Geranium - pruning for lush flowering, so that it bloomed and was fluffy


Geranium (aka pelargonium) is very often grown in ordinary city apartments. It is difficult to find a house devoid of this bright living decoration. Such popularity is explained by the beauty and unpretentiousness of the flower. In addition, the plant boasts a wide variety of species and varieties. Geranium can be grown not only in flower pots, but also in open flower beds. Moreover, pelargonium has protective functions: it repels harmful insects with its smell.

Such a wonderful flower deserves better conditions. To enhance and preserve the decorative properties of the culture, you need to do the cutting of geranium in time. Otherwise, pelargonium will not only lose its spectacular flowering, but also lose its standard decorative qualities: as the upper shoots grow, the lower branches will gradually become bare, which will make the flower unattractive. Many, faced with this problem and not understanding its causes, throw geraniums. But it is enough to just prune just in time, then the flower will retain its beauty for many years.

Many inexperienced owners think about how to prune geraniums so that it blooms and is fluffy. The procedure is included in the mandatory and at the same time simple program for caring for the plant. If you leave the flower unattended, the flowering will be sparse and sparse, the foliage will begin to fall, and the culture will wither. Pruning is a very important procedure, which allows you to form a lush, even bush, to make flowering more vibrant and long. There are 3 ways to trim geraniums:

  • Home (autumn);
  • Topping;
  • Autumn.

When to cut geraniums

The time of the procedure depends on the specific method. The main pruning is carried out immediately after wintering, that is, at the very beginning of spring (late February - early March). At this point, the growing season has not yet begun, so all damaged parts of the plant after pruning will have time to recover.


The autumn procedure occurs at the time when flowering is completed, namely from the beginning of September to December. It consists in the removal of dry leaves and peduncles. This type of pruning improves the decorativeness of geraniums, while it does not affect the subsequent flowering. Manipulations take place in October. If diseased stems are observed, the damaged parts can be removed early. This pruning prevents the spread of the disease to the rest of the plant.

On a note. In regions with a temperate climate, geraniums are often grown in a flower bed and, if the winter is not very cold, they are left there for wintering. In places where a cold climate reigns, geraniums are transplanted into a pot for the duration of frosts.

Pinching is not allowed to be done in winter, since the plant is at rest. An exception are those varieties of geranium that can bloom in winter.

Important! Trimming requires timeliness. Delayed manipulations will cause the geranium to bloom too late (the plant may not bloom at all).

Pruning should also not be carried out in winter, except in cases when the shoots have time to grow too much (in February it is allowed to remove one problem stem). In this case, it is recommended to replace pruning with pinching.

Geranium pruning

Geranium is of two types: annual and perennial. In the first case, pruning is optional and is done only to correct the shape of the flower. In the second case, it is carried out 2 times a year, while young geraniums are recommended to be cut once a year.

The frequency of the procedure also depends on the type of pelargonium. Miniature varieties need such manipulations much less often than others.

Need to know! In the first year of life, the plant cannot be pruned. To give the flower a shape, the shoots can be partially removed.

Why pruning

As the stems become longer, the lower shoots begin to become bare. As a result, the leaves remain only on the upper shoots. The fact is that geranium almost never gives lateral processes. To "wake up" the kidneys located on them, you need to do pruning. Due to this, new shoots with young buds are formed.

Propagation of geraniums at home, when planted, so that it blooms in summer

The main procedure is aimed at stimulating abundant flowering and the formation of a symmetrical bush.

Autumn pruning is a preventive measure, pinching is done if necessary.

Attention! Lack of sunlight in winter causes the plant to stretch. As a result, the decorativeness of pelargonium is greatly reduced. However, one should not rush to shorten the stems, it is better to wait until the end of the season. At the end of February, the stems can be cut to 2/3 of the length. Procedures can be avoided if you take care of the quality lighting for geraniums in advance by adding a backlight to the lamp.

Thus, cropping is necessary for:

  • Awakening of the young kidneys.
  • Create a neat bush shape.
  • The formation of new inflorescences.
  • Achieve plentiful flowering.
  • Increase in flowering time.
  • Propagation of the culture through new shoots (for growing geraniums, you can use seed, leaf plate and cuttings).
  • Removing damaged areas of geranium.

Magnificent crown formation

How to pinch a petunia for lush flowering

Regardless of the type and variety to which the plant belongs, pruning is carried out without fail. Next, we will talk about the rules for pruning, including the features of each method, about how to pinch geraniums so that it grows denser.

Lush flowering geranium

For a quality procedure, you will need a very thin blade or knife.

Recommendation. Simple scissors are better not to use, because during the manipulation they can damage the stem at the cutting site.

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Before you start cutting, you need to carefully inspect the flower and determine which parts will have to be removed so that a smooth, neat bush is obtained, and there are no bare stems left without leaves and inflorescences.

Important! At the end of the summer, when the wilting process begins, cutting the geranium becomes mandatory. If after the procedure the main stem has remained green, the plant will survive, and new leaves will form in 3-5 days. If after trimming the trunk darkened and began to dry out, the geranium will die.

The haircut instruction includes the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First you need to remove dried, beginning to wither leaves and flowers. As a result, the plant will not spend energy on the formation of new shoots and the restoration of old tissues.
  2. Determine which parts of the plant need to be removed.
  3. Make a cut with a disinfected blade above the leaf assembly, which should be facing the outside of the bush. Processing is carried out with alcohol, boiling water or a special disinfectant. Hands should also be clean.
  4. Geranium is shortened by half, which will provide air exchange inside the bush and access of light and moisture to the distant lower leaves. This will reduce the risk of developing fungal diseases. You need to remove those branches that are directed inside the crown, leaving only those growing outwards.
  5. Treat the cut points with powdered activated carbon and cinnamon powder. This is necessary so that the stem does not rot.

It is very important to consider the characteristics of a particular type and variety of geranium. One type of plant may have a very small main stem, which grows in width at the bottom of the bush. Another is characterized by flowing shoots. The third - has a high stalk, which tends to up.

Need to know! With the help of pruning, it is impossible to radically change the shape of the bush. Such attempts will lead to the death of the flower.

Garden shoot removal knife

Features of autumn pruning

How to feed hydrangea in spring for lush flowering in the garden

First, the geranium must bloom, only then can it be prepared for winter hibernation. In the period from December to mid-February, the plant is very weakened, therefore, pruning should not be done at this time.

Long unnecessary shoots must be removed at the site of the first leaf node. In this case, the stems will not allow shoots in the future. In order for the trimmed branches to continue to grow in the future, they need to be removed in a place located above the node.

The main stem is also trimmed 1/3.

Features of spring pruning

The procedure is carried out in late February - mid-March. Manipulations are carried out taking into account the size of the geranium. A large bush should not be subjected to radical manipulation (even taking into account its size). Otherwise, the plant will give all its forces to the formation of leaves and shoots to the detriment of the formation of inflorescences (they will appear very late or they will not be at all). Therefore, it is enough to cut too long, bare stems, diseased branches. With respect to a small bush, a larger adjustment can be made.


Before pinching geraniums, you need to find the largest upper bud on the stem, which is responsible for the vegetation. You can pinch it off with your fingers, carefully separating it from the shoot. A tight-fitting kidney can be plucked with a garden pruner.

On a note. Typically, flowering begins in May. A pinch of geranium is the reason that the culture begins to bloom later than usual (in May). This is due to the fact that nutrients are spent on the formation of lateral processes.

Pinching geraniums


Care after trimming

Special care in this case is not required. The standard program includes the following actions:

  1. At the end of the procedure, geraniums are placed in a cool place.
  2. Places of cuts are treated with a healing agent: cinnamon or activated carbon.
  3. The amount of watering and spraying is reduced. Excess moisture will lead to the death of the flower.
  4. Provide diffuse lighting. With a lack of light, geraniums are placed under an artificial lamp.
  5. The plant is fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers so that new shoots appear as soon as possible. Also, boron acid for geranium is recommended as a fertilizer before flowering. How to use it is indicated on the package (dissolve 0.5 g of the drug in 1 liter of water and spray the plant, 2-3 treatments will be enough). For feeding, you can use yeast.
  6. After spring pruning, the flower requires a 2-week rest. Geranium is placed in a well-ventilated room with optimal temperature and humidity.

Care for clipped geraniums


Common errors during trimming

Despite the simplicity of this procedure, novice gardeners often commit the wrong actions leading to the death of the plant. Common errors include the following:

  • If most of the time the plant was outdoors, before spring pruning, the flower should stand in the room for several days to get used to the home climate. Inexperienced owners begin the procedure immediately after entering the flower into the room. That is why the plant tissues turn yellow, and then it is impossible to get rid of this problem.
  • Neglecting the rule of disinfection of cutting equipment. Before starting work and after its completion, the tools must be treated with a disinfectant.
  • Abundant watering after autumn pruning. Another important point - how to water geraniums. Water should be clean, preferably filtered. Melt or rain water is also suitable. Another option - settled or boiled.

One of the most favorite plants of many gardeners is geranium. Pruning for lush flowering does not require much labor and special skills, the culture can bloom almost all year round and does not need special care. Knowing and observing the simple rules of how to pinch geraniums, how to prune geraniums correctly will help to successfully grow a flower and preserve the decorative properties of a culture without harming its health.



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