

Chlorophytum - home care and reproduction

Many gardeners confirm that caring for chlorophyte is a pleasure. So that the flower grows well, develops and gives lush flowering, it is not worth neglecting agricultural technology.


Since the birthplace of chlorophytum is South Africa, the plant does not tolerate low temperatures and the presence of drafts. The temperature should not fall below +18 ℃. In winter, a flower pot is best placed in a heated room on a warm windowsill.

Propagation of chlorophytum at home


A flower loves diffused light and needs it. If the pot is placed in the shade, nothing will happen with chlorophytum. The plant is often located in the halls, on stairwells and in corridors.


Tropical origin determines the need for frequent and plentiful watering at high room temperature. The soil in the pot should not dry out, but should always be wet.

Note! In the autumn-winter period, watering is carried out sparingly.


Crispy Bonnie Chlorophytum loves high humidity. Periodically make the flower a light shower. This is especially true of such a situation when the pot is close to the radiators.


The flower tolerates dry air in the house normally, with the exception of the summer season. During this period, daily crown spraying with standing water is mandatory.


The soil for planting the flower should be loose, well permeable, but nutritious. A mixture of soil from under coniferous (deciduous) trees, coarse sand and humus is suitable. Do not forget about the drainage layer, which will retain moisture for a long time.

Top dressing

Bonnie loves top dressing. Fertilizing is necessary only in the summer. Suitable ready-made compositions for indoor deciduous plants. Frequency - 1 time in 2 weeks.

When and how it blooms

Chlorophytum - species Green Orange, winged, green, Laxum

The plant blooms in the warm season. Flowers do not represent a decorative value. Foliage has a more attractive appearance than inflorescences.

Types of flowers

On short peduncles small white flowers are formed, which in their appearance are completely inconspicuous.

Flowering period

Flowering of chlorophytum occurs in the spring-summer period. Throughout the warm season, blooming inflorescences can be observed.

Delenki plant for landing

Changes in flowering care

During flowering, the plant spends a lot of strength and nutrients. To make up micronutrients, regular feeding and watering are carried out. At this time, the bush begins to dry especially quickly.


Portulacaria afra - home care

By nature, a flower has a beautiful lush crown, which does not require formation. You can trim only the antennae and only if cultivation is implied.

Additional Information! To maintain high decorativeness, weakened and dried leaves are removed.

How Chlorophytum Curly Propagates

Curly chlorophytum can be propagated by a vegetative and generative method.

Seed germination

This option of reproduction at home is extremely rare. It is mainly used by breeders in an attempt to develop new varieties. If you want to propagate the flower with seeds, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • seeds are placed in cheesecloth and dipped in water for germination;
  • the substrate for planting should contain peat and sand;
  • seeds are sown on the surface of the soil;
  • the container is covered with a film and sent to a warm place;
  • periodically air the crops;
  • dive is made after the appearance of several leaves on the seedlings.

Air lay

After flowering, rosettes are formed, which are used in breeding a flower. To increase the chances of rooting, the cut outlet is immersed in the liquid. When the roots appear, the plants are planted in a pot of soil.

Bush division

By dividing the bush, the culture can be propagated only after the plant reaches 3 years of age. The flower is carefully removed from the pot. The root is divided into several parts. Slices are lubricated with crushed coal. The resulting delenki are planted in separate containers filled with soil mixture.


The bush is growing extremely fast, an annual transplant is required. It is carried out only in the spring. The new pot should be 2 or 3 times larger than the previous one. The substrate for planting is suitable standard for deciduous plants.

Possible problems in growing and disease

The most common problem of this shrub is its drying. To avoid problems, the flower is regularly watered, sprayed and ventilated.

Discards buds and leaves

The situation is due to a lack of nutrients and trace elements in the soil. It is worth revising the feeding schedule and the used fertilizer compositions.

Leaves turn pale

This can happen due to excess moisture. Also, the flower most likely lacks light. Depleted soil and a lack of trace elements often lead to blanching of foliage.

The tips dry on the leaves

This suggests that the plant simply dries. The earthen lump has not been watered for a long time. In addition, it is worth paying attention to air humidity and spraying.

Lower leaves fall off

Perhaps the soil was too flooded and the process of decay of the root system began. In this case, hydration should be stopped immediately.


Among the popular pests bothering with chlorophytum is aphids, thrips, and scabies. First, use a soap solution, if the tool does not help, then you will have to use chemicals.

Important! Doctors do not recommend exhibiting a large number of flowers in the bedroom, despite their useful property.

Crispy Chlorophytum Flower Closeup


Signs and superstitions

Chlorophytum curly purifies not only the air, but also the energy in the house. The negative atmosphere in the house is eliminated after placing a pot with chlorophytum on the windowsill.

Chlorophytum curly and its care at home is suitable even for beginner growers. Thanks to this plant, the air will quickly clear in the house, as well as the interior will be refreshed.


Watch the video: Chlorophytum comosum Spider Plant Houseplant Care 226 of 365 (October 2024).