Amaranth plant


Amaranth is a unique plant. Not so long ago, it was considered forgotten, but today, in Latin America, culture is recovering. They try to grow amaranth in open ground, since then reproduction takes place more actively.

The medicinal species can grow in the wild, in the country, perceived as a weed. Some adherents of a healthy diet do not dwell on amaranth porridge with fruits, eating cereal every week or preparing various healthy recipes with amaranth seeds.


For sure, everyone saw the amaranth - a colorful plant from the Amaranth family, if not as a plant, then in the form of grain or cereal.

Flowering in June

Amaranth is a herbaceous medicinal plant that the Mayan and Aztec civilizations knew. Man uses all its parts:

  • Stem,
  • Foliage,
  • Root,
  • Seed.

Its modern name comes from the Greek word "immortal". However, he grew not only in Greece. It has long been cultivated in Latin America, then it was a very famous food crop, grown in many parts of the continent and used for food, along with corn, beans and zucchini.

Note! Near the Mexican town of Tehuacan, Puebla, archaeological samples of a seed and dried amaranth flower dating back to 4000 BC have been found.

From historical sources it is known that white amaranth is an assistant in ancient religious rites. They were carried out by the Aztecs and Incas. The most popular of these was the process of making statues of deities and idols. For this purpose, women took the seed of a plant, stained red due to human blood (from the sacrifice), mixed with honey and molasses. Then they sculpted the figurine and after the ritual they broke it. The fragments were eaten by all members of the tribe.

Additional Information. Not everyone knows that one journalist and model, Amaranta Hanks, was named after cereal culture. Some time ago, the first university in the world was opened with a star girl, where participants are involved in the study of sensitive issues. Amaranth "movie star" Henk presents a special training program and is actively fighting against professional burnout. The girl herself believes that there should not be a routine in life - this is the plague of the modern generation. Amaranth Hank warns about the age of 18+ students, the rector is determined and serious.

Plant description

Alocasia flower - home and outdoor plant

Marigold, or cockscomb (other names for cereals) is characterized by:

  • Branched stems about one meter long,
  • Annual or perennial (depending on grade)
  • The leaves are pointed, mostly green, but are also red,
  • Inflorescences: purple, red panicles, length - from 0.2 to 0.5 m.
  • At the end of flowering (on the 20th of August), fruit-boxes with seeds appear.
  • It grows mainly in warm climates, South America is considered the birthplace.

    2 tailed

  • The culture includes 100 species, they are divided into fodder, vegetable and decorative. In the Russian Federation, you can find about 20 varieties. It is found in the wild in China and India.

How to apply, useful properties

The use of amaranth and its beneficial properties have long been studied. At first it was grown strictly as an ornamental plant, then, after evaluating the significant benefits to the body, they began to use it in the form of livestock feed and for the production of cereals. Amaranth groats is very useful, but has a specific taste. Cooking it is quite simple, like any standard porridge: pour boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Indoor bride flower - what is the name of the plant?

The plant uniquely combines nutritional and mineral, vitamin products:

  • Vitamins - A, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, K.
  • Iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper - trace elements.
  • Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium - macrocells.
  • Amarantin is an antioxidant.
  • Protein.
  • Pectin.
  • Squalene - prevents the development of cancer.
  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

Important! Amaranth seed (otherwise it is also called "shiritsa") contains 30% more protein than in hercules and rice. It is 2 times more useful than wheat and soy. In addition, from the leaves you can get a natural dye that is used for food without harm.

The healing properties of amaranth grass and leaves:

  • Lower cholesterol
  • Treat calcium deficiency
  • Normalize metabolism
  • Stimulate brain function
  • Treat bleeding gums
  • They are anesthetized and anti-inflammatory
  • Protect from fungal diseases, etc.

Species and varieties

Croton - home care and how to water this plant

 There are varieties:

  • Feed
  • Vegetable
  • Cereals
  • Decorative (tailed red, poisonous appearance for humans).

Edible species include:

  • "Valentine"
  • Fortress
  • "Opopeo",
  • "In Memory of the Cove",
  • White and pink look.

Everything is used in food: foliage, stems, and even roots.


The height of amaranth tailed can reach 1.5 meters. This is a very powerful shrub with an erect stem, large, purple leaves hanging slightly to the ground.

Inflorescences on it begin to open in early summer. Flowers of tailed amaranth are collected in tassels-panicles, outwardly resemble long fox tails (hence another name for the species appeared). The length of the inflorescences can reach the mark of half a meter. With their beauty, they delight everyone before the onset of severe frosts.


  • "Rothschwanz" (red, darkish flowers);
  • "Grunshwanz" (inflorescences light green).

It propagates well by self-sowing.

Thrown back

The thrown up amaranth is called a weed, and it is very aggressive. However, this species is medicinal; it is harvested from June to October, using roots, seeds and leaves for medical purposes.

Thrown back


  • Straight stalk
  • Height - 1 m
  • Beetroot-shaped root,
  • Leaf length - 4-14 cm, width - up to 6 cm. It tapers towards the top, petiole longer than the plate. Foliage turns to the light source with its plane.
  • Flowers are collected in green inflorescences.
  • The fruits open, the seed is about 1 mm in diameter, dark brown in color.
  • Flowering from July to August, up to 5000 seeds can be formed on one plant.


For tri-color amaranth, the name "illumination" is suitable, as for no other. Such fireworks catch the eye and amaze the imagination. Meanwhile, they are incredibly easy to care for.


It was brought from the tropics of Asia. It is a pyramidal annual with green, yellow and red leaves. Height - up to 150 cm.

The flowers are at the very top, so it seems that the stem is burning with fire. It blooms with small panicles from the very beginning of summer to the most severe frosts. Feels great planted, both alone and with a group of other cultures.

It is used as a herb in dried tea or as a spice for food.


Panicled amaranth has bright stems, foliage, and inflorescences. Deep saturated color strongly distinguishes it from others. It seems as if a large red fruit has grown on the plot.


The plant is an annual, it grows quickly enough to a height of 1.6 meters, creates a colorful garden exposition. Foliage has a bright crimson color. As a rule, it is painted under the influence of warm temperatures and lighting. From the heat, the shade intensifies.

The inflorescences are oblong in shape, stubbornly stretching upward, like torches burning in dark caves.

Outdoor landing

When to plant amaranth from seeds, cultivation should only be started when the soil has become warm after winter and the temperature has set in the street. Typically, this process begins in late spring. Amaranth is often used for group and single plantings, where tall plants are needed to fill the site.

Seedling seed

Optimal place

You will need:

  • A carefully selected place
  • Correct soil
  • Prepared seedlings grown from seeds.

Additional Information. Seed is harvested after the shoot has turned white and the branch has thrown foliage. After two weeks, the flowers are wiped - seeds fall out of them. They retain germination for another 5 years. They need to be planted in the soil a month before planting in open ground (late March) or in May sown directly on the site.

Before embarking on a landing, it is necessary to choose the best place, nutrient soil with lime. In order to grow a strong plant, it is necessary to fertilize the soil well with nitroammophos (20 g per 1 m2).

Culture is very fond of the sun and warmth, so the place should be well lit. Sowing seedlings is carried out at a distance of 30 cm from each other on one furrow.

Step-by-step process of planting from seeds

The beds should be prepared since the fall: dig and add organic or complex fertilizers. The best option is humus or compost. Each hundredth - 500 kg.

Dry culture, filler preparation


  • Orientation of beds from north to south.
  • Do not sow on slopes - rains can wash the seed.
  • In the spring, again dig the beds and again feed.
  • Sow in rows, subsequently thin out.
  • Disembarkation time is May.
  • Wells up to 5 cm deep.
  • In the process of germination and rooting of shoots, weed removal and drainage is mandatory.

The first sprouts will appear after 10 days. Re-sowing is allowed to be done after 2 weeks.


General care rules are as follows:

  • Amaranth is very resistant to droughts, loves them more than overflow and stagnation of moisture.
  • Excess moisture does not tolerate, the roots begin to rot. Watering, accordingly, should be moderate. After each watering, the soil must be loosened, monitoring the stagnation of moisture. In the first month after planting, watering the plant is vital, as the roots begin to slowly sink into the ground. The root system needs to be “nourished” so that the rooting process is effective. In the rainy season, amaranth is watered on a par with other plants on the site.
  • The landing area should be well lit.
  • The optimum temperature for growing is +20 degrees. Minor frosts (up to -2 degrees) the culture tolerates well. Severe winters - no, so they destroy the plant for the winter.
  • Pests and diseases rarely annoy a culture. Basically, this happens if the plant is not planted at the right time.
  • For planting in Siberia, ready-made seedlings are always used. Seeds on this territory cannot be raised in open ground.

Much attention should be paid to the width when active growth has begun. The first 4 weeks, development is slow and weak, open beds are gradually covered with weak shoots and sprouts. It is very important at this moment to water the earth, loosen it, carry out weeding from weeds and excess vegetation.

If everything goes well, subsequently the sprouts will begin to develop rapidly: add 5-7 cm in height per day. After 2 months, the plant will be strong, strong and well rooted. However, it is important to loosen, weed and water regularly.

Top dressing

An excellent top dressing for amaranth is ash. The solution is done as follows:

  • 200 gr. ash on a bucket of water
  • mullein solution (1 part) is added to this mixture.

Fertilizer is applied in the morning after irrigation.

Important! If top dressing was introduced in the autumn during preparation for wintering the soil, then after winter in the spring before planting, then after fertilizer you can not enter.

What is amaranth - a grain crop or a poisonous plant? The question is controversial. Some species are not only inedible, they should not be touched at all. However, what delight is caused by beautiful crimson brushes at the time of flowering! They look like soft but bright icicles hanging wearily from a shrub.

A pleasant bonus is the fact that the culture can be used as food and taken for medicinal purposes. The main thing is to know what benefit or harm the plant can do, what contraindications there are for consumption.


Watch the video: Superfoods : How To Grow Red Amaranth - Amaranthus (October 2024).