How to grow an oak from an acorn at home


How to grow an oak from an acorn at home? Surely this question was asked by more than one summer resident, because a powerful and perennial tree is very hardy, requires a minimum of attention and is able to please more than one generation.

Preparing material for planting

Success in such a difficult matter depends on the planting material, so it is important to choose the right acorn. To do this, follow the step-by-step recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  • the acorn is plucked in mid-autumn, until the oak fruits begin to crumble;
  • it should be brown with a slight green tint, without mold and wormholes;
  • for germination, it is better to choose an acorn, which is easily separated from the cap. It is not part of it, but serves only as protection for the fruit.

Oak photo

For your information! When planning to grow fruits, first completely study the information about the type of tree, since oaks have different ripening dates for acorns. For example, in red American oak, which is found on different continents, the fruits ripen in two years. In Russia, the most common petiole oak, which takes only a year to do this.

Acorn selection

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Not all acorns are ready to germinate and turn into a full-fledged healthy and strong tree. So how to sprout an acorn at home? For all dreams to come true, you need to choose the right fruit. To do this, you need to take several acorns and do not conduct a large experiment with them. You need to collect a bucket of water and pour acorns into it. After a few minutes, the fruits will drown, those that remain afloat can be thrown away, as they will no longer germinate. They do not drown just because a worm gnawed them inside, or a mold attacked the fruit and it rotted inside.

Sprouted acorns

Drowned acorns are dried well, and then, together with moss or shavings, they are placed in a tightly closed bag. It is put in the refrigerator for 45 days or more, until the acorn begins to sprout.

The contents of the package should be checked regularly. The soil should be slightly moist. An excessively wet environment will cause the fetus to rot, and in dry soil it will not germinate.

After 1.5 months, roots will appear at the beginning of winter, and the fruits will need to be planted in a small container with a diameter of 5 cm.

Soil for oak

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Ideal for the sprout to dig up the soil, which is located near the mother tree. If this is not possible, you can take garden soil and add peat moss to it. They will help retain moisture.

In a pot with a sprout, there must be drainage holes through which excess moisture can come out. Planting material is placed no deeper than 5 cm. A moist cotton wool is placed on top and covered with glass, not forgetting about the holes through which air will flow.

Tree growth control

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The seedling must be closely monitored. The fact that he is developing well and the work was crowned with a positive result is evidenced by the following indicators:

  • seedlings grew by 10 or 15 cm;
  • small leaves appeared;
  • a basic healthy root has formed and small white roots are visible;
  • it is visually evident that the tree has outgrown its pot.

Pick of Oak Seedlings

Oak seedlings, like many other plants, need picking (transplanting plants from a small pot to a large one). This process is important because it contributes to a better development of the root system and its strengthening.

Note! They make a pick not earlier than 2 or 3 leaves appear in the light.

Landing material

After choosing a landing site, they are taken for digging the site. Well-loosened soil will provide the roots with decent air circulation and good water permeability.

It is also important to dig a hole of the correct size. Its parameters depend on the magnitude of the main root. In most cases, the depth does not exceed 90 cm, and the diameter is 35 cm. The tree is planted in moist soil, therefore, before planting, the earth is watered. When planting seedlings in the soil, the soil is tamped.

Oak seedlings

When breeding these giants, they are guided by three basic rules:

  • during the ramming process, a slope is made in the direction from the seedling, so that water will not linger near the oak trunk, and the tree can be protected from damage;
  • around the tree you need to mulch the soil. To do this, peat or tree bark is suitable. The radius of such a coating is about 30 cm. The bark will contribute to moisture and protect the plant from weeds;
  • for insurance, you can throw a few more acorns into the pit, which will ensure a successful landing. Place them no deeper than 3 cm.

How to determine the preparedness of seedlings for a change of place

It is possible to determine that seedlings are ready for planting by several indicators:

  • the seedling has grown no less than 15 cm and significantly exceeds the size of the pot;
  • about 5 leaves formed on a tree;
  • the root system is well formed;
  • after a dive at least 2 weeks have passed.

When you can plant seedlings in the soil

Young sprouts are planted in spring in pre-prepared pits. The bottom is covered with a drainage layer about 20 cm thick. Small pebbles or broken brick are suitable for this.

Note! Soil is prepared in advance: the soil is mixed with two buckets of humus, a kilogram of ash and mineral fertilizers.

Choosing a place and landing features

The further development of the tree depends on the correctly chosen landing site. Therefore, choosing a place, you need to consider different indicators:

  • illumination. A tree needs good sunlight to grow, so it does not need to be planted in the shade. The plant absorbs the energy of the sun and fully develops;
  • lack of water supply, power lines and roads. It is very difficult to accurately predict how a tree can grow and where its roots will go, so it’s wiser to choose a place away from all kinds of communications. The distance from the house or some other buildings should be at least 3.5 m;
  • exclude close proximity to plants. If other trees are near the oak tree, then it may not receive the required amount of nutrients. The consequences will be poor growth and development. There should be a distance of at least 3 m between the oak and other plants.

Growing Oak Care

In the early days of a seedling in the fresh air, it may seem that growing an oak from an acorn at home is unrealisticly difficult. The plant will feel uncomfortable, because it will have to get used to the new lighting, soil and space.

Young oak

However, if everything is done correctly, it will grow stronger and begin to fully develop. The tree needs special care for the first three years. Then it will get stronger and will be able to develop independently. For full and rapid growth, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • it is necessary to provide the young seedling with protection from rodents, for which it is a real treat. It is worth building a small fence that will protect the tree from all sides;
  • In addition to rodents, acorns can also attack various insects. Most often, there is an oak leaflet, a cap moth and a large oak barbel. You need to use pesticides that will save the seedlings from these bugs;
  • the first two weeks after planting, the seedling should be watered every day. Pour a bucket of water at a time.

In winter, you need to take care of protecting the trees from severe frosts and raids of hares who like to profit from juicy young twigs. The soil near the tree should be covered with a mixture of dry leaves, humus and straw. Such a layer should be at least 10 cm thick. The tree branches are pressed a little down, closer to the trunk. Then it is covered with two bags. In spring, the plant is opened, and it already independently straightens the branches and raises them to the sunlight.

Subsequent seedling development

Every year the tree will begin to grow stronger. It will need to be taken care of less and less, because the tree will become tall, animals will not be able to destroy it, and mighty roots will go deep into the ground and will not need watering.

For your information! After 20 years, many varieties begin to bear fruit, but there are also such instances that will bear fruit only after 50 years.

Features of caring for a young oak in the garden

A young tree requires special attention:

  • he needs regular loosening of the soil and the elimination of weeds, which will pull all the useful substances into themselves;
  • in the second year after planting, top dressing is carried out: nitrogen-containing additives are added in spring, and nitroammophoska is introduced in early autumn;
  • it is worth protecting sprouts from a fungal infection. Powdery mildew is especially dangerous for them. For this, they are treated with fungicides as a preventive measure;
  • in early spring, until sap flow begins, pruning is carried out, forming a crown and eliminating damaged areas.

Powdery mildew on leaves

Drying a tree in dry weather

Trees have large and strong roots, with the help of which they easily extract water from the soil, even if it is completely dry on the surface. In winter and during rains, young animals should not be watered. But in dry weather it is wise to establish an irrigation system. On hot days, the tree needs 30 liters of water for 14 days. During a drought, watering will be relevant for 2 years.

Important! Water must not be allowed to collect around the trunk or fall on it. He may begin to rot.

In addition to the fact that oak decorates summer cottages, it also brings many benefits. Oak bark is used for the manufacture of medicines. It relieves inflammation in the oral cavity and helps to cope with diarrhea. You can even plant truffles under this tree. The stone oak brings edible fruits, from which not only prepare different dishes, but also brew aromatic coffee.

Growing a tree from an acorn is a complex process, but possible if you follow the rules described above. The oak grows for a long time, but its outward appearance is worth it to wait a few years.
