
Fluffy birch: description, planting and care

Fluffy birch - originally betula alba, which in Latin means white birch, changed its name to Bétula pubéscens. It grows in moist places, on marshes and shores of lakes. It tolerates dry periods poorly, found in coniferous and deciduous forests. Feels good in the shade of other trees.

Garden gazebo with barbecue: a review of 2 examples of DIY construction

For many today, the cottage is a place of relaxation and enjoyable activities related to the decoration of the surrounding landscape. People come here to take off the burden of worries that has accumulated during the working day or week, to move around, chat with friends and relatives. Frequency in the country and a pleasant feast, which usually does not do without barbecue.

Hedera Helix mix or ivy - home care

The Araliaceae family includes more than a dozen species of climbing plants growing under natural conditions up to 30 m. One of them is ivy (Hedera helix - lat.) - a shrub that clings to everything that surrounds it with the help of sucker roots. Room ivy - home care does not require much effort and time, and lush greenery will decorate the interior of any room, either alone or in a floral arrangement.

Broom: about all types and grades, as well as planting and care

The plant is unpretentious and adaptable, so it is perfect for both an experienced gardener and a beginner, and the variety of dimensions will allow you to find a place for it in almost any area. Description of the broom The thistle (bobovnik) is a shrub that can grow up to 3 m in height. Green bark over the entire area covers its stem, which hardens over time.

When hydrangea blooms - flowering period, how long does it bloom

The real queen of the garden is a magnificent hydrangea. For any grower, it will be a find, delighting, both as a houseplant in a pot and as a garden. When hydrangea blooms, it surprises with its bright flowers for a long time: three to four months. This beautiful summer time the garden will shimmer with different colors, which will be the pride of the hostess.

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