Jacaranda - a tree with purple flowers


Charming with its beauty, the Australian tree has won the hearts of lovers of flowering crowns on all continents. There is a tradition among Australians to plant jacaranda in honor of the birth of a new family member.

Jacaranda tree

The jacaranda plant is a tree with more than five dozen varieties, the vast majority of which are evergreen. In height, an adult tree can reach 30 meters. The composition of wood allows the manufacture of furniture of high quality quality, but the plant is valued not only for practicality, but also for entertainment during flowering.

Brazilian jacaranda on the sidelines

Most species bloom with a purple or blue hue, which delights everyone who is lucky to see a tree during flowering. There are varieties that bloom in white. In addition to the unforgettable sight of the jacaranda, it surrounds the area closest to itself with a honey aroma.

Additional Information. Some sources claim that the plant spread from Australia, while others recognize South America as their homeland. Today, the violet tree has spread to some European countries with a mild climate, as well as to Mexico, Israel, India.

Violet tree flowers

Chestnut - a tree with flowers, a description of how to plant and grow

There is no one who would remain indifferent at the sight of a flowering jacaranda. The most common description of this period is the lilac miracle. The flowers of the tree are collected in brushes, more than a dozen pieces in each. One corolla has 5 petals, the inflorescence is bisexual. Buds reach 5 cm in length and at least 3 cm in width.

The fruits that appear after flowering are a box with many seeds. The leaves of many varieties externally have a strong resemblance to the foliage of fern or mimosa, from which another name is common - mimosa leaf jacaranda.

Growing jacaranda in Russia

Shrubs with white flowers, pink, yellow flowers.

In vivo jacaranda (violet tree) does not grow. He needs a special climate as close to tropical as possible. It can be found in the botanical garden of Crimea, where specialists create all the necessary conditions for the maintenance of a tree.

Inflorescences gather in a nimbus

Even in conditions close to native conditions, lilac trees grow no more than three meters in height. Modern flower growers are trying to grow it quite successfully as a houseplant.

The content of the violet tree at home

Bread tree - where it grows and why it is called

To maintain a tropical plant in the apartment, you need to remember that it loves high humidity. This means that every day several times it will be necessary to spray it. Florists note that lilac trees growing in the apartment are extremely rare, but if this did happen, it is impossible to forget such a sight.

Transplanting the plant is permissible only in the spring, so you need to purchase a tropical beauty in flower shops during this period, so that you can transplant houses into a native pot without fear. A plant purchased at other times of the year is not transplantable; it must wait for the spring period.

Growing at home

For transplantation, you need to prepare the drainage and soil mixture, consisting of:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • turf land.

Mix the components in equal proportions to obtain a light and nutritious soil.

Optimal Placement

A violet tree is best placed on western or eastern windows. If the tree lacks light, its foliage will begin to deform.

Additional Information. In order for the crown to maintain its even and symmetrical appearance, from time to time the pot needs to be turned with the shadow side to the light.

Transplant of violet tree

When it is time to transplant an adult plant, you will need to pick up a wider and deeper pot. The new one should not be much larger than the previous one - only 3 centimeters in width and 3 in depth.

At the time of transplantation, it is important not to damage the roots. The process itself is no different from transplanting any other plant, but do not forget that deepening the root neck for jacaranda is unacceptable.

Additional Information. Since the most common species for home maintenance is jacaranda, it is mimosolous, it must be remembered that, regardless of the quality of the created living conditions, in winter the tree will drop its leaves, which is absolutely normal.

Jacaranda breeding

Jacaranda tree, where it grows in a natural environment, propagates by seed.


After spring pruning, there remains a sufficient number of processes suitable for propagation by cuttings. It is better to choose those that reach a height of 8 cm. There are two ways to get roots on the processes:

  • Aging in soft water at a temperature of + 25˚С;
  • By placing it in a peat-sand mixture, previously abundantly moistened, the cuttings should be covered with a glass cap or a cut-off plastic transparent bottle. The temperature regime should also be maintained at + 25 ° C.

Saplings of a mimosolic beauty

Seed cultivation

Growing jacaranda from seeds at home is not difficult, but the process will take some time:

  1. Put the seed on a damp cloth, covering it with its other end, put in a dark warm place for 24 hours.
  2. Sow in prepared suitable soil to a depth not exceeding 1 cm.
  3. Cover pots with planted seeds with foil.
  4. Observe the temperature regime - not lower than + 22˚С, optimally - + 24˚С.
  5. Shoots will appear within 20 days.
  6. The film can be removed, but make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the seedlings.
  7. Seedlings with 3-4 real leaves are planted in separate pots by transfer method. The diameter of the container for young shoots should be no more than 7 cm.

Jacarand Care

Where jacaranda grows on its own, the air has high humidity and a temperature corresponding to the tropics. In indoor conditions, you need to strive to recreate such a microclimate.

Ripened seeds

Watering mode

Watering the plant is required regularly, focusing on the drying out of the top soil layer. To do this, it is convenient to use an auto installation that controls the amount of moisture in the soil, moistening it if necessary.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is required in spring and summer, on average once every 3-4 weeks. Masters of keeping violet trees claim that a complex mineral fertilizer is suitable for this plant.

During flowering

If a real miracle happened, and the plant bloomed at home, do not worry and arrange for it maximum care. Watering is maintained in the former mode, foliage is sprayed regularly, but trying not to fall on the "violets" themselves.

Flowering jacaranda

During rest

In autumn and winter, when the tree dropped the leaves, we must remember that it is still alive, although it goes into a state of sleep. Watering the soil is still necessary, though less frequently than in summer or spring. Full drying of the substrate should not be allowed, otherwise the plant may die.

Winter preparations

In anticipation of cold weather, it is important to make sure that the plant has not been exposed to any pests, otherwise it will not be able to winter in an infected state.

The most dangerous problem that is difficult to get rid of is root rot. It can affect the plant if it is repeatedly flooded with water. Another reason for spoiling the root system is inappropriate soil composition.

Important! If the transplant used land without fluoride, sand and sod land, the soil does not have the ability to breathe, the water in it constantly stagnates, soups. Roots rot over time.

It is not easy to cure a tree from this disease - you need to completely free the roots from the pot, cut off the diseased processes, and treat with a weak solution of manganese. Only the field of this can return the plant to the pot, but only if the soil composition fully complies with the requirements of the jacaranda.

Decorating a house with even a tropical plant is not difficult if every day you apply a little effort to moisturize the air and foliage. Step-by-step rules for growing even such a rare beauty, like Brazilian violet, will help orient a budding grower. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to give it to a woman, despite the fact that she never had exotic plants in the apartment, because jacaranda brings good luck.


Watch the video: White Jacaranda Trees - Create the Grafted White not Purple Flowers (October 2024).