Lily-like flowers, only small


So many amateur gardeners prefer to grow such stately flowers as lilies on their plots. Breeders and botanists are engaged in crossbreeding and breeding more and more new varieties. But besides this magnificent plant, there are others who, in their appearance, resemble a lily. This article discusses alternatives to lilies.

Lily-like plants, only small

There are plants whose buds are very similar to lily flowers, but their size is much smaller.

Erythronium (kandyk)

Perennial kandyk is a herbaceous plant that produces shoots from a bulb. Its height reaches about 40 cm, and its appearance is 2 opposite leaves growing at the base and a single shoot, at the end of which a flower bud is formed.

Lily-like flowers


Erythronium forms flowers that look like small lilies. They are drooping and have 6 petals, which at the base form a bell-shaped bowl, and at the edges they diverge to the sides and bend back.

The color may fluctuate and most often it is pink, yellow or white. It is the various colors of this plant that allow you to form a fairly colorful flower bed when grown in open ground.

Note! In mid-summer, the stem and leaves die off. Therefore, forming a flower bed, it is necessary to take this feature into account and combine them with other types of plants.

Goose bow

It also belongs to the lily family. His homeland is Africa. The ongoing work on plant breeding allowed the development of more than 100 subspecies.

What does a goose look like?

The appearance of the plant is stunted. Its leaves are slightly elongated, and the stem is short. The total number of flowers that can be formed from one tuber reaches 10 pieces. They are distinguished by their small size and very delicate petals of bright yellow color, for which they are popularly called the "lemon snowdrop".

The height of a goose onion can range from just 3 cm to 30 cm, depending on the growing conditions created. Therefore, it is good to use it on the beds as a covering plant.

Goose bow


So little lily-like flowers The blue color that the Tatar ixiolirion releases is rare enough to be found in personal plots. But the plant is so unpretentious that even with minimal care, it will please flowering for almost 1 month.

How Ixiolirion Blooms

The plant produces a straight stem up to a height of 0.5 m. If the growing conditions are unsatisfactory, the height will be only 20-30 cm. Small inflorescences are formed at the end of the stem, combining from 2 to 10 pieces of flowers, each of which can reach 5 in diameter centimeters.

Petals can be a different shade of blue - from lavender to piercing blue.


This plant is better known as the desert lily. Its homeland is the southern tip of North America.


Why hesperocallis looks like a lily

The plant has a fairly thick stem with small and rarely located narrow and long leaves. At the top, buds are formed, which gradually bloom into large flowers, reaching a diameter of up to 8 cm.

The color of the petals can range from snow-white with a silver tint to greenish tones.

Hesperocallis will best manifest itself on loose soils that intensively let moisture through.

Watering they need to be provided only in the spring months, while in summer it needs to be minimized. And only when the flower is ready to release the bud, it is necessary to water the "desert lily", after which it will bloom profusely.

Lily-like flowers on a thick stem

Violet winter rose - unusual violets similar to roses

There are quite large plants, sometimes reaching gigantic sizes, which form a flower similar to a lily.

Cardiocrinum, or giant lily

Cardiocrinum is a tall lily, which in some cases can reach a height of up to 4 meters. Her homeland is Asia and the eastern part of Russia. Depending on the variety, the height of the flower can range from 1.5 to 4 m.


Tree Lily Description

Flowers form at the top of a long stem, which is quite thick. In some cases, it resembles a trunk, since its diameter can reach 6 cm.

Flowers are white bells of very elongated shape (in length can reach up to 20 cm). In the formation of favorable conditions, the number of lilies on the stem can be 80 pieces.

Advice! Thanks to its spectacular appearance and large flowers, cardiocrinum creates a good basis for other plants that are stunted compared to it.


Flowers similar to lilies are also observed in amaryllis. This perennial species is used for growing as a houseplant. Although in suitable natural conditions it grows in open areas.


Amaryllis Description

This bulbous plant during flowering is very impressive. This is due to the fact that at the end of the stem it forms single-row flowers, reaching up to 10 cm in diameter. On one stem they can be from 4 to 12 pieces. And one plant produces simultaneously up to 3 stems.

The color of the amaryllis petals can range from white to orange.


Hippeastrum and amaryllis are relatives, which is why their appearance is so similar. But still, each plant has its own distinctive features.

Description of "domestic lily"

So the hippeastrum is popularly called the "domestic lily." This is due to the fact that the flower of the plant can reach a diameter of up to 25 cm. Moreover, it is not flat, but slightly elongated, forming a bell-shaped bowl.

Note!The colors of the hippeastrum petals can have the most diverse shade - white, yellow, pink, coral, cherry and so on. Moreover, sometimes the flowers are not monophonic in color, but combine several colors at once.

White flowers similar to lilies

Lilies - planting and care in the open ground

There are large and small lilies and plants similar to them. Sometimes specialists in the cultivation and cultivation of flowers distinguish a separate group - those flowers that have white petals. They are distinguished by special elegance and tenderness, for which they are deeply loved by decorators and landscape designers.


To date, the eucharis plant has more than 20 subspecies. Most of them grow in the Colombian Andes and the western part of the Amazon River.


Four types of eucharis and their description

In their appearance, eucharis flowers most resemble garden daffodils. But their distinctive feature is that their color in natural conditions can be not only white and yellow, but also green.

The plant, while ensuring appropriate conditions for it, forms a fairly powerful bush with wide lanceolate leaves, which are supported by a thick petiole.

The arrow, on which the buds are formed from above, reaches a height of 80 cm.
An umbrella-shaped inflorescence is formed at the top, which can combine up to 10 flowers. Each of them is able to grow up to 12 cm in diameter.

Thanks to selection, it was possible to achieve a more diverse color of eucharis flowers.

So, for example, among the most popular can be noted such varieties as Large-flowered, Amazonian, White, Sandera

Alstomeria white

Alstroemeria or alstroemeria can be of the most diverse color, including a peculiar leopard spotting.

If we talk about the most neutral in color petals of plants, then white alstroemeria is represented by the variety White Wings, which translates as "white wings". Large leaves are inherent in it, and the height of the released shoot reaches 2 m.

Common types and flowers of white alstroemeria

Among white alstroemeria species, such varieties as Virginia can be noted - there are brown spots on the top two petals.

Garda variety is resistant to drought and gives a powerful stem, which can reach up to 2 m in height. Its snow-white flowers are quite spectacular.

Alstomeria white


Zephyranthes is a very cute and delicate flower that is grown under appropriate conditions on the street. But also as a home plant - it is magnificent.

Mini lilies: what are they called

Its flowers, similar to mini-lilies, as it turns out, are far from known to all, although the plant is often used as a potted plant.

Types of marshmallows and features of their cultivation

Today, there are a large number of species - about 100.

Note!Only about 12 of them are adapted to grow them at home.

So, the most common are:

  • Atamassky - loving cool air, and its yellow or white flowers reach 3 cm in diameter;
  • The snow-white zephyranthes already has larger flowers, which reach up to 6 cm in diameter and somewhat resemble crocuses in appearance. Its flowering is plentiful, so it forms a whole bouquet of delicate flowers;
  • The Powerful Pink variety deserves special attention - a delightful plant with small flowers piercingly pink in color, having a diameter of up to 6 cm. During flowering, a whole bunch of flowers is formed on one bush.


This plant has a second name - "star lily." The appearance of the flower is very unusual. Its elongated petals and very elongated stamens form something unusual.

Why are pankrats called "star lily"

This plant got its second name because its elongated funnel-shaped petals and perianth form a radiant structure resembling the radiance of a star. Due to the fact that the homeland of the plant is quite warm climatic zones, it is practically not grown in open ground in Russia. But for home, it will be a great option. True, it will have to be periodically taken out in cooler conditions, for example, on a balcony or in the greenhouse of a private house.

All plants that look like a lily in the shape of a flower are decorative and can become a real decoration of the garden or enliven the interior of the room.


Watch the video: Midland Fawn Lily Flowers 2018 (October 2024).