Gelenium perennial - planting and care in the garden


Gelenium flowers are a common plant in many garden areas. The bush attracts attention with its beautiful flowers that delight the eye for almost the entire season. There are about 40 different species that differ in the shade of leaves and buds. They are perennial or annual.

Description of Gelenium: varieties and varieties

Garden flower came to the domestic land from America. Hybrid Helenium is a variety that is most often found in personal plots. This beautiful plant belongs to the perennial species. The maximum height of the stem reaches 150 cm. Depending on the type, the stem of the flower is: smooth, straight and branched. Leaves stem, lanceolate, grow alternately. It blooms with bright yellow-orange buds, in shape resembles a hemisphere. The diameter of the flower is 3-4 cm.

The name of the flower was in honor of Elena - the wife of Menelaus.

If pruning is not done, then the flower can grow and turn into a bush. The plant is very photophilous, it is worth considering when planning planting. Autumn Gelenium is considered the progenitor of a hybrid variety.

Jazz belongs to the autumn variety. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 m. The shade of flowers is from bright yellow to red. It resembles chamomile in shape, the flower diameter is about 5 cm. It grows well in loose and moist soil. Buds appear in mid-July.

Bigelow's Gelenium flower is home to Canada. It grows up to 80 cm in height, has whole, lanceolate leaves. The central part of the flower is brown, and the edges of the petals are yellow. The diameter of the bud is up to 6 cm. Active flowering begins from June to July.

Bigelow bud diameter up to 6 cm

Gelenium Salsa blooms with a red-orange flower, up to 5 cm in diameter. The peak of flowering occurs in June-August.

Gelenium Khupa differs from other species in that it can be found on rocky terrain and alpine mountains. It has a more developed and strong root system. It blooms with orange buds, 8-10 cm in diameter. Up to 90 cm high. Plant with gray-green, whole leaves.

Gelenium Rubinsverg is also called a ruby ​​gnome. In height reaches 55 cm. Blooms with red-burgundy buds. Belongs to cold-resistant grades.

Moorheim Beauty. It grows to 1.5 m. The period of active growth and flowering is observed from July to September. It has very strong stems, which can withstand strong winds. A feature of the variety is not demanding on the quality of the soil. Blooms with deep red buds.

Gelenium Canaria is a type of plant with yellow flowers. Grows to 1.5 m. The diameter of the inflorescence is about 5 cm. The flower attracts attention due to its pronounced aroma. It blooms from August to September.

Double Trouble also has yellow double flowers and grows up to 170 cm. The leaves are medium-sized, sessile, with a fine-toothed margin, and the inflorescences are presented in the form of a basket.

Grade Gold (Goldrausch) grows to 1.5 m and blooms with bright yellow buds. Translated, the name of the flower sounds like a "gold rush."

Gupes reaches a height of 90 cm. Leaves of a gray-green hue with solid plates. Blooms in single yellow buds, the diameter of the inflorescence is 8 cm.

Gelenium Rancher blooms in small buds that resemble a daisy. Red flowers with a brown center appear in the period from August to October. The height of the bush is up to 50 cm, and the width is 60 cm. It is best grown on the sunny side in moist and fertile soil.

Bush height up to 50 cm and width 60 cm

Gelenium Sombrero is a small bush with bright yellow flowers. The peak of flowering is observed in August-September. Leaves in the form of a spear, serrated, dark green. Plant height - 50 cm. For proper growth, fertile and drained soil is required.

Gelenium Poncho is a perennial of decorative origin. Blooms in the summer with bright red flowers with yellow edges. Bush height up to 80 cm.

Another decorative look is the Bandera Gelenium. Refers to perennials. Copper flowers with raspberry stripes and a violet-yellow center. Blossom begins in late August.

Variety Voltaut is a hybrid species that was bred in the 20th century. A plant with orange-yellow flowers and a brown center. Flowering begins in June and lasts until August.

Gelenium Hota Lava is a two-color bush with red-orange flowers. It grows to 80 cm. It has powerful and strong stems. Flowering takes place from July to September, resembles the appearance of daisies.

Sunrise variety grows to 1.3 m, forming a branched bush with lanceolate leaves. It begins to bloom in August, so it goes well with the landscape of autumn.

The chaise belongs to the Hoop type. Flowering begins in late summer. The plant produces bright yellow flowers with a slightly green center. Perennial Gelenium has tall stems and lanceolate leaves. In height can reach 1 m.

Helenium also belongs to the autumn varieties. It is a grassy perennial with orange-red buds. It blooms from July to September. Height up to 1.2 m. Suitable for cutting.

The Chelsea variety has dark red flowers with yellow spots. The diameter of the inflorescence is 4-8 cm. It tolerates cold. For growing, fertile, clay soil is needed.

Landing location, soil

Plant care is simple, it is enough to adhere to a number of rules. Adult plants grow well in any temperature regime and are able to withstand small frosts. Young seedlings must be grown in the range of 20-22 ° C above zero.

Seed planting

Lichnis perennial - planting and care in the open ground

Planting perennial gelenium should begin with soaking the seeds in water. It is enough to hold the seed for 2 hours in a liquid, and then treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate. After the procedure, the seeds must be dried.

Variegate plants prefer light and airy soil equipped with good drainage.

It's important to know! The flower does not tolerate heavy watering, flooding by rain and meltwater. Due to excessive fluid, the roots of Gelenium rot and the bush dies.

Step-by-step instructions for planting seeds:

  • The earth is poured into a small container and slightly moistened.
  • Seeds are distributed on the surface of the soil, not too deepening them inward. It is recommended to sprinkle them on top with sand 3-4 mm.
  • The container is closed with a film or glass in order to retain heat and accelerate germination.
  • Be sure to store containers in a warm and bright place. At first, you need to moisten and ventilate the seedlings daily.
  • For the full development of daylight hours should be at least 65 hours.

The first shoots usually appear after a week. When the seeds have sprouted, the greenhouse can be removed, but the lighting is left at the same level. It is necessary to wait until 3 leaflets grow and then do a dive in different containers. After 14 days, you can do the first top dressing.


Planting in open ground and caring for Gelenium are the most important stages in the life of a plant. Planting seedlings is necessary in May, when the soil is sufficiently warmed up. First you need to dig up small holes. The distance between them is from 40 to 80 cm, depending on the type of flower. The depth of the hole is 20 cm. It is imperative to lay out the drainage on the bottom, which will prevent stagnation of water in the root system of the plant. The soil is poured halfway into the hole and warm water is poured. The seedling is transferred to the hole and layer by layer covered with soil.

The depth of the hole should be at least 20 cm

Additional Information! Each layer must be carefully compacted.

Watering and loosening the soil

Perennial small petals or erigeron (Erigeron) - planting and care

Gelenium yellow and other varieties in nature grow in humid areas. These flowers are difficult to tolerate drought. When growing on the site, the gardener must provide regular watering. If the rainy season turned out, then you do not need to moisten the soil additionally. After each moistening, it is necessary to loosen the soil so as not to give full oxygen access to the root system. Moisture evaporation can be prevented if the surface of the earth is periodically mulched.

Breeding methods

Perennial cloves - planting in the garden and care

The reproduction of Gelenium takes place in three ways: by cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds.

The simplest and fastest method is considered - dividing the bush. Carry out manipulations in March-April. The advantage of dividing is that this process has a positive effect on the immunity of the flower. In spring, the flower should be dug with a lump of earth and young shoots should be separated from it. New shoots are used for planting, and old ones are cut from the core and discarded.

The most difficult way is by grafting. Cuttings must begin to cook in the second half of spring. To do this, cut off the upper part of the shoot and root in moist peat soil.

Rooting usually occurs after a month

Planting gelenium from seeds is also not difficult. The plant gives a huge amount of seeds, which are enough to collect for planting, or purchased in a store. However, it should be remembered that a flower grown in this way rarely retains the features of the mother bush.

Feeding and transplanting

The helenium flower needs additional nutrition throughout the growing season. For a year you need to fertilize the plant 3 times. The first top dressing is done in the spring before the start of active growth, using organic preparations. If the culture is grown in poor soil, then additionally add potassium sulfate (10 g per 10 liters of water). The second time it is necessary to fertilize gelenium at the stage of bud formation. For this, complex solutions are suitable.

Note! Do not often use nitrogen fertilizers, as they reduce the flowering time.

The third top dressing is done in the fall in order to strengthen the plant's protection before wintering. Superphosphate is best used.

Since the flower depletes the soil, transplantation must be done every 3-4 years. Pre-select a new place and fertilize. The best time for transplanting is spring. At the same time, bushes can be propagated by division.

Pests and diseases

The three-leafed gelenium has a stable immunity, which is well resistant to fungal diseases and various insects. When grown under the right conditions, the risk of developing the disease is very small. However, if the rules have been violated, the flower may suffer from a chrysanthemum nematode. These worms are easy to spot in the buds and soil of the plant. The pest negatively affects all parts of the bush. To get rid of insects, it is necessary to conduct treatment with an insecticidal agent. Affected areas are cut and burned.

Bush affected by a chrysanthemum nematode


How to prepare for wintering

Before the cold, it is necessary to cut the stems of the plant to the ground. Leave only 10-15 cm. Then you should sprinkle the area with sawdust or moss, so that the layer is 5 cm thick. A special material is placed on top - lutrastil. You can remove the shelter in the spring, when all the frosts have passed.

Flowering period and care after

Gelenium blooms 1-2 months. Flowering occurs in August or September, depending on the species. Care during flowering remains the same. It is enough to make a bait a few weeks before the buds appear.

Use in landscape design

The bush can be planted around the reservoir, so they will create a beautiful and unusual shore. Often the plant is found on the fences of houses. Thus, you can transform the usual and unsightly structure. The bush looks great next to other decorative flowers. To admire flowering for a long time, it is necessary to plant different varieties on the site. The combination of gelenium with aster, verbena, marigolds harmoniously looks. Often use a flower to create bouquets.


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