Interesting Articles 2024

Garden sculptures: original ideas on how to decorate your garden

Well-groomed plants, a beautiful house, green grass - all this, of course, makes relaxing on a summer cottage pleasant. However, if you place the sculpture, being on it will become even more comfortable. They will give uniqueness, aesthetic appeal and homeliness with their appearance. Jewelry for a private home or summer house can be bought, made to order or made with your own hands from various materials.

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Pedilanthus - home care, reproduction, photo species

Photo in the interior After seeing the pedilanthus for the first time, many take it for an artificial flower. This succulent shrub from the family Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae) can grow to a height of 60-80 cm, but large plants lose their decorativeness, as over the years the lower part of the shoots is exposed.

Installation of a gate in a fence from a professional flooring: a short educational program on installation technology

The instinct of self-preservation inherent in each of us is manifested in the desire to protect our home from dangers. Fences, gates and gates are an essential element of protection. But a person is also not alien to the desire to surround himself with beautiful objects. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern elements of the fence, in addition to their direct purpose, also act as the decorative design of the site.

Physostegia: planting and care in the open ground

Physostegia (Physostegia) - a beautiful unpretentious perennial, belongs to the family of Labret (Yasnotkovye). Many gardeners choose it for their flower garden, they like to add florists to bouquets and compositions. High peduncles with numerous lush and bright buds look very impressive. The homeland of these plants is North America.

We plant grapes: basic principles for beginners

Viticulture in the more northern territories than those that are traditionally wine-making, has about two decades. Two decades is nothing compared to the centuries-old and even millennia-old traditions of vine cultivation in southern Europe, the Mediterranean or in the Caucasus, therefore, beginner-growers have a number of questions, one of which is grafting.

Ifeion: description, landing, care

Ifeon is the perennial of the bulbous subfamily with bright colors similar to stars. It is found in the subtropics and tropics of America. It serves as a decoration in the garden, on slides, flower beds, grown indoors. Description Ifeyon Ifeyon is distinguished by a tuber in the form of an oval bulb in a membranous membrane. Forms flat, narrow, glossy linearly shaped leaves.

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Haworthia at home, types, description, care

Haworthia is a genus of dwarf succulent plants from the Xanthorrhoeae family, the Asphodelidae subfamily. The flower is named after E. Haworth, who discovered it in Africa - the place of origin. Many varieties are grown indoors. Description of Haworthia A miniature plant reaching a height of 15 cm.

How to make a beautiful mailbox for a private home: first-hand workshops

Traditional versions of mailboxes for receiving correspondence are rarely very original. Familiar blue metal boxes decorated with miniature padlocks may perhaps satisfy the unpretentious taste of their owner, but the eye of the creative owner will probably consider in them a fertile basis for creating an original exterior item.

Rosa Harlequin (Arlequin) - features of the variety

Each gardener tries to decorate his plot. Some plant small bushes and create flower beds, while others prefer to create a hedge. As such a hedge, you can increasingly find beautiful park roses Decor Harlequin. Rose Harlequin (Arlequin or Harlequin or Harlekin) - what kind of variety is this, the history of the creation of Rose Harlequin belongs to the class of climbing large-flowered roses.

Calceolaria flower - home care

An unusually beautiful flower at first glance seems completely artificial. Bright colors, the unusual shape of its flowers automatically attribute this beautiful plant to a number of exotics. The appearance of flowering makes one think that the indoor flower of the calceolaria is very demanding and picky in care.

Tricks for using metal in your garden design

In modern landscape projects, different materials are used, but today steel is becoming more and more popular. The advantages of this material are difficult to overestimate. Steel is durable and will last a long time. Unlike many other materials, it is capable of withstanding significant external influences: it will survive rainfalls, hurricanes and even fires.

What is the name of a room flower with red leaves

Any plant in which the leaves have a shade of red color looks unusually bright and extraordinary. Particular attention is paid to indoor flowers. They are an indispensable part of the design. Most often, an indoor flower with red leaves is an accent point in the interior. Flowers with bright foliage on the top A plant with bright foliage is the goal of any grower.

Low-growing shrubs - flowering and decorative deciduous for the garden

Hedgerow - a beautiful and popular detail of landscape design. The height of the green fence depends on the size of the territory and its functional purpose: low-growing shrubs (50 cm) are suitable for the formation of green borders, coniferous or deciduous plants with a height of 150-200 cm and more - for living walls or low fences.

Laurentia (Isotoma)

Laurentia is a low grassy plant of the bellflower family. She will decorate the lawn or front garden with a lush green carpet strewn with delicate flower stars. In addition to the official name, the plant is known to many gardeners as an isotome. Botanical description Australia is considered the birthplace of this herbaceous perennial.

Garden hibiscus - rules for planting and growing in open ground

In the Hawaiian Islands, garden hibiscus is called the flower of love or the flower of beautiful women. Growing a plant on a garden plot does not bring much trouble, while it will delight large, about 12 cm in diameter, bright flowers from mid-June to early September. Garden hibiscus looks spectacular in landscaping of any style.

Rosa Aphrodite (Aphrodite) - variety description

The German company "Tantau" is known to flower growers all over the world for its breeding development of new varieties of roses. In 2006, the specialist of this agricultural enterprise, H. Yu. Ethers, managed to develop a variety of tea-hybrid roses, distinguished by their special delicate beauty and good characteristics. The variety quickly gained popularity first among gardeners in Europe, and then beyond.

Types of cucumber beds + advantages and disadvantages of each of them: note to the summer resident!

Even an aspiring gardener can get an excellent crop of cucumbers, especially if he pays attention to some important nuances, the first of which is preparing the correct garden. Different types of cucumber beds. For good growth and development, cucumbers need soil rich in organic matter, so when arranging the beds for growing this vegetable, humus, grass, branches, food waste and other organics are introduced into it.