Tillandsia atmospheric - home care


Atmospheric tillandsia is a plant without roots. Unusual exotic flower that does not need a pot because it has airy roots. Tillandsia is undemanding in care, its appearance is so unusual and original that it will appeal to every lover of flowers.

What does it look like to which family

Atmospheric tillandsia (tillandsia atmospheric) is a grassy, ​​evergreen plant with aerial roots that do not require soil. Some types of roots do not have at all, instead of them there are small antennae with hooks with which the flower clings to the support. The shape of the leaves and flowers, as well as their color, vary depending on the variety. An individual feature of the plant is the presence of scales on the leaves into which the flower collects moisture, due to which it receives nutrition.

Atmospheric tillandsia

In addition to decorative values, the plant is also used for the manufacture of wallpaper and packaging materials. Young leaves are used in food as vegetables.

Additional Information! Tillandsia belongs to the Bromiel family and has more than five hundred species.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

The name tillandsia was given to the plant by Karl Linney, a Swedish biologist and naturalist. The flower was named after Elias Tillands, a Finnish botanist. Tillands suffered from "fear of water," and Karl Linnaeus mistakenly believed that the scales that covered the leaves of the plant protect him from water and, comparing these two facts, gave the flower its name.

Homeland of the plant

Under natural conditions, tillandsia grows in tropical subtropical and equatorial regions of South America, Argentina and Chile, where there is high humidity. Natural habitat: the upper tier of the rainforest with high humidity and shade from direct sunlight.

Natural flower

Features of caring for tillandsia atmospheric home

Tillandsia - home care after purchase, flowering and transplanting

Unlike other exotic plants, aerial tillandsia grows well at home if it creates a favorable environment. There is always a place for tillandsia in the interior, and an unusual exotic look will never tire of delighting and delighting.


Despite the fact that the flower is from the tropics and loves heat, it is recommended to maintain the temperature in the room at 20-25 ℃ above zero, it does not tolerate heat. In winter, the plant needs to provide a dormant period and lower the temperature to 15-17 ℃, leaving it on an illuminated, cool window sill.


Tillandsia lighting is required diffused, direct sunlight can destroy the plant. The best place to place will be the western and eastern windows, so that the sun falls on the plant. In winter, additionally organize artificial lighting. The daylight hours for the plant should consistently be at least 13 hours.

Lighting should be diffuse


Watering due to the lack of roots and a pot as such is not required, but if the plant does not have enough humidity in the room and its leaves began to be wrapped in a spiral, do the following:

  • Carefully unhook the roots from the base.
  • Pour water into a basin or other container. It is advisable to use melt or rain water, but if there is none, then take the settled tap water at room temperature.
  • Place airy tillandsia in a container and leave for 1-2 hours so that the plant is saturated with moisture.
  • Remove from the pelvis, drain and return to a permanent place.

The described procedure is recommended to be carried out regularly, 1-2 times a month in the summer. During dormancy, it is better not to touch the plant, limiting itself to spraying. Tillandsia atmospheric care at home involves strict control of indoor humidity.

Bathing flower


Spraying is a mandatory daily procedure. The plant receives nutrients only through the water falling on its leaves and stems, so the spraying procedure must be carried out every day, and in hot weather - 2 times, morning and evening, feeding the plant and increasing the humidity.

Important! When spraying, the peduncle should be covered with a film so that moisture does not get on it, otherwise there is a risk that the flower will die before it blooms.


An important indicator for the well-being of Tillands Airborne Root is air humidity. It should be above 70%. To maintain it, use a special air humidifier, and if this is not, then a container of water is placed near the plant and regular spraying is carried out. In winter, heaters are additionally covered with a wet towel. To create a suitable microclimate, florariums are used. You can use a conventional aquarium or can.


Tillandsia without roots and in the soil does not grow. At home, the plant is placed on a flower stand, wire support, a piece of bark, snag or stone. Especially for epiphytes, special designs are on sale: sawn timber, shell, decorative stones.

Note! Do not use materials coated with paint or varnish, impregnated with special means for support.

Special design for the plant

Top dressing

Use fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen, boron, copper, zinc - they are poisonous to the plant. The use of organic fertilizers is not allowed. Feeding for orchids and bromilium plants is ideal. When using the finished fertilizer, reduce the dosage indicated on the package by 4 times.

Additional Information! During dormancy, fertilizers must not be applied. Top dressing is diluted in water for irrigation, which is applied directly to the tillandsia outlet and sprayed with leaves and trunks. Perform the procedure 1 time in 1.5 months.

When and how it blooms

Tillandsia Anita - home care

Atmospheric tillandsia blooms once at the age of 2-3 years, after which it begins to multiply, letting out the shoots and, having given all the energy to it, dies.

Types of flowers

Tillandsia blooms unusual and beautiful. First, it releases an ear on which subsequently bright buds subsequently open. The size and color of the buds depends on the variety of flower.

The incredible flowering of tillandsia

Flower shapes

Ears of buds bloom one after the other, while the faded buds do not rip off, as they look exotic and decorative.

Flowering period

The total flowering time can last several months. During the flowering period, you need to monitor the air humidity and the condition of the leaves, carry out regular spraying so that the plant has enough energy for posterity.

You should know! The plant together with the support is regularly lowered into the water, which is why it is better to immediately choose a reliable material for the support, which will not quickly deteriorate due to the abundance of the amount of moisture.


Bromeliad family - tillandsia, pineapple, bromeliad and others

The formation of the flower and its pruning is not required for the plant. Only dried out or damaged leaves, stems and flowers are removed.

How to breed

After flowering, tillandsia atmospheric lets the kids go. With their help, the plant is propagated. Children are disconnected from the mother stem when their size reaches 5 cm in diameter. The shoots are cut with a sharp knife, the place is sprinkled with charcoal flour (use both wood ash and activated charcoal). The sprout is pressed against the support prepared in advance.

Further care, as well as for an adult plant: spraying, feeding, bathing. According to the description, the baby will quickly attach to the support if you put moss-sphagnum or coconut fibers under it. In tillandsia, 5-8 children grow, so it is easy to propagate the flower, even at home.

Flower propagation by children



The air tendrils of the plant are very delicate and when disconnected from the support, they break and become damaged. Transplanting a flower to another support is undesirable, since when placing an exotic miracle in a permanent place, you need to think in advance of a beautiful, durable and comfortable base for tillandsia.

Possible problems in growing

Do not forget that the flower comes from the tropics and requires attention, care and the creation of favorable microclimatic conditions. Unfortunately, the use of fungicides and insecticides is prohibited. The flower does not tolerate the effects of poisons and dies. Better to prevent a disease than to cure it.


A scab and a spider mite often appear on the plant. Fight them with regular and thorough washing of the bush. In severe cases, it is possible to use a soap solution.

Tillandsia silver


Among the diseases, leaf spot is the most common. In this case, small transparent dropsy first appears on the leaves, which eventually turn into brown spots, gradually capturing the plant. A sick flower is thrown away.

Other problems

When growing a foreign mysterious flower, some problems may arise, for example:

  • tillandsia does not bloom - perhaps the plant does not have enough heat or light and it just needs to be moved to another window;
  • the leaves are twisted into a spiral and their tips have dried out - there is not enough moisture, the spraying schedule should be changed;
  • leaves become soft - the plant is cold, you need to increase the temperature in the room;
  • there are no daughter processes - the branch lacks nutrition; it needs to be fertilized.

Tillandsia flyworm


Varieties of flower

Among the many species of atmospheric tillandsia, the following varieties are most adapted for survival at home:

  • Silvery. The rosette is thickened, the leaves are thin, threadlike, the flowers are small red-blue. Received the name for plaque on leaves that glow in silver in sunlight.
  • Head of jellyfish. The leaves are puffy, strongly wrapped, like tentacles. The flower is bright pink with blue buds, flat in shape.
  • Fly-shaped. There are no roots at all, the leaves are narrow with sharp tips, the leaves are covered with a light white fluff on top. The flowers are small, nondescript, yellow.
  • Tillandsia is violet-flowered. It looks like coral. Rosettes are small in size, up to 5 cm, the leaves are thin, arched, the buds are violet-blue, and the leaves green in normal times turn pink during flowering.

Tillandsia xerography

  • Bootsy. The leaves are wide at the base with awl-shaped tips of emerald color, intertwined and intertwined. The flower is ribbed with a pink middle and purple petals.
  • Tillandsia calyx (Tillandsia juncea). The leaves look like reeds and are collected in a socket. The flower is a purple hue.
  • Tillandsia bulbose (Tillandsia bulbosa). The leaves are thin, long, sinuous. When the plant blooms, the upper leaves turn red, and the flower takes on a lavender hue.
  • Tillandsia xerography is the largest species. It grows to 1 m in height. The leaves are silver, twisted at the ends. It becomes incredibly beautiful during flowering: leafy bracts are bright pink, flower bracts are green-yellow, and the flower itself is purple.

Tillandsia atmospheric surprises with its beauty and vitality. Species differ among themselves in the shape and color of leaves, sizes, shades. By purchasing several different varieties, you can create an outlandish mix without getting your hands dirty in the ground. It is easy to care for plants, the main condition is high humidity and regular spraying.


Watch the video: The Garden Gurus - Growing Air Plants (October 2024).